Gethsemane's Promise - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Introducing the first track from our deeply moving album, “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross” – Gethsemane’s Promise. This song invites listeners into the olive groves of Gethsemane, where Jesus faced the impending weight of humanity’s sins with a resolve that echoes through eternity. The melody carries the quiet intensity of that night, blending sorrow with sublime hope as it reflects on the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. “Gethsemane’s Promise” is not just a song; it’s a prayerful journey into the heart of Jesus’ agony and submission, offering a glimpse into the depth of His love and sacrifice. As the opening to our album, it sets the stage for a profound spiritual journey, reminding us of the light that begins to shine even in our darkest moments. Join us in experiencing the poignant beginning of this path of redemption.


Devotional for “Gethsemane’s Promise”

Introduction: Welcome to the first devotional of our album, “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross.” Today, we delve into “Gethsemane’s Promise,” a song that takes us into the heart of Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. As we reflect on this song and scripture, we invite you to enter the garden with Jesus, to sit beside Him in His most vulnerable moment, and to understand the depth of the love that led Him to say, “Not my will, but Yours be done.”

Scripture Reading:

Luke 22:39-44 Reflect on the passage where Jesus prays in Gethsemane, feeling the weight of what is to come.

Reflective Questions:

  1. Imagine the scene in the garden. What emotions do you think were weighing on Jesus’ heart?
  2. How does knowing that Jesus willingly faced such agony for our sake affect your understanding of His love for you?
  3. Jesus found strength in prayer. How can you follow His example in your times of distress or decision-making?

Listening to the Song:

As you listen to “Gethsemane’s Promise,” focus on the lyrics that depict Jesus’ struggle and submission. Let the melody enhance your meditation on His sacrifice. Think about the olive trees, the quiet night, and the impending sacrifice.

Personal Reflection:

Spend a few moments in quiet reflection or writing in your journal. Contemplate what Gethsemane’s events mean for you personally. How does Jesus’ willingness to embrace the Father’s will inspire you to trust God in your life?


Dear Lord, In the quiet of Gethsemane, You faced the darkest night with the weight of the world upon Your shoulders. As I reflect on Your journey, help me to understand the depth of Your love and sacrifice. Teach me to submit to the Father’s will, to find strength in prayer, and to trust in Your plan for my life. Thank You for bearing the pain of my sins and for the promise of redemption found in Your obedience. Amen.

Closing Thought: As you go about your day, carry with you the image of Jesus in the garden. Remember His submission and love, and let it guide you in your interactions, decisions, and the way you face your struggles.


Gethsemane’s Promise

Verse 1

In the quiet garden’s plea, beneath the ancient olive trees,
He knelt in sorrow, yet at peace, embracing prophecy.
Isaiah’s words, like whispers, fade, “a man of sorrows,” boldly laid,
Yet in His agony displayed, the promise made for us.


In Gethsemane’s shadow, a light begins to shine,
For every tear He shed, a promise divine.
By His willing heart, our chains are released,
In His solitary prayer, our souls find their peace.

Verse 2:

The sweat fell like drops of blood, a crimson tide, a holy flood,
Fulfilling what the prophets said, for us, His sacred head bowed.
In every droplet, freedom’s song, for every sin and every wrong,
The victory of love, so strong, was won in quiet prayer.


In Gethsemane’s shadow, a light begins to shine,
For every tear He shed, a promise divine.
By His willing heart, our chains are released,
In His solitary prayer, our souls find their peace.


From Eden lost to hope restored, the path He chose, the cross He bore,
In every step, He thought of us, His love, the final, lasting cure.
For in His pain, we find our gain, in His cries, our sin’s refrain,
The Lamb of God, for us was slain, yet rose to life again.


In Gethsemane’s shadow, a light begins to shine,
For every tear He shed, a promise divine.
By His willing heart, our chains are released,
In His solitary prayer, our souls find their peace.


So, in the garden’s fading night, hold fast to the coming light,
For the sorrow of this holy fight, brings the dawn of love’s true might.
In Gethsemane’s promise, we stand, with victory in our hand,
For in His suffering was planned, our place beside the Lamb.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: A Minor (reflecting a somber, contemplative mood)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (providing a flowing, reflective rhythm)
  • Tempo: 60 bpm (slow and meditative)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard outlines a visual journey that complements the emotional depth and narrative of “Gethsemane’s Promise,” aiming to engage viewers with a powerful portrayal of Jesus’ agony and surrender in the garden, leading up to His betrayal. Each scene is designed to enhance the song’s message and evoke a deep emotional response from the audience.

    Scene 1: The Garden of Gethsemane at Night

    • Visuals: The video opens with a night scene of the Garden of Gethsemane. Olive trees sway gently in the breeze under a starry sky. A soft, ethereal light illuminates the garden, creating a serene yet somber atmosphere.
    • Music: The intro of “Gethsemane’s Promise” plays softly, setting a reflective mood.

    Scene 2: Jesus in Solitude

    • Visuals: The camera slowly moves to Jesus, kneeling in prayer, His face a mixture of peace and sorrow. Close-up shots show His hands tightly clasped and His eyes closed in deep contemplation.
    • Music: The first verse begins, and the melody mirrors the deep emotional turmoil of Jesus.

    Scene 3: Flashbacks of Jesus’ Ministry

    • Visuals: As the song continues, brief flashbacks show moments from Jesus’ life and ministry — healing the sick, teaching the crowds, and showing compassion. Each flashback fades back into Jesus praying in the garden.
    • Music: The flashbacks are synchronized with key lyrics, emphasizing His journey and purpose.

    Scene 4: The Agony of Decision

    • Visuals: The intensity builds as Jesus’ prayer becomes more fervent. We see sweat on His brow, and the camera focuses on His face, showing the internal struggle and agony. The garden around Him seems to grow darker, reflecting the growing burden.
    • Music: The music swells to match the intensity of Jesus’ prayer.

      Scene 5: Surrender to the Father’s Will

      • Visuals: A profound moment of surrender as Jesus looks up to the heavens, a single tear rolling down His cheek. He nods subtly, accepting His fate. The ethereal light in the garden brightens slightly, symbolizing His commitment.
      • Music: The chorus begins, uplifting and powerful, highlighting the moment of surrender.

        Scene 6: The Approach of the Betrayer

        • Visuals: The tranquility is broken as the sound of footsteps approaches. Jesus stands, composed yet solemn. The shadows of approaching figures, led by Judas, are seen in the distance.
        • Music: The tone shifts, reflecting the impending betrayal.

        Scene 7: Jesus with His Disciples

        • Visuals: Jesus walks over to His sleeping disciples, gently waking them. Their expressions are a mix of confusion and concern. Jesus shares a knowing look with them, filled with love and a hint of sadness.
        • Music: The song softens, mirroring the intimate moment.

        Scene 8: The Kiss of Betrayal

        • Visuals: Judas arrives and betrays Jesus with a kiss. The other disciples react in shock and fear. Jesus remains calm, his face reflecting forgiveness and resolve.
        • Music: The music reaches a dramatic crescendo, then fades into a somber tone.

        Scene 9: Jesus Taken Away

        • Visuals: Jesus is led away by the authorities. The disciples scatter. The camera focuses on Jesus’ face, still composed and determined, as He walks out of the garden.
        • Music: The song concludes with a reflective and poignant melody.

        Scene 10: The Empty Garden

        • Visuals: The final shot returns to the now empty garden, with the soft light lingering where Jesus prayed. The scene fades to black.
        • Music: The last notes of the song play gently, leaving the viewer in a reflective state.