Dance of Delight - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 5: “Dance of Delight”


“Dance of Delight” is the fifth track of the “Virtues of the Spirit” album, a vibrant and joyful celebration of the unshakable joy found in God’s presence. This song is an uplifting call to embrace the rhythm of divine joy, to dance with abandon in the delight that comes from knowing and being known by God. It’s an anthem of happiness and strength, reminding listeners that the joy of the Lord is their fortress and freedom.

With an energetic melody that beckons you to move and rejoice, “Dance of Delight” paints a picture of life lived in the fullness of God’s joy. The lyrics speak of joy as a journey, a dance, a powerful force that transcends circumstances and kindles the spirit. This track encourages listeners to let go of their burdens, to find beauty in the everyday, and to celebrate the gift of life with a heart of gratitude and a spirit of gladness.

“Dance of Delight” is more than just a song; it’s a declaration of the soul’s innate desire to revel in God’s goodness. It’s an invitation to view life through the lens of joy, to recognize God’s blessings in every moment, and to respond with a heart that’s dancing with gratitude and love. The song challenges listeners to not only feel joy but to live it out, to let it overflow into their interactions and choices, making their lives a testament to the joyous life God offers.

This track is an opportunity to let the worries of the world fade away and to be swept up in the divine dance of delight. It’s a call to remember that, in every season of life, there is a reason to rejoice, a reason to dance, and a reason to celebrate the joy that comes from a deep and enduring relationship with God.

Listen to “Dance of Delight” and let your heart be stirred to joyous celebration. Let it move you, uplift you, and inspire you to live each day with a spirit of joy and a heart full of praise.


Track 5: “Dance of Delight” – A Devotion

Scripture Reference:

Nehemiah 8:10 – “The joy of the Lord is your strength.”


“Dance of Delight” is an uplifting anthem celebrating the joy found in God’s presence. It invites listeners to embrace a spiritual dance of delight, where the soul rejoices, and the heart finds its truest strength. This song is a reminder that joy is not dependent on external circumstances but on the enduring love and presence of God.


  1. The Joy of the Lord: Reflect on what “the joy of the Lord” means to you. How does understanding God’s joy as your strength change how you face life’s challenges?
  2. Spiritual Dance: The song talks about a dance of delight. Imagine what it means to dance with joy before the Lord. How can this image inspire you to embrace and express joy in your everyday life?
  3. Strength in Joy: Consider how joy has been a source of strength in difficult times. Can you think of a specific instance where the joy of the Lord empowered you?


  1. Joyful Reminders: Create a list of things that remind you of God’s joy. It could be scriptures, songs, memories, or simple daily blessings. Refer to this list when you need to be uplifted.
  2. Daily Dance: Each morning, take a few moments to physically or metaphorically dance before the Lord. Use this time to offer your day to God and to remind yourself of the joy and strength found in His presence.
  3. Spread the Joy: Identify someone in your life who could use a reminder of God’s joy. Find a way to share joy with them this week, whether through a kind word, a small gift, or a shared experience.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the incredible gift of joy that comes from Your presence. Teach me to dance in this delight, to find strength in Your joy, and to live out this joy in every aspect of my life. Help me to be a beacon of Your joy, spreading light and strength wherever I go. Amen.

This devotion aims to encourage listeners to actively seek and embody the joy of the Lord, offering practical ways to integrate this uplifting virtue into their daily lives. Adjust the content as needed to better resonate with your theological perspective and your audience’s needs.


Dance of Delight

Verse 1

In the sunrise, in the sunset, in each moment in between,
Your creation sings of joy, in every color seen.
In the laughter of the children, in the blooming of the spring,
Your joy is around, in every living thing.


Joy, unending, strength renewing, from Your throne it flows,
In the dance of Your delight, where every sorrow bows.
In the trials and the tears, Your joy remains the same,
In the promise of Your presence, we’ll dance in Your holy name.

