Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track Ten: Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace

The tenth and final track, Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace, commemorates the powerful coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This song encapsulates the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise to send a Comforter and Advocate. The melody is vibrant and dynamic, reflecting the rushing wind and the tongues of fire that descended upon the disciples. Listeners are invited to experience the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, who empowers, guides, and ignites the hearts of believers to continue Christ’s work on earth. “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” is a celebration of the ongoing presence of God in our lives, the Spirit who unites, strengthens, and sends us out with the message of hope and love to the world. It’s a call to embrace the mission and move forward in the power and love provided by the Spirit.


Devotional for “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace”


In the final devotional of “Journey of Redemption: The Path of the Cross,” we experience the empowering “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace.” This track celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, marking a transformative moment for the disciples and the birth of the Church. As we explore this song and scripture, let’s embrace the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and the collective mission of the Church.

Scripture Reading:

Acts 2:1-4 Reflect on the dramatic and powerful event of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, enabling them to speak in various languages and boldly proclaim the Gospel.

Reflective Questions:

  1. How does the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost change your understanding of God’s presence and power in your life?
  2. The Holy Spirit enabled the disciples to communicate across cultural and linguistic barriers. How can you allow the Spirit to use you to reach others in your community and beyond?
  3. The fire of the Holy Spirit transformed fearful followers into bold witnesses. What fears or barriers are holding you back from fully embracing and proclaiming your faith?

Listening to the Song:

As “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” plays, let the lyrics and melody stir within you a deep appreciation for the Holy Spirit’s presence and power. Reflect on the transformative impact of the Spirit in the lives of the disciples and in your own life.

Personal Reflection:

Take a moment to meditate or journal about your relationship with the Holy Spirit. Are there areas in your life where you need His guidance, comfort, or empowerment? Consider how you can be more open to the Spirit’s leading and gifts.


Holy Spirit, Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace, I welcome You into my heart and life. Fill me with Your power and presence, guide my steps, and use me for Your glory. Help me to understand and embrace the gifts You have given me, and to be a bold witness for Christ. Transform me from the inside out, and let Your fire ignite a lasting passion for God’s kingdom in me. Amen.

Closing Thought:

As you go about your day, remember that the same Spirit who filled the disciples at Pentecost dwells in you. Let this truth empower and embolden you to live out your faith with passion and purpose.

This devotional for “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” is designed to help listeners appreciate and seek a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit, encouraging them to live empowered and mission-focused lives as part of the ongoing story of the Church.


Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace

Verse 1

In an upper room, they waited, as He had once foretold,
For the Promise of the Father, more precious than gold.
Then a sound like rushing wind, and tongues of fire came,
Fulfilling ancient prophecy, in Yeshua’s mighty name.


Breath of Heaven, fire of grace,
Descend upon this holy place.
Empower your church to spread Your Word,
In every heart, let Your voice be heard.

Verse 2

As the Spirit filled their being, they spoke in tongues unknown,
A sign of God’s great kingdom, where His love is shown.
Peter stood and boldly proclaimed, “This is what was spoken,”
By the prophet Joel, the chains of sin now broken.


Breath of Heaven, fire of grace,
Descend upon this holy place.
Empower your church to spread Your Word,
In every heart, let Your voice be heard.


From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth,
The Spirit drives us to proclaim rebirth.
In His power, we’ll stand and do our part,
To spread His love, with all our heart.


Breath of Heaven, fire of grace,
Descend upon this holy place.
Empower your church to spread Your Word,
In every heart, let Your voice be heard.


So, let us go forth, in His mighty power,
For this is the day, this is the hour.
To shine His light, to speak His love,
Empowered by the Spirit, from above.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: G Major (warm and inviting, suitable for the coming of the Holy Spirit)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (traditional and steady)
  • Tempo: 90 bpm (lively and spirited, reflecting the Pentecost event)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” is designed to provide a visually and emotionally powerful portrayal of the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and the ongoing impact of that event. The camera work and music are carefully crafted to enhance the narrative and deeply engage the audience in the empowerment and mission of the church.

