Integrity's Call - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 8: Integrity’s Call – Upholding Justice and Righteousness


“Integrity’s Call” is the eighth compelling track of “Covenant Echoes,” a stirring anthem dedicated to the eighth commandment and its imperative to live a life marked by honesty, justice, and integrity. This song is a powerful reminder of the importance of uprightness in every action and decision, and the impact of our choices on ourselves and the world around us.

Musical Composition:

Beginning with a strong, assertive melody, “Integrity’s Call” commands attention from the first note. The instrumentation is robust and dynamic, featuring a mix of percussive beats and resonant strings that underscore the serious and resolute nature of the theme. The music moves and inspires, pushing the listener to consider the weight of their words and deeds.

Lyrical Depth:

The lyrics of “Integrity’s Call” are a profound meditation on the value of truth and the courage it takes to live it out. Each verse challenges and encourages, calling for a rejection of deceit and a commitment to the path of righteousness. The chorus is a rallying cry, a unifying call to arms for all who seek to live honorably and ethically in a complex world.

Visual Narrative:

Envisioned storyboards for the music video depict individuals facing everyday moral dilemmas, from the temptations of dishonest gain to the challenges of standing up for what’s right. The visuals will follow their struggles and triumphs, illustrating the transformative power of integrity in personal lives and the broader community.


Step into the resonant world of “Integrity’s Call” and let its message stir your conscience and embolden your spirit. As you listen, consider your own path and the choices you face each day. May this song serve as both a challenge and an encouragement, a reminder that every step taken in integrity is a step towards a better world.

Embrace the journey of “Integrity’s Call” with us, and let it reinforce your commitment to living a life characterized by fairness, honesty, and unwavering moral strength.


Devotional for Track 8: “Integrity’s Call”


“Integrity’s Call” is an anthem for living a life marked by honesty, fairness, and righteousness, inspired by the eighth commandment’s admonition against theft. This devotional invites you to reflect on the value of integrity in your life and how living truthfully builds a foundation of trust and honor.

Scripture Reading:

Proverbs 11:3 – “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.”


  1. The Foundation of Integrity: Reflect on what integrity means to you. How does living with honesty and fairness in both big and small matters reflect your values and your faith? Consider the long-term impact of integrity on your life and relationships.
  2. Challenges to Integrity: Acknowledge the pressures and temptations in today’s world that can lead to compromise. Reflect on situations where you find it most challenging to maintain integrity and consider why that might be.
  3. Integrity as a Witness: Think about how your integrity serves as a witness to others. How does living a life of honesty and righteousness reflect God’s nature and serve as a testimony to those around you?


  1. Self-Assessment: Take some time this week to assess areas of your life where you may be struggling with integrity. Pray for insight and courage to make changes where necessary.
  2. Integrity in Action: Identify one specific way you can demonstrate greater integrity this week. This might be in your workplace, in your financial dealings, or in your relationships. Commit to this action and notice the impact it has.
  3. Encourage Others: Consider how you can encourage and support integrity in your community. Perhaps you can share your journey with a friend, advocate for fair practices in your workplace, or support organizations that promote justice and honesty.


End your devotional with a prayer, such as:

“Gracious God, You are the source of all truth and righteousness. Guide me to live a life that reflects Your integrity. Help me to see the areas where I fall short and to have the courage to make changes. Strengthen me to stand firm against the temptations and pressures of this world, and let my life be a testament to the transformative power of Your truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

This devotional is designed to be thought-provoking and action-oriented, encouraging a deeper commitment to living a life of integrity. Feel free to adapt it to your audience’s needs or your personal style, adding any reflections or insights you believe will resonate with your listeners.


Integrity’s Call

Verse 1

In a world where shadows linger,
In the corners of our heart,
Calls a voice, firm and tender,
“From dishonest gain depart.”
“You shall not steal,” a clear command,
On integrity’s ground, we stand.


Integrity’s call, in the big and small,
In our dealings, let justice enthrall.
With hands clean and hearts tall,
We’ll heed integrity’s call.

Verse 2

Every act, a seed that’s sown,
Every choice, a cornerstone.
Building lives of truth and trust,
In a world that’s fair and just.
Let not greed our hearts enthrall,
We’ll live by integrity’s call.


Integrity’s call, in the big and small,
In our dealings, let justice enthrall.
With hands clean and hearts tall,
We’ll heed integrity’s call.


