Stripes of Salvation - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Two: Stripes of Salvation

Explore the depths of Christ’s sacrifice with the second track of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross” – Stripes of Salvation. This powerful song delves into the heart-wrenching moment of Jesus’ scourging, each lash a testament to the healing and redemption He secured for us. The melody resonates with the pain and love intertwined in every strike, echoing the ancient prophecy, “By His stripes, we are healed.” As the music unfolds, listeners are invited to reflect on the immense love and grace that transformed a symbol of punishment into one of the ultimate healing. “Stripes of Salvation” is a poignant reminder of the price paid for our freedom and the enduring love that marks every step of Jesus’ journey to the cross.


Devotional for “Stripes of Salvation”


Welcome to the second devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross.” Today, we explore “Stripes of Salvation,” a song that takes us to the heart-wrenching moment of Jesus’ scourging. As we reflect on this song and scripture, we invite you to contemplate the physical and spiritual healing that Jesus secured through His suffering.

Scripture Reading:

Isaiah 53:4-5 Reflect on this passage from Isaiah, prophesying the suffering servant who takes upon Himself our infirmities and by whose wounds we are healed.

Reflective Questions:

  1. When you think of Jesus enduring the scourging, what feelings or thoughts arise in your heart?
  2. Isaiah’s prophecy speaks of our healing coming through His wounds. How does this perspective shift your understanding of suffering and healing?
  3. Reflect on a time when you experienced spiritual or physical healing. How can you see Jesus’ sacrificial love at work in that situation?

Listening to the Song:

As you listen to “Stripes of Salvation,” pay close attention to the lyrics that describe the pain and purpose of each lash Jesus endured. Let the music guide your reflection on the sacrifice made for our healing and freedom.

Personal Reflection:

Take a few moments to meditate or journal about the concept of healing through His stripes. Consider the areas in your life that need the healing touch of Jesus. How can His sacrifice inspire you to seek healing and offer forgiveness?


Heavenly Father, In the lashes that Jesus bore, I find healing for my deepest wounds. Help me to grasp the magnitude of His sacrifice and the love that led Him to endure such pain for my sake. Teach me to find strength in His suffering and to offer my own pains up to You for healing and redemption. I thank You for the stripes that brought salvation and for the grace that flows from His wounds. Amen.

Closing Thought:

Carry the image of Jesus’ sacrificial love with you today. Let it be a source of strength and healing in your own life and a reminder to extend grace and forgiveness to others, just as you have received them through His stripes.

This devotional is designed to help users engage deeply with the theme of healing and sacrifice presented in “Stripes of Salvation,” through scripture, reflection, and prayer. It encourages personal contemplation and application of the song’s message in their lives.


Stripes of Salvation

Verse 1

Underneath the Roman lash, His flesh was torn, but not His spirit dashed,
Isaiah’s prophecy, “By His wounds, we are healed,” vividly flashed.
Each cruel stripe, each mark of hate, was for our sin, a redemptive fate,
In every blow, love did not abate, but grew stronger, sealed our heavenly state.


Stripes of salvation, marks of pure love,
Fulfilling the words from the Father above.
In every wound, a story of grace,
He bore our pain, took our rightful place.

Verse 2:

The whip’s crack, the skin’s tear, a symphony of our sin laid bare,
Yet with each stripe, He offered a prayer, “Father, forgive them,” His only care.
For in His pain, our healing was won, the victory over death begun,
The Lamb of God, the righteous One, by His stripes, the battle done.


Stripes of salvation, marks of pure love,
Fulfilling the words from the Father above.
In every wound, a story of grace,
He bore our pain, took our rightful place.


Look upon the Savior, beaten, scorned, yet brave,
Carrying the cross of sin, He came to save.
Let your heart be lightened, for His pain was not in vain,
In His wounds, we find our healing, in His suffering, our gain.


Stripes of salvation, marks of pure love,
Fulfilling the words from the Father above.
In every wound, a story of grace,
He bore our pain, took our rightful place.


