Album: Covenant Echoes

Rest in Him - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 4: Rest in Him – Embracing Divine Peace and Sabbath


“Rest in Him” is the fourth soulful piece from “Covenant Echoes,” inviting listeners into the tranquil embrace of the Sabbath and the restorative grace it offers. This track reflects on the fourth commandment, encouraging a deep, spiritual respite from the relentless pace of life and a reconnection with the divine source of peace.

Musical Composition:

The melody of “Rest in Him” begins with gentle, flowing strings and a soft, rhythmic pattern that mimics the calming heartbeat of rest. The orchestration gradually introduces harmonious layers and soothing tones, creating a peaceful sanctuary of sound that invites the listener to release their burdens and find rest in God’s presence.

Lyrical Depth:

Through thoughtful lyrics, “Rest in Him” explores the sacredness of rest and the divine invitation to lay down our labors and worries. Each verse, chorus, and bridge is a gentle call to embrace the Sabbath not just as a day of the week but as a state of being, where one can find true rest and renewal in the arms of the Almighty.

Visual Narrative:

The envisioned storyboards for the accompanying music video depict scenes of individuals transitioning from the chaos and weariness of their daily routines into moments of serene rest and spiritual connection. Whether finding peace in nature, in prayer, or in the simple joys of life, the visuals aim to capture the essence of Sabbath rest and the profound impact it can have on the soul.


Enter the restful realm of “Rest in Him” and allow yourself to be enveloped in the divine peace that transcends understanding. Let this track serve as a reminder to pause, breathe, and find solace in the presence of God. As you listen, may you be inspired to incorporate rest into your life, honoring the sacred rhythm of work and repose.

Join us in this serene journey with “Rest in Him,” and let the music guide you to a place of deep rest and rejuvenation, where your spirit is refreshed and your connection with the Divine is strengthened.


Devotional for Track 4: “Rest in Him”


“Rest in Him” is a musical exploration of the fourth commandment, which calls us to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, inviting us into a rhythm of rest that reflects God’s own rest after creation. This devotional aims to guide you into a deeper understanding of the spiritual rest offered to us in God and how it can transform our lives.

Scripture Reading:

Exodus 20:8-11 – “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.”


  1. Understanding Sabbath Rest: Reflect on what Sabbath rest means to you. How does it differ from simply taking a day off? Consider how rest is not just a physical cessation of work but also a spiritual state of trusting in and relying on God’s provision and timing.
  2. The Rhythm of Rest: Think about the rhythms of your life. Are they characterized by non-stop action, or do you intentionally incorporate times of rest and reflection? How can observing a rhythm of rest lead to a more balanced, fulfilling life?
  3. Rest as Trust: Reflect on how rest is an act of trust in God’s sufficiency and care. Consider areas of your life where you might be striving in your strength instead of resting in His. What might it look like to release those areas into God’s hands and trust Him with the outcomes?


  1. Sabbath Practice: Plan a Sabbath day this week. It doesn’t have to be a Sunday; choose a day when you can genuinely rest. Prepare ahead of time to minimize work and distractions. Spend the day in activities that rejuvenate your spirit and draw you closer to God.
  2. Daily Rest Moments: Incorporate short moments of rest into your daily routine. This might be a few minutes of prayer and silence in the morning, a midday walk, or an evening practice of gratitude. Notice how these moments affect your stress levels and your overall sense of peace.
  3. Trust Exercise: Identify one area of your life where you find it hard to rest because of worry or the desire to control the outcome. Commit this area to God in prayer, asking for the faith to trust Him and the grace to let go.


End your time with a prayer, something like this:

“Gracious God, You have modeled rest from the very beginning, and You invite me to enter into that rest. Help me to understand and embrace the rhythm of Sabbath rest in my life. Teach me to trust You more, to release my grip on the things that worry me, and to find my peace and rest in You. Thank you for the restoration and renewal that come from resting in Your presence. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”

This devotional is intended to provide a deeper understanding and personal application of the concept of Sabbath rest. Feel free to adapt it to better fit your tone, style, or personal insights.


Rest in Him

Verse 1

In the rush of life’s loud clamor,
In the chase of time and treasure,
Calls a voice, steady and tender,
“Find in Me your truest pleasure.”
Six days toil, but one is holy,
A sacred time, for rest and story.


Rest in Him, oh weary heart,
In His grace, you’ll have a part.
On the seventh, lay burdens down,
In His peace, you’ll wear a crown.

Verse 2

As creation paused in wonder,
After six days’ mighty thunder,
So our lives need quiet reflection,
In His presence, find direction.
It’s a sign, forever binding,
In His rest, our hearts are finding.


Rest in Him, oh weary heart,
In His grace, you’ll have a part.
On the seventh, lay burdens down,
In His peace, you’ll wear a crown.


Heaven whispers through the ages,
Echoed in the prophets’ pages:
“Come to me, all who labor,
Find your rest in your Savior.”
It’s a gift, not a demand,
A holy day, in your hand.

