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Track 13: New Heaven and New Earth

“New Heaven and New Earth,” the thirteenth track of “The Lamb’s Victory: A Revelation Worship,” is inspired by the awe-inspiring vision of Revelation 21 and 22, where a renewed creation is revealed, free from sorrow, and God dwells among His people. This song aims to capture the hope, beauty, and perfection of this eternal promise.

The music for “New Heaven and New Earth” is composed with a sense of wonder and serenity, reflecting the profound peace and joy of the world to come. It transitions smoothly between moments of quiet reflection and uplifting crescendos, mirroring the awe one might feel when contemplating the majesty and beauty of the new creation. The lyrics describe the glorious city of New Jerusalem, the absence of pain and death, and the intimate presence of God with His people.

“New Heaven and New Earth” serves as a poignant reminder of the believer’s ultimate hope and destination. It invites listeners to look beyond the temporary struggles and pain of this world, urging them to fix their eyes on the promise of a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells. This track is not merely a song; it’s an invitation to imagine, anticipate, and prepare for the day when God will make all things new.

As the song unfolds, it encourages listeners to live with an eternal perspective, instilling a deep sense of comfort, anticipation, and longing for the day when they will enter the gates of the New Jerusalem and see God’s face. “New Heaven and New Earth” is a celebration of the future God has prepared for those who love Him, offering a glimpse of the indescribable beauty and joy that await.


Track 13: New Heaven and New Earth – Devotional

A Vision of Eternal Restoration

Opening Scripture:

Revelation 21:1-2 – “Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth,’ for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.”


The vision of a new heaven and a new earth presents the ultimate restoration and renewal of all things. It’s a promise of God’s redemptive plan coming to full fruition, where His presence is fully realized, and His creation is made whole.


As you meditate on “New Heaven and New Earth,” let your heart be filled with hope and longing for this promised future. This isn’t just a distant dream; it’s a certain reality for those in Christ. Reflect on the beauty and perfection of God’s renewed creation, where pain, sorrow, and death are no more.

Consider what this vision means for your life today. How does the promise of a new heaven and a new earth influence your priorities, your handling of suffering, and your perspective on the temporal nature of this world? Think about the ways you can embody the values of this future kingdom in your current circumstances, living as a citizen of the new Jerusalem even now.

Reflect on the intimate presence of God that characterizes the new creation. Imagine a world where God dwells among His people, where His face is seen, and His name is known. How does this intimate relationship with God shape your understanding of His love, grace, and sovereignty?


Father in Heaven, I am awestruck by the vision of a new heaven and a new earth. I long for the day when Your creation will be fully restored and Your presence fully realized. Help me to live in the light of this promise, holding loosely to the things of this world and embracing Your eternal kingdom values. May my life reflect the hope and joy of the future You have prepared for those who love You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Take a few moments to quietly reflect on the hope of the new creation. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your perspective, to deepen your longing for God’s presence, and to guide you in living out the realities of the new heaven and new earth here and now. Consider one tangible way you can demonstrate the values of God’s future kingdom in your life today.

This devotional encourages website viewers to deeply consider and respond to the thirteenth track, “New Heaven and New Earth,” focusing on the themes of hope, eternal restoration, and living in the present with a perspective shaped by the promise of God’s future kingdom.


New Heaven and New Earth

Verse 1

Behold, the old has passed away,
A new heaven and earth on display.
No more tears, death, or night,
God’s glory, the everlasting light.


New heaven and new earth,
Promise of our rebirth.
God with us, dwelling among,
In His presence, we belong.

Verse 2

The holy city, New Jerusalem,
Descending, adorned, a precious gem.
Gates of pearl, streets of gold,
A beauty and peace never before told.


New heaven and new earth,
Promise of our rebirth.
God with us, dwelling among,
In His presence, we belong.


No temple therein, for the Lord Almighty,
And the Lamb are its light, so bright and mighty.
Nations will walk by its eternal day,
No more curse, only blessings to stay.

Verse 3

Behold, I make all things new,
Words faithful and true,
The Alpha and Omega’s decree,
To the thirsty, water of life, freely.


New heaven and new earth,
Promise of our rebirth.
God with us, dwelling among,
In His presence, we belong.


Come, Lord Jesus, come quickly,
In this hope, we stand firmly.
New heaven and new earth, our eternal mirth,
In Your love, we find our worth.