For what’s gained by deceit,
Leaves a heart incomplete.
And the treasures we hoard,
Can’t replace what’s ignored.
God of justice, God of right,
Guide us in Your holy light.

Verse 3

May our lives reflect Your love,
And Your justice from above.
In our words and in our deeds,
Meeting others’ needs, not greeds.
In Your path, we won’t fall,
We’ll live by integrity’s call.


Integrity’s call, in the big and small,
In our dealings, let justice enthrall.
With hands clean and hearts tall,
We’ll heed integrity’s call.


As we walk this earthly hall,
Let’s move to the rhythm of integrity’s call.
With every step, let’s give our all,
And live a life that’s just and tall.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C Minor (serious and introspective)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (solid and firm)
  • Tempo: 95 bpm (moderately fast, conveying determination)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    For Track 8, “Integrity’s Call,” which focuses on the theme of justice and integrity in our dealings with others, the music video should visually convey the journey from temptation and conflict to righteousness and integrity. The mood should be firm and resolute, highlighting the importance of honesty and the transformative power of living with integrity.

    This storyboard for “Integrity’s Call” aims to visually capture the struggle, decision, and joy of choosing integrity over deceit. It’s a story of individual and community transformation, reflecting the powerful impact of honesty and righteousness in our daily lives.

    Opening Scene:

    • Mood: Conflict and tension
    • Atmosphere: Urban setting with various vignettes of moral dilemmas — a person contemplating stealing, a worker facing the choice to cheat, a student tempted to lie.
    • Camera: Quick cuts between the various individuals, showing their inner conflict and the moment of decision.
    • Action: Each person is on the cusp of making a choice, the weight of the moment evident in their expressions and body language.

    Verse 1:

    • Mood: Inner turmoil and contemplation
    • Atmosphere: Focus on one individual, perhaps the worker, as they navigate their day faced with opportunities to cut corners or deceive for personal gain.
    • Camera: Close-up shots of their face and hands, the temptation evident in their eyes, then panning to the actions they’re contemplating.
    • Action: The worker hesitates, considers the easier, dishonest path, but ultimately looks troubled and conflicted.


    • Mood: Uplifting and decisive
    • Atmosphere: A shift in the individual’s demeanor as they choose integrity over deceit.
    • Camera: A slow-motion shot of the moment of decision, then transitioning to a more stable, assured camera movement as they choose the right path.
    • Action: The worker steps back from the dishonest act, takes a deep breath, and then does their job with careful, honest attention.

    Verse 2:

    • Mood: Reflective and committed
    • Atmosphere: Scenes showing the ripple effects of the individual’s choice — positively influencing coworkers, earning respect, and building trust.
    • Camera: Wide shots of the workplace, capturing the interactions and the new, more positive atmosphere.
    • Action: Colleagues notice and nod in approval, the environment becomes more cooperative and supportive, and the individual is clearly respected and content.


      • Mood: Joyful and assured
      • Atmosphere: The wider community now reflects the change — honesty and integrity becoming more evident in various interactions.
      • Camera: Aerial shots showing the city or community, then focusing back on individuals making similar righteous choices.
      • Action: People returning lost items, helping each other out, making honest transactions — small acts of integrity that create a significant impact.


        • Mood: Intimate and profound
        • Atmosphere: A more personal setting, perhaps the individual at home or in a quiet space, reflecting on their journey and the importance of integrity.
        • Camera: Very close, intimate shots of a journal being written, a prayer being whispered, or a meaningful conversation with a loved one.
        • Action: The individual is deeply reflective, clearly committed to continuing their path of integrity, and finding strength and peace in their choice.

        Verse 3 & Final Chorus:

        • Mood: Triumphant and unified
        • Atmosphere: A celebration of integrity, with various people coming together in a community event or gathering, supporting and encouraging each other.
        • Camera: Sweeping shots of the gathering, focusing on happy, honest interactions and the shared commitment to justice and integrity.
        • Action: Speeches, awards, or recognitions for acts of integrity, people of all ages coming together, celebrating the power of living truthfully and righteously.

        Closing Scene:

        • Mood: Peaceful and resolved
        • Atmosphere: Nightfall, with the city or community now at peace, a sense of calm and order restored.
        • Camera: Slow pull-back from the individual, now looking out over the scene, a content smile on their face.
        • Action: They turn from the window, turn off the light, and the scene fades to black, symbolizing the restful sleep that comes with a clear conscience and a life lived with integrity.