Wave of Glory - Track coming soon

by Darren Winfield

Wave of Glory’: A Celebration of Divine Majesty.”

By Sylvia Winfield

“Wave of Glory” is a stirring and spiritually evocative song that calls for divine intervention and the spreading of God’s glory across the lands. This song is deeply rooted in Christian theology, echoing the sentiments of praise and a collective yearning for a spiritual awakening.

The chorus, with its Latin phrases “Soli Deo Gloria” (Glory to God Alone) and “Gloria in excelsis Deo” (Glory to God in the Highest), sets a tone of exaltation and reverence. The imagery of a ‘Wave of Glory’ crashing upon the lands powerfully symbolizes a widespread revival and the magnificent spread of God’s presence.

Verse 1 references Jesus’ words about drawing all men to Himself when He is lifted up, indicating a call for evangelism and the lifting of the cross in the nation’s heart. This verse captures the Christian belief in the power of Christ’s sacrifice and its pivotal role in drawing people to God.

Verse 2 takes inspiration from Psalm 24, urging the mighty gates and ancient doors to open for the King of Glory. This verse reflects a desire for God’s sovereign entry into the world, and the lifting of eyes and hearts towards Him. The call for the Lord to dwell again with men is a poignant expression of longing for divine presence and guidance.

Overall, “Wave of Glory” is a song of deep faith, calling for a revival and a renewed presence of God in the world. It is a prayer set to music, expressing a heartfelt desire for spiritual renewal and the glorification of God in every corner of the earth. The song’s powerful lyrics and profound message make it a fitting piece for worship and reflection, resonating with believers who seek to witness a mighty move of God in their lands.



Riding the Wave of Glory

Scripture: Psalm 29:3 – “The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD, over many waters.”


The concept of a “Wave of Glory,” as beautifully expressed in the song “Wave of Glory,” is a powerful metaphor for the overwhelming and transformative presence of God. It speaks of a spiritual revival, a sweeping move of God’s Spirit across the land. Just as the ocean waves relentlessly shape the shoreline, so does God’s glory have the power to reshape our lives and communities.


  1. Embracing God’s Presence: The wave symbolizes the unstoppable nature of God’s glory. Reflect on how you can open your heart more fully to experience and embrace God’s presence in your life.
  2. The Power of Praise: The song echoes with phrases of praise – “Soli Deo Gloria.” Praise is a key that unlocks the wave of God’s presence. Make praise a consistent part of your prayer life, acknowledging God’s sovereignty and majesty.
  3. Being Part of God’s Plan: Just as the song talks about a collective awakening, consider how you can contribute to the spiritual revival in your community. Be a vessel through which God’s glory can flow to others.
  4. Seeking God in the Midst of Trials: The wave also represents God’s power to overcome obstacles. When facing challenges, remember that God’s glory and power are greater than any problem you may encounter.


Lord God, King of Glory, let Your presence wash over me like a mighty wave. Help me to embrace Your presence and live in constant awareness of Your glory. Teach me to praise You in every circumstance, knowing that through praise, I draw closer to You. Use me, Lord, as an instrument of Your will, to spread Your glory in my community and beyond. In times of trial, remind me that Your power is sufficient to carry me through. May Your glory be revealed in my life, as I seek to serve and honor You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Wave of Glory


Soli Deo Gloria,
Gloria in excelsis Deo.
Soli Deo Gloria.
Wave of Glory crash upon our lands.

Verse 1

Jesus you have said, that if you are lifted up,
You will draw all men to Yourself.
In our nation’s heart, those who love you have raised the cross.
Draw unto Yourself the hearts of man.

Verse 2

Mighty Gates : Lift up Your Heads! Ancient doors: Rise up high!
So the glorious King can enter in.
Lord we lift our gaze, and from the ends of the earth bring praises
Come, Lord Jesus! Dwell again with men.

Lead Sheet

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Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard reflects the theme of spiritual revival sweeping across like a mighty wave, transforming lives and uniting believers.

1. **Opening Scene:** A calm ocean at dawn, symbolizing the beginning of a spiritual wave.

2. **Verse 1 (Stirring of the Spirit):** People in various life situations feeling a subtle, spiritual stir, symbolized by a gentle breeze.

3. **Chorus (Wave of Glory):** The ocean begins to stir, turning into a powerful wave, paralleling a growing spiritual awakening among the people.

4. **Verse 2 (Spread of Revival):** The wave reaches the shore, symbolizing the spread of God’s glory into the lives of individuals and communities.

5. **Bridge (Transformative Power):** Scenes of people experiencing change, newfound joy, and unity in faith.

6. **Final Chorus (Global Impact):** A montage of global scenes, showing diverse groups united in worship and celebration.

7. **Closing Scene:** The ocean returns to calm, with the sunrise now fully risen, symbolizing the enduring presence of God’s glory.