Heart's FIAT - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Discovering ‘Heart’s FIAT’: Embracing Surrender and Divine Will.”

By Darren Winfield

“Heart’s FIAT” is a spiritually enriching song that delves deep into the Christian journey of faith, surrender, and divine guidance. This contemplative piece, imbued with a sense of serenity and devotion, invites listeners into a sacred space of intimate communion with God.

The song begins with a serene setting in the presence of God, depicting a place of rest and comfort in His embrace. The use of the word “FIAT” (Latin for “let it be done”), echoes Mary’s acceptance of God’s will, symbolizing a total surrender to God’s plans. This theme of surrender and trust is a central tenet of the Christian faith, reflecting a deep willingness to follow God’s guidance.

Each verse explores different facets of this spiritual journey. The retreat from the world into God’s peaceful presence, the understanding and acceptance of His divine plans, and the role of prayer in strengthening faith and aligning with God’s will. The notion that in God’s will, believers find their true purpose and light is a powerful message of the song.

The chorus reinforces the commitment to follow God’s will – a heart’s “FIAT” to the divine plans and treasures. This chorus is a declaration of faith and a willingness to move in unison with God’s command, a theme that resonates deeply with Christian listeners seeking to deepen their relationship with God.

The bridge and the final verses of the song emphasize the paradox of finding strength in surrender and the unity of believers under God’s guidance. The song concludes with a reaffirmation of walking by faith, not by sight, highlighting the Christian belief in the transformative power of faith and love in God.

Overall, “Heart’s FIAT” is a beautifully composed expression of devotion, surrender, and trust in God’s will. It invites listeners to reflect on their personal journey of faith, encouraging a deeper engagement with God’s presence and a wholehearted acceptance of His divine plans. The song is a reminder of the peace and strength found in embracing God’s will, making it a meaningful addition to any Christian-themed musical collection or worship session.

Heart’s-FIAT Song Art


Heart’s FIAT – Surrendering to God’s Will


Luke 1:38 – “And Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.’”


The song “Heart’s FIAT” beautifully captures the essence of surrendering to God’s will, much like Mary’s submission to God’s plan in Luke 1:38. The term ‘FIAT’, Latin for ‘let it be’, symbolizes total obedience and acceptance of God’s will. This song is a gentle yet powerful reminder of the peace and strength found in trusting and yielding to God’s divine plan.


  1. Embracing Surrender: Consider areas in your life where you struggle to let go and trust God. Reflect on Mary’s example and ask for the grace to say your own ‘FIAT’ to God.
  2. Seeking Silence and Stillness: The song speaks of finding strength in God’s embrace in stillness. Make time for quiet reflection and prayer, allowing yourself to be enveloped in God’s presence.
  3. Learning to Listen: In the quiet of God’s holy place, open your heart to listen to His voice. Be attentive to the gentle whisper of grace that guides and directs you.
  4. Unity with God’s Will: The song urges us to be in harmony with God’s command. Strive to align your desires and actions with God’s will, seeking His guidance in every decision.


Gracious Lord, in the stillness of Your presence, I come to surrender my will to Yours. Teach me to say ‘FIAT’ to whatever You ask of me, trusting that Your plans are for my good. In moments of uncertainty, grant me the peace that comes from knowing I am in Your embrace. Help me to listen for Your voice and to align my heart with Your divine will. May I find strength and purpose in my surrender, as I seek to follow You more closely each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Heart’s FIAT (Let it be)

Verse 1:

In the stillness of Your holy place,
We come to rest in Your embrace.
Your voice is calm, the whisper of grace,
We’re here to listen, face to face.


Our hearts’ FIAT, in Your hands,
Your hidden treasures, Your divine plans.
In contemplation, we understand,
We move as one, at Your command.

Verse 2:

The world retreats as Your peace descends,
In Your presence, where time bends.
You know our hearts, no need for pretense,
Our love for You, it’s vast, immense.


Our hearts’ FIAT, in Your hands,
Your hidden treasures, Your divine plans.
In contemplation, we understand,
We move as one, at Your command.


In our surrender, we find our true might,
Your plans unfolding, in Your sight.
With every prayer, we take flight,
For in Your will, we find our light.

Verse 3:

Much has been done, in tongues we pray,
Your Spirit moves, showing the way.
In unity, we follow and stay,
Your FIAT, our guide every day.


Our hearts’ FIAT, in Your hands,
Your hidden treasures, Your divine plans.
In contemplation, we understand,
We move as one, at Your command.


So we’ll walk in faith, not by sight,
In Your love, we find our fight.
Your heart’s FIAT, our soul’s delight,
In Your embrace, we take our flight.

Lead Sheet

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Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard captures the theme of surrendering to God’s will and the peace and transformation that follows.

1. **Opening Scene:** A quiet, reflective space, symbolizing a heart preparing for surrender.

2. **Verse 1 (Contemplation):** People in various stages of life reflecting on personal decisions, facing crossroads.

3. **Chorus (Surrender):** These individuals in a symbolic gesture of opening their hands or looking upwards, showing surrender to God’s will.

4. **Verse 2 (Acceptance):** Scenes depicting acceptance and peace following their surrender, such as a relieved smile or a peaceful interaction.

5. **Bridge (Deepening Faith):** A gentle rain falls, symbolizing grace and renewal, as the characters embrace their faith journey.

6. **Final Chorus (Joyful Submission):** A community gathering, sharing experiences and supporting each other in their walk of faith.

7. **Closing Scene:** The space from the opening scene, now filled with a soft, warm light, symbolizing the comfort and assurance found in surrendering to God.