So, let us stand in awe and wonder, at the price He chose to pay,
For the stripes He bore in silence, wash our deepest stains away.
In His wounds, we find our victory, in His scars, our story told,
Stripes of salvation, our healing to behold.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: D Minor (conveying a sense of sorrow and intensity)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady and solemn)
  • Tempo: 70 bpm (moderate and deliberate)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

 This storyboard aims to provide a visual representation of “Stripes of Salvation” that is as impactful and moving as the song itself. The camera work is designed to enhance the emotional depth and narrative of the track, engaging viewers and drawing them into a deeper understanding of Jesus’ suffering and the profound significance of His sacrifice.

Scene 1: Roman Courtyard at Dawn

  • Visuals: The scene opens to a dimly lit Roman courtyard. A stone column stands in the center. Dawn’s light is just beginning to break, casting long shadows.
  • Camera: Slowly pans across the courtyard, capturing the ominous atmosphere.
  • Music: The intro of “Stripes of Salvation” starts softly, setting a somber tone.

Scene 2: Jesus Brought In

  • Visuals: Guards lead Jesus into the courtyard, His hands bound. His face is resolute but peaceful.
  • Camera: Follows Jesus from behind, then swings around to capture His face and the reactions of the onlookers.
  • Music: The music swells slightly as the verse begins, reflecting the tension of the moment.

Scene 3: The Scourging Begins

  • Visuals: A Roman soldier starts the scourging. Jesus’ face clenches with pain with each strike, but He remains silent.
  • Camera: Alternates between close-ups of Jesus’ face, the whip in the air, and the reactions of various onlookers — some pained, some indifferent.
  • Music: The rhythm of the song matches the strikes, emphasizing the brutality and Jesus’ suffering.

Scene 4: Flashbacks of Healing

  • Visuals: As Jesus endures the scourging, there are flashbacks to the people He healed — a leper, a blind man, a child.
  • Camera: Quick cuts between the past and present, showing the stark contrast between the miracles and the current violence.
  • Music: Softens during flashbacks, then intensifies back in the present, highlighting the juxtaposition.

    Scene 5: Disciples Watching from Afar

    • Visuals: The disciples are shown watching from a distance, their faces a mixture of horror, sadness, and disbelief.
    • Camera: Zooms in on their faces, capturing their emotional turmoil, then pulls back to show their distance and helplessness.
    • Music: The melody becomes more plaintive, reflecting their despair.

    Scene 6: The Scourging Continues

    • Visuals: The scourging becomes more intense. Jesus stumbles but remains standing. His back is marred, fulfilling the prophecy of Isaiah.
    • Camera: Close-up shots of the whip and Jesus’ wounds. A slow-motion shot of Jesus’ face turned upwards, eyes closed in pain and prayer.
    • Music: The song builds, mirroring the intensity of the moment.

      Scene 7: The Crowd’s Varied Reactions

      • Visuals: A montage of the crowd’s reactions — some wince with each strike, others look away, and a few seem to take pleasure in the spectacle.
      • Camera: Quick cuts between faces in the crowd, capturing the range of human emotion and response to suffering.
      • Music: The song’s intensity reflects the chaotic and emotional scene.

      Scene 8: The Final Strike

      • Visuals: The final strike is delivered. Jesus’ knees buckle, but He remains upright. The soldier drops the whip, exhausted.
      • Camera: A slow-motion shot of the final strike, then a close-up of Jesus’ face, showing both the pain and the resolve.
      • Music: Reaches a dramatic crescendo, then falls to a softer, more reflective melody.

      Scene 9: Jesus Alone

      • Visuals: The courtyard clears, leaving Jesus alone, His figure a stark contrast against the column, the morning light now fully upon Him.
      • Camera: Slowly circles around Jesus, capturing His solitary figure and the extent of His wounds.
      • Music: The song concludes with a poignant and reflective melody.

      Scene 10: Dawn Breaks Fully

      • Visuals: The scene fades to the dawn sky, now fully bright, symbolizing the hope and healing His sacrifice will bring.
      • Camera: Tilts up from Jesus to the sky, transitioning from the pain to the promise of salvation.
      • Music: Ends on a hopeful note, reflecting the dawn of salvation.