Unveiling ‘Love Nimbin’: A Journey of Spiritual Triumph.

Words by Roberta Christie
Melody by Sarah Winfield
Arragment by Darren Winfield 

“Love Nimbin” is a powerful and moving song that encapsulates the transformative power of faith and God’s redemptive love. This Christian-themed song, written by Roberta on October 15, 2022, is a testament to the belief in the profound impact of God’s grace and intervention in the lives of communities and individuals.

At its core, the song focuses on the town of Nimbin, known for its cultural and spiritual diversity, often associated with alternative lifestyles. The lyrics metaphorically use Nimbin as a representation of a place needing spiritual revival and transformation. The song portrays God’s loving plan for Nimbin, emphasizing His desire to bring light and hope to a place overshadowed by negative influences like drugs and secular entertainment.

Each verse of the song unfolds a part of this redemptive story. It begins by painting Nimbin as beloved and chosen, destined for a special purpose in God’s grand design, akin to a lighthouse meant to shine in the northern rivers. The imagery of a fertile region with beautiful beaches where whales play symbolizes God’s creation, designed for His glory.

The turning point in the song is the introduction of negative elements, depicting a spiritual battle for the soul of Nimbin. This battle narrative is a classic Christian theme, where good confronts evil. The devil’s influence through drugs, rock and roll, and other hedonistic activities is challenged by God’s faithful, led by a figure named Tony Baines, representing God’s warriors on Earth.

The song triumphantly declares the victory of God’s people over these negative influences. This victory is not just a physical or moral one, but a spiritual conquest, leading to the restoration of Nimbin to God’s original plan for it. The song emphasizes the notion of God’s perfect timing and the ultimate triumph of His plans over any adversarial schemes.

The final verses and choruses reiterate the theme of restoration and revival, with a particular focus on the youth of Nimbin rising to sing the victory song. This element underscores the Christian belief in the power of the younger generation to carry forward the message of God’s love and triumph.

Overall, “Victory at Nimbin” is a song of hope, redemption, and divine intervention. It resonates with the Christian belief in God’s omnipotence and His loving plans for every community and individual. The song invites listeners to reflect on the transformative power of God’s love and the triumph of His will in the face of adversity, encouraging faith and perseverance in the journey towards spiritual awakening.


“Victory at Nimbin – Embracing God’s Transformative Power”


2 Corinthians 3:17 – “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”


“Victory at Nimbin” is a song that speaks of spiritual revival and transformation, particularly in places and communities that have been overshadowed by negative influences. The song parallels the biblical narrative of redemption and deliverance, emphasizing that through God’s intervention, even the most challenging situations can be turned around for good.


  1. Recognizing God’s Transformative Power: Reflect on areas in your life or in your community that need God’s transformative touch. Believe that no situation is beyond His power to change.
  2. Prayer for Revival: The song highlights the role of prayer in bringing about change. Commit to praying regularly for spiritual awakening in your community and the areas of the world that are facing darkness.
  3. Being an Instrument of Change: Consider how you can be a positive influence in your community. Like the figures in the song, we are called to be lights in the darkness, bringing hope and truth.
  4. Celebrating God’s Victory: Remember to celebrate and give thanks for the victories, both big and small, that you witness in your life and in the lives of others. Recognize them as evidence of God’s grace and power.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your transformative power that brings victory even in the most challenging situations. Help me to recognize areas in my life and community that need Your touch. I commit to praying for revival and ask that You use me as an instrument of Your change. Give me the strength to be a beacon of Your light and truth. I celebrate Your victories and acknowledge Your sovereign hand at work. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Love Nimbin – Poem by Roberta, 15/10/22


How awesome is this God,
This Saviour Jesus Christ
I never knew He loved me so,
To pay this costly price!


Nimbin, My beloved,
nestled in valleys rich
My plans for you are special 
You haven’t seen them yet!


Like the lighthouse in northern rivers,
I created you to shine,
To be a carrier of My glory,
In My appointed time.

Pre Chorus

This fertile region with beaches 
Where whales love to play
I created for My glory,
Where folks will come and say


How awesome is this God,
This Saviour Jesus Christ
I never knew He loved me so,
To pay this costly price!


The devil came to visit you
with drugs and rock and roll
with mediums and witches,
and fun for one and all


He thought his plan was fool proof
That I would never come
He didn’t count on Tony Baines 
with all My mighty ones!

Pre Chorus v2

And now his plan is foiled
He must retire with a hiss
My Anzacs have defeated him
with a shout of joy and bliss!


How awesome is this God,
This Saviour Jesus Christ
I never knew He loved me so,
To pay this costly price!

V5 (Bridge)

You see I have a secret
My battle plan is great
I bide My time and then I strike
Guess what, I’m never late!

V6 (Bridge)

So Nimbin, I’m restoring you
to what My blue print said
I’m kicking out the rotten stuff
You’re not the tail, but the head

Pre Chorus v3

Your youth are now arising
To sing My victory song
To declare My grace and glory
For the battle has been won!


How awesome is this God,
This Saviour Jesus Christ
I never knew He loved me so,
To pay this costly price!


How awesome is this God,
This Saviour Jesus Christ
I never knew He loved me so,
To pay this costly price!

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard captures the journey of a community’s transformation through faith, love, and unity, centered in Nimbin.

1. **Opening Scene:** A panoramic view of Nimbin, setting the scene for transformation.

2. **Verse 1 (Current State):** Show various aspects of Nimbin’s culture and community, highlighting both the beauty and the challenges faced.

3. **Chorus (God’s Love):** Shift to scenes depicting acts of kindness and community support, symbolizing the impact of God’s love.

4. **Verse 2 (Change and Growth):** Illustrate positive changes within the community, like people coming together, helping each other, and embracing faith.

5. **Bridge (Youth Involvement):** Focus on the youth actively participating in the community’s transformation.

6. **Final Chorus (Celebration of Renewal):** A vibrant, communal celebration showing a renewed Nimbin, full of hope and unity.

7. **Closing Scene:** A peaceful sunset over Nimbin, symbolizing a new era of love and spiritual awakening.