Verse 3

So we pause from our endeavor,
God’s grace seeking to remember.
In the stillness, hear Him speaking,
Strength and solace we are seeking.
Sabbath’s rest is not just ceasing,
But in God, a sweet releasing.


Rest in Him, oh weary heart,
In His grace, you’ll have a part.
On the seventh, lay burdens down,
In His peace, you’ll wear a crown.


In the cadence of creation,
We find rest, a holy station.
In the Sabbath’s gentle rhythm,
Rest in Him, our living hymn.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: E Flat Major (warm and comforting)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady and restful)
  • Tempo: 50 bpm (very slow, embodying tranquility and peace)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    For Track 4, “Rest in Him,” which focuses on the grace found in the Sabbath and the rest and dedication to God, the music video should visually convey a journey from the busyness and chaos of life to the peace and rejuvenation of resting in God’s presence. The mood should be tranquil and serene, with a narrative that showcases the beauty of rest, both spiritual and physical.

      This storyboard for “Rest in Him” aims to visually capture the transformative power of Sabbath rest and the peace that comes from dedicating time to God. It’s a story of disconnection from the chaos of life and reconnection with the tranquility and rejuvenation found in God’s presence.

      Opening Scene:

      • Mood: Overwhelmed and hectic
      • Atmosphere: Early morning in a bustling city. People are rushing to work, traffic is heavy, and the noise is almost tangible.
      • Camera: Quick cuts and fast-moving shots of various people looking stressed and hurried, checking their watches, and commuting.
      • Action: The protagonist is seen amidst this chaos, looking worn and hurried, caught up in the rush.

      Verse 1:

      • Mood: Yearning for peace
      • Atmosphere: Inside the protagonist’s workplace or home, where the chaos of the outside world continues with phones ringing, screens flickering, and a never-ending to-do list.
      • Camera: Close-up shots of the protagonist’s face, showing their growing weariness and longing for a break. The camera pans to the clutter and noise around them.
      • Action: The protagonist is seen trying to cope with the demands of the day, visibly stressed and fatigued.


      • Mood: Transitioning to calm
      • Atmosphere: The scene shifts to a quiet, peaceful place, possibly a serene park, a quiet chapel, or a cozy room with soft lighting.
      • Camera: Slow, sweeping shots of the peaceful setting, transitioning to the protagonist entering this space, their expression beginning to soften.
      • Action: The protagonist sits or kneels down, closes their eyes, and takes a deep breath, beginning to disconnect from the chaos and connect with a sense of peace.

      Verse 2:

      • Mood: Reflective and peaceful
      • Atmosphere: Natural settings like a tranquil garden, a gentle stream, or a quiet forest clearing. The beauty of the Sabbath rest is represented in the beauty of nature.
      • Camera: Gentle pans and tilts capturing the natural beauty around, then focusing on the protagonist interacting with the environment in a restful manner.
      • Action: The protagonist is walking slowly, touching the leaves, dipping their hands in the stream, or simply sitting and savoring the quiet, visibly more relaxed and at peace.


        • Mood: Restorative and hopeful
        • Atmosphere: The peaceful setting is now bathed in the warm, golden light of the afternoon sun, symbolizing the warmth and comfort of God’s love.
        • Camera: Aerial shots showing the protagonist in the larger beautiful setting, then closer shots capturing their serene and content expression.
        • Action: The protagonist is perhaps writing in a journal, praying, or reading the Bible, fully immersed in the Sabbath rest and the grace it offers.


          • Mood: Intimate and profound
          • Atmosphere: The setting transitions to a more personal space, perhaps back in the protagonist’s home, but now it’s a haven of peace.
          • Camera: Very close, intimate shots of objects that symbolize rest and faith – a burning candle, a well-worn Bible, a family photo.
          • Action: The protagonist is in a moment of personal reflection, maybe sharing this peaceful time with family or friends, or perhaps alone, but clearly connected and comforted.

          Verse 3 & Final Chorus:

          • Mood: Joyful and rejuvenated
          • Atmosphere: The protagonist, now fully rested, steps back into the world, but with a sense of calm and renewal that affects their surroundings.
          • Camera: Shots of the protagonist interacting with others, who notice the change in them. Their calmness and peace seem to spread to those they meet.
          • Action: The protagonist is now facing the same world but with a sense of inner peace and rest. They handle tasks with patience and a smile, take time to help others, and move with a sense of purpose and calm.

          Closing Scene:

          • Mood: Peaceful and resolved
          • Atmosphere: Nightfall, the protagonist is back in their personal space of peace, reflecting on the day and the rest they’ve found.
          • Camera: Slow pull-back from the protagonist, who’s now looking content and at peace, perhaps gazing out a window or sitting with a cup of tea.
          • Action: The protagonist closes their eyes in a final moment of rest, a smile on their lips. The scene fades to black, symbolizing the deep, restful sleep that comes from “Resting in Him.”