Verse 2

Like a river, ever flowing, never ceasing, always new,
Your joy, a constant echo of Your love so true.
Though the night may linger longer, and the storm may rage and roar,
Your joy, a light that shines, leading us to shore.


Joy, unending, strength renewing, from Your throne it flows,
In the dance of Your delight, where every sorrow bows.
In the trials and the tears, Your joy remains the same,
In the promise of Your presence, we’ll dance in Your holy name.


Let this joy be my song, in the dark and in the dawn,
A symphony of hope, to which my soul is drawn.
In every circumstance, let me find Your dance,
In the joy of the Lord, my heart will advance.


Joy, unending, strength renewing, from Your throne it flows,
In the dance of Your delight, where every sorrow bows.
In the trials and the tears, Your joy remains the same,
In the promise of Your presence, we’ll dance in Your holy name.


So I’ll dance in this delight, in the shadow and the light,
In the joy of Your presence, every burden becomes light.
Every step I take, let it be in Your joy’s wake,
For in the dance of Your delight, my spirit awakes.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: D Major (joyful and celebratory)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (with a lively, danceable feel)
  • Tempo: 120 bpm (energetic and joyful)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard outlines the visual journey, aligning with the song’s emotional and musical progression. Each scene is designed to deepen the listener’s connection with the theme of joy and celebration in God’s presence. Adjust the details to suit your specific vision and production capabilities.

Scene 1: Introduction

  • Visual: A new day dawns over a vibrant, sunlit field filled with wildflowers.
  • Action: Camera pans across the field, coming to rest on a solitary figure, their back to the camera, facing the rising sun.
  • Mood: Anticipation and freshness.
  • Music: Light, upbeat intro.
  • Chorus/Vocal: Gentle and inviting.


Scene 2: Verse 1 – Joy Awakens

  • Visual: The person begins to move, first swaying gently, then with more enthusiasm.
  • Action: They dance freely, a silhouette against the brightening sky, arms outstretched, spinning and leaping.
  • Mood: Exhilaration and freedom.
  • Music: Gradually building tempo.
  • Chorus/Vocal: Warm and encouraging.

Scene 3: Chorus – Dance of Delight

  • Visual: The scene expands to reveal more people joining the dance, each one expressing joy in their unique way.
  • Action: The group moves together in a spontaneous, joyful dance, the field alive with movement and color.
  • Mood: Community and shared joy.
  • Music: Uplifting and rhythmic.
  • Chorus/Vocal: Strong and joyful.

Scene 4: Verse 2 – Celebration of Creation

  • Visual: Close-ups of nature’s beauty: blooming flowers, fluttering butterflies, a clear blue sky.
  • Action: As the people dance, they interact with the environment, celebrating the beauty around them.
  • Mood: Wonder and connection.
  • Music: Melodic and harmonious.
  • Chorus/Vocal: Tender and appreciative.

    Scene 5: Bridge – In God’s Presence

    • Visual: The dancers gather in a circle, hands joined, looking skyward.
    • Action: A gentle breeze sweeps through, the flowers and grass swaying in rhythm with the music.
    • Mood: Unity and reverence.
    • Music: Soaring and heartfelt.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Emotive and sincere.

      Scene 6: Final Chorus – Unabashed Joy

      • Visual: The dance continues with renewed vigor, the field a blur of motion and color.
      • Action: Laughter and shouts of joy fill the air, the dancers completely absorbed in the moment.
      • Mood: Unabashed happiness and celebration.
      • Music: Full, vibrant, and compelling.
      • Chorus/Vocal: Euphoric and powerful.

      Scene 7: Outro – Peaceful Contentment

      • Visual: As the song winds down, the dancers gradually slow, coming to rest in the field, basking in the sunlight.
      • Action: They lie back, faces turned to the sky, smiles of contentment on their faces.
      • Mood: Satisfaction and peace.
      • Music: Gentle, fading out.
      • Chorus/Vocal: Soft, leaving a sense of fulfillment and peace.