Covenant of Crimson - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Seven: Covenant of Crimson

Covenant of Crimson, the seventh track, focuses on the piercing of Jesus’ side and the profound outpouring of love and life it represents. This song captures the moment the spear revealed the depth of Jesus’ sacrifice, releasing both blood and water as symbols of a new covenant. The melody is a hauntingly beautiful blend of sorrow and hope, reflecting the pain of the piercing and the promise it holds. As the music unfolds, listeners are invited to witness the birth of a new relationship between God and humanity, sealed by the crimson flow from Jesus’ side. “Covenant of Crimson” is a powerful reminder of the new life and unbreakable bond forged through the ultimate sacrifice.


Devotional for “Covenant of Crimson”


In the seventh devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we immerse ourselves in “Covenant of Crimson.” This track reflects on the moment the soldier’s spear pierced Jesus’ side, releasing a flow of blood and water, symbolizing the new covenant of salvation for humanity. As we explore this song and scripture, let’s meditate on the significance of this covenant and the new life it brings.

Scripture Reading:

John 19:33-37 Contemplate the fulfillment of prophecy and the deep spiritual meaning behind the piercing of Jesus’ side, as well as the blood and water that flowed out.

Reflective Questions:

  1. What does the new covenant, sealed by Jesus’ blood, mean to you personally?
  2. How does the imagery of blood and water flowing from Jesus’ side enhance your understanding of His sacrifice and the life it offers?
  3. Reflect on the idea of being part of a new covenant community. How does this impact your relationships with others and your role in the world?

Listening to the Song:

As you listen to “Covenant of Crimson,” allow the lyrics and melody to deepen your appreciation for the profound sacrifice Jesus made. Focus on the imagery of the crimson flow and the eternal promise it signifies.

Personal Reflection:

Spend some time in quiet reflection or journaling. Ponder the personal significance of being part of a covenant with God, made possible through Jesus’ sacrifice. Reflect on any areas of your life where you need to embrace or live out this covenant more fully.


Heavenly Father, In the covenant of crimson, You have offered me new life and a promise of salvation. Help me to fully grasp the depth of this covenant and the sacrifice it required. May the blood and water that flowed from Jesus’ side be a constant reminder of Your love and the new life You offer. Teach me to live as a faithful member of this covenant community, sharing Your love and grace with others. Amen.

Closing Thought:

As you go about your day, remember the covenant of crimson and the new life it signifies. Consider how you can live out this covenant in your interactions, decisions, and relationships, reflecting the love and sacrifice of Jesus in your own life.

This devotional for “Covenant of Crimson” aims to deepen the listener’s understanding of the new covenant established through Jesus’ sacrifice, encouraging personal reflection and a commitment to living out this covenant in everyday life.


Covenant of Crimson

Verse 1

On the cross, the battle done, the victory seemed so dim,
Yet even in death’s quiet claim, life stirred within Him.
From His side, the spear did pierce, a stream of crimson flowed,
In that sacred, solemn moment, love’s true depth was showed.


Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
In the blood and water, we find a new name.
A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.

Verse 2

As the soldier’s spear withdrew, prophecy was fulfilled,
“Not one of His bones will be broken,” and by His stripes, we’re healed.
From His side, a river of life, for every soul to claim,
In His final wound, we find our new beginning, not our end.


Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
In the blood and water, we find a new name.
A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.


Behold the Lamb, the sacrifice, who bore the sin of all,
In His death, our life was bought, in His call, we find our all.
From His side, the church was born, in His blood, our sins are torn,
In His piercing, find the morn, of a world reborn.


Covenant of crimson, from His side it came,
In the blood and water, we find a new name.
A promise written in red, a testament so divine,
In the piercing of His side, we’re forever His and He is mine.


