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Album: Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross

Track Six: Pathway of Peace

The sixth track, Pathway of Peace, takes us to the solemn act of Jesus’ feet being nailed to the cross. This song is a reflection on the journey those feet undertook, from walking among us with messages of peace and healing to being pierced on the path of our salvation. The melody is a blend of somber tones and uplifting harmonies, symbolizing the peace that Jesus’ sacrifice brings amidst the pain. Listeners are invited to contemplate the significance of each step He took for humanity, culminating in this act of ultimate love and surrender. “Pathway of Peace” is not just a song; it’s an invitation to walk in the peace and redemption offered through His enduring love and sacrifice.


Devotional for “Pathway of Peace”


In the sixth devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we reflect upon “Pathway of Peace.” This track contemplates the nailing of Jesus’ feet to the cross, symbolizing His journey towards our salvation and the peace He offers through His sacrifice. As we engage with this song and scripture, let’s consider the path of peace that Jesus walked for us and how we are called to follow in His steps.

Scripture Reading:

Luke 24:36-40 Reflect on Jesus’ post-resurrection appearance to His disciples, where He shows them His hands and feet. Think about the peace He brings in the midst of fear and doubt.

Reflective Questions:

  1. How does the image of Jesus’ nailed feet, which once walked to bring good news, challenge and inspire you?
  2. Jesus’ journey to the cross was one of immense pain but also of peace. How can you embrace His peace in your own trials and journeys?
  3. Consider the paths you walk daily. How can you follow more closely in the footsteps of Jesus, bringing peace and love to others?

Listening to the Song:

As “Pathway of Peace” plays, reflect on the dual nature of Jesus’ journey — filled with suffering yet leading to ultimate peace. Let the music guide your contemplation of His sacrificial steps and the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Personal Reflection:

Take a moment to meditate or journal about the peace that Jesus offers. Reflect on any areas of your life where you need His peace to reign and how you can extend that peace to others in your community and beyond.


Lord Jesus, You walked a path of unimaginable pain and suffering, yet You did so to bring peace to a troubled world. Help me to find comfort in the peace You offer and to walk confidently in Your footsteps, no matter the challenges I face. Guide my steps, that I may bring Your peace and love to those around me. I thank You for the pathway of peace that You’ve established, leading to eternal life and joy. Amen.

Closing Thought:

As you continue your day, remember the path of peace that Jesus walked for you. Consider how you can walk in His ways, bringing His peace and love into every aspect of your life, and offering a comforting presence to those in need.

This devotional for “Pathway of Peace” is designed to encourage listeners to contemplate the profound sacrifice of Jesus and to inspire them to walk in His footsteps, spreading His peace and love in their daily lives.


Pathway of Peace

Verse 1

On the wood of sorrow, where love and mercy meet,
The feet that walked on water were nailed for our defeat.
Every step towards Calvary, a journey foretold,
In His pierced feet, our redemption would unfold.


Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
In every nail, our sins erased.
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.

Verse 2

From Bethlehem’s manger to Golgotha’s hill,
His feet carried grace, and in pain, they were still.
“Peace I leave with you,” He said, now made manifest,
In the feet that brought good news, now our eternal rest.


Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
In every nail, our sins erased.
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


Oh, sacred feet, oh, holy wounds that bleed,
In every drop, a seed, of faith, hope, and creed.
By His walk of pain, by His love so vast,
In His steps, we find our peace at last.


Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
In every nail, our sins erased.
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


So let us follow where He trod, in the shadow of the cross,
For in His footsteps, we find gain in what seemed loss.
In the nailing of His feet, in the agony, so sweet,
We’re led on the pathway of peace, to His mercy seat.

Chord Chart

Pathway of Peace

Em          C           G           D 

Verse 1

Em                          C                     G                         D  
On the wood of sorrow, where love and mercy meet,
Em                                       C                    G                         D  
The feet that walked on water were nailed for our defeat.
Em                               C                 G                   D  
Every step towards Calvary, a journey foretold,
              C                              D                                Em    
In His pierced feet, our redemption would unfold.


                     C                           Am            Em 
Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
                D                        C 
In every nail, our sins erased.
                        Am              Em                     D 
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
             C                             D                       Em          C           G           D  
 In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.

Verse 2

Em                             C                 G                   D  
From Bethlehem’s manger to Golgotha’s hill,
Em                        C                        G                         D  
His feet carried grace, and in pain, they were still.
Em                               C                                  G                   D  
“Peace I leave with you,” He said, now made manifest,
              C                                      D                                            Em    
In the feet that brought good news, now our eternal rest.


                     C                           Am            Em 
Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
                D                        C 
In every nail, our sins erased.
                        Am              Em                     D 
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
             C                             D                       Em          C           G           D  
 In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


Em                                      C
Oh, sacred feet, oh, holy wounds that bleed,
                G                                    D
In every drop, a seed, of faith, hope, and creed.
             Em                               C 
By His walk of pain, by His love so vast,
            G                               D 
In His steps, we find our peace at last.


                     C                           Am            Em 
Pathway of peace, steps of divine grace,
                D                        C 
In every nail, our sins erased.
                        Am              Em                     D 
Walking the road of suffering for our release,
             C                             D                       Em  
 In His feet, we find our pathway of peace.


Em                       C                                     G                        D
So let us follow where He trod, in the shadow of the cross,
Em                      C                        G                     D
For in His footsteps, we find gain in what seemed loss.
              Em                                        G               D
In the nailing of His feet, in the agony, so sweet,
                    C                                D                               Em           C           G           D   
We’re led on the pathway of peace, to His mercy seat.


                   Em                       C                    G                        D
So let us follow where He trod, in the shadow of the cross,
Em                                     C                        G                     D
For in His footsteps, we find gain in what seemed loss.
              Em                 C                       G               D
In the nailing of His feet, in the agony, so sweet,
                    C                                D                               Em           C           Em 
We’re led on the pathway of peace, to His mercy seat.