    Scene 1: The Upper Room

    • Visuals: The video opens with the disciples gathered in the upper room, a sense of expectation in the air. The room is dimly lit, casting soft shadows.
    • Camera: Slow pan across the faces of the disciples, capturing their anticipation and unity.
    • Music: The intro of “Breath of Heaven, Fire of Grace” plays softly, setting a tone of quiet expectancy.

    Scene 2: The Sound of a Mighty Wind

    • Visuals: Suddenly, a sound like a mighty rushing wind fills the room. The disciples look around in awe and wonder.
    • Camera: Quick pans around the room, capturing the disciples’ startled reactions.
    • Music: Rises dramatically, echoing the sound of the wind.

    Scene 3: Tongues of Fire Descend

    • Visuals: Flames, like tongues of fire, appear above each disciple’s head. Their faces reflect a mixture of fear, awe, and exhilaration.
    • Camera: Close-up on the flames descending, then focuses on the illuminated faces of the disciples.
    • Music: Intensifies with a fiery melody, reflecting the extraordinary nature of the event.

    Scene 4: Speaking in Tongues

    • Visuals: The disciples begin to speak in various languages, their voices overlapping in a chorus of diverse tongues.
    • Camera: Moves rapidly between the disciples, capturing their fervent expressions and the fire still glowing above them.
    • Music: Incorporates a blend of different musical elements and rhythms, symbolizing the various tongues being spoken.

      Scene 5: The Crowd Gathers

      • Visuals: People from various nations gather below, drawn by the sound. They look up in confusion and amazement as they hear their languages spoken.
      • Camera: Alternates between the crowd’s perspective looking up and the disciples’ view looking down, capturing the shared wonder.
      • Music: Swells, reflecting the growing excitement and the miraculous communication happening.

        Scene 6: Peter’s Proclamation

        • Visuals: Peter steps forward, empowered by the Holy Spirit, and begins to speak boldly to the crowd, proclaiming the gospel.
        • Camera: Focuses on Peter as he speaks, then pans over the crowd, capturing their rapt attention.
        • Music: The chorus plays, powerful and moving, underscoring Peter’s message of hope and salvation.

        Scene 7: The Spirit Moves

        • Visuals: As Peter speaks, the video shows the Holy Spirit moving in the hearts of the listeners. People are visibly touched, some with tears, others with joy.
        • Camera: Close-ups on individuals in the crowd, capturing their emotional responses.
        • Music: Softens to a tender melody, reflecting the deep personal impact of the Holy Spirit’s work.

        Scene 8: Baptism and Celebration

        • Visuals: The scene shifts to show many being baptized and joining the community of believers. There’s a sense of joy and unity among the people.
        • Camera: Sweeping shots of the baptism and celebration, capturing the joyous atmosphere.
        • Music: Uplifts and inspires, celebrating the growth of the church and the joy of new life in the Spirit.

        Scene 9: The Flame Continues

        • Visuals: The video shows the flame of the Holy Spirit passing from person to person, across ages and cultures, symbolizing the ongoing spread of the gospel.
        • Camera: Follows the flame as it moves through various scenes and times, highlighting the unbroken chain of faith.
        • Music: Builds to a triumphant crescendo, emphasizing the enduring and universal nature of the Holy Spirit’s work.

        Scene 10: Looking to the Heavens

        • Visuals: The final shot returns to the sky, now vibrant and alive with the colors of dawn. The flames from the beginning are reflected in the clouds, suggesting the presence of the Spirit in all places and times.
        • Camera: Slowly tilts up to the sky, transitioning from the earthly scenes to the heavenly perspective.
        • Music: Concludes on a hopeful and reverent note, leaving the viewer with a sense of awe and anticipation for the work of the Spirit in their own life.