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Track 7: Dragon and the Woman

“Dragon and the Woman,” the seventh track of “The Lamb’s Victory: A Revelation Worship,” is a vivid and dramatic portrayal of the cosmic battle described in Revelation 12. This song delves into the epic narrative where a woman clothed with the sun and a great red dragon engage in a celestial conflict that spans heaven and earth.

Musically, “Dragon and the Woman” oscillates between moments of intense drama and serene hope, reflecting the dual nature of the story it tells. The lyrics paint a picture of the woman’s divine protection, the dragon’s furious pursuit, and the ultimate triumph of God’s plan. It captures the tension between vulnerability and strength, evil and righteousness, despair and salvation.

This track is a powerful reminder of the spiritual warfare that underlies human history and the believer’s life. It encourages listeners to stand firm in the face of adversity, knowing that they are part of a larger narrative where good ultimately triumphs over evil. “Dragon and the Woman” is not just a story from the past; it’s an ongoing reality that calls for vigilance, courage, and hope. As the music and words unfold, they invite the listener to find their place in this cosmic battle, equipped with the assurance of God’s protection and the inevitability of His victory.


Track 7: Dragon and the Woman – Devotional

Triumph in the Cosmic Battle

Opening Scripture:

Revelation 12:1, 5-6 – “A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head… She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.”


Revelation 12 paints a dramatic picture of a cosmic battle between good and evil, represented by the woman and the dragon. This narrative symbolizes God’s protection, the Messiah’s victory, and the ongoing spiritual warfare that encompasses both heaven and earth.


As you listen to “Dragon and the Woman,” envision the epic struggle depicted in Revelation 12. This isn’t just a story of ancient times; it reflects the spiritual battles we face today. The woman, representing God’s people and the bearers of Christ, is opposed by the dragon, a symbol of Satan and his destructive forces.

Reflect on your own life as a part of this cosmic narrative. Consider the times you’ve experienced trials and opposition. How do these struggles relate to the larger battle between good and evil? How does knowing the ultimate victory of Christ give you hope and courage in the midst of these battles?

Contemplate the protection and provision God offers, just as He cared for the woman in the wilderness. Think about the ways God has sustained you in difficult times. How can you trust Him more deeply, knowing that He prepares a place of refuge and strength for you?


Lord God, I acknowledge the spiritual warfare that rages around me. Thank You for Your protection and provision in the midst of these battles. Help me to stand firm in Your strength, clothed with the full armor of God. I rejoice in the victory of Your Son, Jesus Christ, who has overcome the dragon. Empower me to live triumphantly, reflecting Your light and truth in a world often shrouded in darkness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Take a few moments to meditate on the protection and victory you have in Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of fear or doubt in your life and to replace them with trust and confidence in God’s ultimate triumph. Consider one practical way you can demonstrate this victory in your daily life.

This devotional encourages website viewers to deeply consider and respond to the seventh track, “Dragon and the Woman,” focusing on the themes of spiritual warfare, God’s protection, and the ultimate victory in Christ.


Dragon and the Woman

Verse 1

A sign in heaven, wonder unfolds,
A woman adorned with the sun’s gold.
Moon underfoot, on her head a crown,
Twelve stars shining, her glory profound.


Dragon and the Woman,
Battle in the skies.
God’s protection sovereign,
On His might, she relies.

Verse 2

Another sign, a dragon fierce and red,
Seven heads, ten horns, and crowns of dread.
His tail sweeps stars, to the earth they fall,
Before the woman, he stands tall.


Dragon and the Woman,
Battle in the skies.
God’s protection sovereign,
On His might, she relies.


She births a child, a ruler to be,
Snatched to God, from the dragon’s decree.
Into the wilderness, she flies away,
Nourished there for times and half a day.

Verse 3

War in heaven, Michael and his angels fight,
The dragon and his fallen, a vanquished sight.
No longer any place for them in heaven’s light,
Down to earth, the dragon’s plight.


Dragon and the Woman,
Battle in the skies.
God’s protection sovereign,
On His might, she relies.


But woe to earth, for the dragon’s come in wrath,
Knowing his time is short on this path.
Yet the woman’s offspring stand in faith,
Holding to the testimony, till the end of days.