Peacemakers' Anthem - Children of God - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Title: “Peacemakers’ Anthem – Children of God”


“Peacemakers’ Anthem – Children of God” is a powerful and uplifting song inspired by the seventh Beatitude, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” This track is a heartfelt tribute to the noble calling of creating peace and the divine identity bestowed upon those who do so. It’s an anthem for all who dedicate themselves to reconciliation, harmony, and the healing of divisions.

With a melody that resonates with the peace it seeks to inspire, the song begins by acknowledging the challenges and conflicts that pervade our world. The lyrics call on listeners to become instruments of peace, to actively engage in the restoration of relationships, and to spread the peace of God’s kingdom in every corner of their lives.

The chorus soars with a reminder of the blessedness of peacemakers and the profound truth that they are recognized as God’s own children. It’s a celebration of the identity and purpose found in this divine calling — an identity that shapes our entire being and a purpose that aligns us with God’s will for a world reconciled to Him.

“Peacemakers’ Anthem – Children of God” is more than just a song; it’s a declaration of commitment to the peacemaking that reflects the heart of God. It’s for anyone who has ever sought to mend a rift, bridge a gap, or extend a hand of friendship in a divided world. This track serves as an encouragement that the work of peace is not in vain but is a sacred endeavor that brings us closer to the heart of God and reveals our true identity as His children.

Listen and let “Peacemakers’ Anthem – Children of God” inspire you to embrace the calling of peacemaking. May it encourage you to be an agent of reconciliation and harmony, reflecting the peace of Christ in a world that desperately needs it. As you do, may you experience the joy and blessing of being recognized as a child of God, a peacemaker who bears the family likeness of the Prince of Peace.


Devotion for Track 7: “Peacemakers’ Anthem – Children of God”


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.” – Matthew 5:9


In a world often torn apart by conflict and division, Jesus pronounces a blessing on the peacemakers. These are not merely those who live in peace, but those who actively work to create peace, reconciling and restoring relationships, and bringing the peace of God’s kingdom to every corner of the earth. Being a peacemaker is a divine calling, reflecting the heart of God Himself, the ultimate Peacemaker. This Beatitude reminds us that in our efforts to sow peace, we resemble our Father in heaven and are recognized as His children.

Understanding Peacemaking:

Peacemaking is not just the absence of conflict; it’s the presence of righteousness and justice. It’s an active pursuit of reconciliation, where broken relationships are restored through the love and truth of Christ. Peacemakers are those who not only live in peace but also spread peace, addressing conflicts with the wisdom and love that come from God. It’s a challenging path, often requiring sacrifice, humility, and a deep reliance on God’s guidance.

The Identity of God’s Children:

To be called children of God is to receive an identity that shapes our entire being. As His children, we are called to reflect His character, and one of the most profound attributes of God is His peace. In becoming peacemakers, we align ourselves with God’s will, bring healing to a broken world, and testify to the transformative power of His kingdom. This identity is not earned by our peacemaking efforts but is a gift of grace that empowers us to carry out this divine calling.


Consider areas in your life or community where there is conflict or division. How might you act as a peacemaker, bringing the peace and reconciliation of God’s kingdom to these situations? Seek to cultivate a spirit of peace in your own heart through prayer, forgiveness, and a deepening relationship with God. Remember, peacemaking often starts small, in our daily interactions and relationships.


Lord God, Prince of Peace, empower me to be a peacemaker in this world. Help me to reflect Your heart of reconciliation and love in all that I do. Give me the courage to address conflict with grace and truth, the humility to seek forgiveness when needed, and the wisdom to bring Your healing peace to every situation. Thank You for calling me Your child, and help me to live out this identity by being an agent of Your peace. In the name of Jesus, the ultimate Peacemaker, Amen.

This devotion is designed to encourage and guide you in the divine calling of peacemaking. As you embrace this calling, may you experience the profound joy and blessing of being recognized as a child of God, reflecting His peace in a world that so desperately needs it.


Peacemakers’ Anthem – Children of God

Verse 1:

In the whispers of the wind, where conflicts end,
I hear the call to be a peacemaker.
With every step I tread, let Your peace be spread,
For in each act of peace, we see our Maker.


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called,
Children of the living God, in His love enthralled.
In every word of unity, in every reconciled feud,
They’re crafting peace with holy lewd.

Verse 2:

In the chaos of our times, in the clashing chimes,
Let me be a vessel of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there’s injury, pardon be the release.


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called,
Children of the living God, in His love enthralled.
In every word of unity, in every reconciled feud,
They’re crafting peace with holy lewd.


For every broken heart, for every torn apart,
Let us bring the balm of Gilead’s peace.
As Your children, let us rise, opening blinded eyes,
To the harmony of heaven that never ceases.

Verse 3:

So, I’ll walk the extra mile, with a reconciling smile,
In the footsteps of the Prince of Peace.
For in the art of making peace, we find our own release,
In the family of God, where all strifes cease.


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called,
Children of the living God, in His love enthralled.
In every word of unity, in every reconciled feud,
They’re crafting peace with holy lewd.


In the calling of the peacemakers, there’s a holy name,
Children of God, with a heritage of peace to claim.
Blessed, oh blessed, are those who make peace soar,
For they are God’s children, now and forevermore.