So, let us come and drink this day, from the well that never fades,
In the wound of Christ, we find our way, by His sacrifice, our debts are paid.
In the covenant of crimson, we stand, with hearts washed clean and grand,
For in His side, He carved our land, in the palm of His sacred hand.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: B Minor (dramatic and intense)
  • Time Signature: 5/4 (adding an unusual, reflective quality)
  • Tempo: 65 bpm (contemplative and profound)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “Covenant of Crimson” is designed to provide a visually and emotionally powerful portrayal of Jesus’ sacrifice and the new covenant it establishes. The camera work and music are carefully crafted to enhance the narrative and engage the audience deeply in the spiritual and historical significance of the event.

    Scene 1: Calvary at Dusk

    • Visuals: The video opens with a dusky view of Calvary. The three crosses stand stark against a darkening sky, casting long shadows.
    • Camera: Slow pan across the scene, capturing the crosses and the somber mood.
    • Music: The intro of “Covenant of Crimson” starts, somber and reflective, setting a contemplative tone.

    Scene 2: Jesus on the Cross

    • Visuals: Jesus is on the cross, His head bowed in pain and exhaustion. The focus is on His side, where the soldier will soon pierce.
    • Camera: Slowly zooms in on Jesus, focusing particularly on His side.
    • Music: The first verse begins, the melody soft and haunting.

    Scene 3: The Spear is Prepared

    • Visuals: A Roman soldier readies his spear with an indifferent expression. The spear glints in the fading light.
    • Camera: Close-up on the spear as it’s lifted, then cuts to the soldier’s emotionless face.
    • Music: A subtle, ominous note plays, reflecting the impending act.

    Scene 4: Piercing His Side

    • Visuals: The soldier thrusts the spear into Jesus’ side. Blood and water flow out, falling to the ground below.
    • Camera: Close-up on the side as the spear pierces, then a shot from below as the blood and water flow down.
    • Music: A sharp, poignant note at the moment of piercing, then softens to a flowing melody as the blood and water spill.

      Scene 5: Flashback to Prophecy

      • Visuals: Flashbacks to prophets speaking of the coming Messiah and the new covenant — particularly focusing on verses about being pierced and water and blood.
      • Camera: Quick cuts between the prophets and the present moment, connecting the prophecy to its fulfillment.
      • Music: Softens during flashbacks, then intensifies back in the present, highlighting the fulfillment of prophecy.

        Scene 6: The Blood and Water

        • Visuals: A symbolic representation of the blood and water flowing out to the world, turning into streams that flow into barren lands, bringing life and healing.
        • Camera: Follows the flow from the cross to the barren lands, then shows the lands beginning to bloom.
        • Music: Swells with a sense of hope and renewal, mirroring the life-giving effect of the blood and water.

        Scene 7: The New Covenant

        • Visuals: People from various times and cultures are shown receiving the message of the new covenant, their faces changing from despair to joy.
        • Camera: Quick cuts between the people’s faces, capturing their emotional transformation.
        • Music: Becomes more uplifting and hopeful, reflecting the joy of the new covenant.

        Scene 8: At the Foot of the Cross

        • Visuals: Believers are gathered at the foot of the cross, looking up with tears and gratitude. The ground below is stained with the blood and water.
        • Camera: Pans across the faces of the believers, then moves up to the cross.
        • Music: The chorus plays, powerful and moving, emphasizing the covenant made and the grace given.

        Scene 9: The Covenant Extends

        • Visuals: A visual representation of the covenant extending through the ages — from the apostles to modern-day believers, all connected by the crimson flow.
        • Camera: A continuous shot that moves through scenes of historical and modern believers, showing the unbroken line of faith.
        • Music: Builds to an inspiring crescendo, highlighting the enduring and all-encompassing nature of the covenant.

        Scene 10: Calvary Now

        • Visuals: The final shot returns to Calvary, now peaceful in the twilight. The crosses are silhouetted against the sky, a reminder of the sacrifice and the covenant established.
        • Camera: Slow pan up from the base of the cross to the sky, now a deepening blue with the first stars appearing.
        • Music: Ends on a hopeful and reverent note, leaving the viewer with a sense of peace and gratitude.