Hands That Held Redemption - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Five: Hands That Held Redemption

Continuing the journey, the fifth track, Hands That Held Redemption, brings listeners to the foot of the cross, focusing on the nailing of Jesus’ hands. This song captures the duality of agony and liberation, as the hands that crafted the universe were pierced to offer us salvation. The melody intertwines sorrow and hope, reflecting the powerful symbolism of each nail, each wound, as a key to our redemption. As you listen, allow yourself to feel the weight of this act and the boundless grace it represents. “Hands That Held Redemption” is a profound meditation on the sacrifice made and the unmeasurable love that held Jesus to the cross, offering a pathway to forgiveness and eternal life for all.


Devotional for “Hands That Held Redemption”


In the fifth devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we turn our focus to “Hands That Held Redemption.” This track meditates on the nailing of Jesus’ hands to the cross, a symbolic and painful moment where the hands that crafted the universe were pierced for our sins. As we delve into this song and scripture, let’s reflect on the profound significance of His sacrifice and the redemption offered through His wounded hands.

Scripture Reading:

John 20:24-29 Consider the passage where Thomas encounters the risen Christ and is invited to touch His wounds. Reflect on the reality of Jesus’ physical suffering and the proof of His resurrection.

Reflective Questions:

  1. What does it mean to you personally that Jesus’ hands, which performed miracles and showed compassion, were nailed to the cross?
  2. How does the image of Jesus’ scarred hands deepen your understanding of His sacrifice and love for you?
  3. Thomas saw and believed when he touched Jesus’ wounds. How can you, even without seeing, come to a deeper faith and understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice?

Listening to the Song:

As you listen to “Hands That Held Redemption,” let the lyrics and music help you visualize the scene at Calvary. Think about the significance of each nail and the hands that were willingly outstretched for your salvation.

Personal Reflection:

Spend some time in quiet reflection or writing in your journal. Consider the personal impact of Jesus’ sacrifice. How do the hands that were nailed to the cross continue to hold, guide, and mold your life today?


Heavenly Father, Thank you for the hands that held redemption, for the pain endured for my salvation. Help me never to forget the sacrifice made on the cross, the love displayed in those outstretched hands. May I always feel the guiding touch of those scarred hands in my life, leading me closer to You. Teach me to live in gratitude and to extend my hands in love and service to others, just as Jesus did for me. Amen.

Closing Thought:

As you go forward today, remember the hands that were nailed to the cross for you. Let this remembrance guide your actions and interactions. Think about how you can use your hands to serve, love, and demonstrate the same sacrificial love that Jesus showed.

This devotional for “Hands That Held Redemption” aims to deepen the listener’s appreciation for the personal and universal implications of Jesus’ sacrifice, encouraging a thoughtful and active response to His enduring love and redemption.


Hands That Held Redemption

Verse 1

On the hill where mercy meets the sky,
Hands that formed the stars were lifted high.
Nailed to wood, for every sin and sigh,
The hands of God, in love, chose not to pry.


Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
In His grasp, we find our history,
The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.

Verse 2

With every pound of hammer, prophecy was sealed,
“Surely He has borne our griefs,” His fate revealed.
For every nail that pierced, for every groan,
In His wounds, we found a grace we’ve never known.


Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
In His grasp, we find our history,
The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.


Look upon these hands, the price they’ve paid,
See the love that wouldn’t fade.
From these hands, flows a river wide,
With mercy, grace, and life inside.


Hands that held redemption, nails that wrote our story,
Pierced for our transgressions, bathed in holy glory.
In His grasp, we find our history,
The hands that hold the universe, hold victory.


So let us come, with hearts wide open, to the One who was broken,
For in His hands, we find our token, of love forever spoken.
By His hands, we are free, by His love, we see,
The hands that held redemption, have won the victory.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: E Minor (mournful and expressive)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (to capture a sense of lamentation and longing)
  • Tempo: 55 bpm (slow, emphasizing the weight of sacrifice)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “Hands That Held Redemption” is designed to provide a visually and emotionally impactful representation of the song, with careful attention to camera work and music to enhance the narrative and engage the viewers fully.

    Scene 1: Calvary’s Hill at Dawn

    • Visuals: The video opens with a silhouette of three crosses against the early morning sky on Calvary’s hill, a gentle light breaking the horizon.
    • Camera: Slow pan from the ground up to the crosses, setting a somber yet anticipatory atmosphere.
    • Music: The intro of “Hands That Held Redemption” starts softly, setting a reflective mood.

    Scene 2: Jesus’ Journey to the Cross

    • Visuals: Jesus, bearing the cross, makes His way to the hill. His face shows exhaustion and pain but also determination.
    • Camera: Follows Jesus from the side, focusing on His face and the cross on His back.
    • Music: The first verse begins, the melody reflecting the weight of the moment.

    Scene 3: Preparing for Crucifixion

    • Visuals: Jesus is laid down on the cross. His hands are stretched out. The soldiers prepare the nails.
    • Camera: Alternates between Jesus’ face, His hands, and the soldiers with the nails.
    • Music: The music swells slightly, mirroring the tension and gravity of the preparation.

    Scene 4: Nailing the Hands

    • Visuals: A soldier drives the first nail through Jesus’ hand. His face tightens in pain, but He doesn’t cry out.
    • Camera: Close-up on the hand as the nail is driven in, then quickly pans to Jesus’ face to capture His reaction.
    • Music: A sharp, poignant note at the moment the nail is driven in, highlighting the brutality of the act.

      Scene 5: The Second Hand

      • Visuals: The second hand is nailed. Jesus’ pain is evident, but so is His resolve.
      • Camera: Close-up on the second hand, then a wider shot to show Jesus and both hands nailed.
      • Music: Continues with a powerful, emotive melody, reflecting the pain and the significance of the sacrifice.

        Scene 6: Flashbacks of Jesus’ Hands in Ministry

        • Visuals: As Jesus looks at His nailed hands, flashbacks show His hands in moments of ministry — healing the sick, blessing children, breaking bread.
        • Camera: Quick cuts between the past and present, showing the contrast between the healing hands and the hands now nailed.
        • Music: Softens during flashbacks, then intensifies back in the present, underscoring the contrast.

        Scene 7: The Cross is Raised

        • Visuals: The cross is lifted and set in place. Jesus now hangs, His nailed hands bearing His weight.
        • Camera: Pulls back to show the full scene of the three crosses against the sky.
        • Music: The song builds, reflecting the monumental moment of the cross being raised.

        Scene 8: At the Foot of the Cross

        • Visuals: The viewpoint shifts to the foot of the cross, looking up at Jesus. His hands, pierced and bleeding, are in focus.
        • Camera: Slow pan up from the base of the cross to Jesus’ face, focusing on His hands along the way.
        • Music: The chorus plays, powerful and moving, reflecting the redemptive pain.

        Scene 9: The World Reacts

        • Visuals: A montage of people from various times and places, reacting to the sacrifice made — some with tears, others with joyous realization.
        • Camera: Quick cuts between faces, capturing a wide range of emotional responses.
        • Music: Swells with a sense of universal impact and hope.

        Scene 10: Jesus’ Perspective

        • Visuals: The final shot is from Jesus’ perspective looking down from the cross. His view of the sky above and the people below.
        • Camera: From Jesus’ viewpoint, slowly pans from the sky down to the gathered crowd and then closes on His own nailed hand.
        • Music: Ends on a hopeful and reflective note, emphasizing the redemption offered through His sacrifice.