Gift of Every Moment - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 10: “Gift of Every Moment”


“Gift of Every Moment” is the tenth track of the “Virtues of the Spirit” album, a heartfelt and uplifting meditation on the practice of gratitude. This song is a gentle yet profound reminder to cherish each moment as a precious gift from God, recognizing His hand in the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of life. It’s an invitation to cultivate a heart of thankfulness, transforming our perspective and enriching our relationship with the Divine.

With a melody that soothes the soul and lyrics that warm the heart, “Gift of Every Moment” guides listeners through the simple and grand moments of life, urging them to pause and give thanks. The song celebrates the beauty and blessing found in every breath, every sunrise, and every act of kindness. It encourages listeners to see the world through the lens of gratitude, recognizing the countless reasons to be thankful.

“Gift of Every Moment” is more than just a song; it’s a way of life. It’s an invitation to slow down, to notice, and to appreciate. The track challenges listeners to not only feel gratitude but to express it, to let it shape their interactions, choices, and worldview. It’s a call to live with an awareness of God’s presence and goodness in every moment, turning ordinary days into extraordinary testimonies of grace and joy.

This track is an opportunity to reflect on the blessings that fill our lives, to acknowledge the giver of all good things, and to commit to a posture of gratitude in all circumstances. It’s a call to remember that in every moment, there is a gift waiting to be unwrapped, a reason to give thanks, and an opportunity to savor the goodness of God.

Listen to “Gift of Every Moment” and let its message resonate in your heart. Let it inspire you to count your blessings, to embrace each day with gratitude, and to live each moment with a profound sense of thankfulness and praise.


Track 10: “Gift of Every Moment” – A Devotion

Scripture Reference:

1 Thessalonians 5:18 – “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”


“Gift of Every Moment” is a heartfelt tribute to the practice of gratitude. This song invites listeners to recognize and cherish each moment as a gift from God, cultivating a heart of thankfulness regardless of circumstances. It’s a melodic reminder that gratitude is not just a response to good times but a daily choice that transforms our perspective and draws us closer to God.


  1. Gratitude in All Circumstances: Reflect on the challenge of giving thanks in all circumstances. Can you recall a time when being grateful was particularly difficult? How did maintaining a thankful attitude impact the situation?
  2. The Gift of Every Moment: Consider the idea that every moment is a gift. How does viewing life this way change your perception of daily experiences, both good and bad?
  3. Gratitude as God’s Will: Think about gratitude being God’s will for us in Christ Jesus. Why do you think gratitude is so important to God?


  1. Gratitude Journal: Start keeping a gratitude journal. Each day, write down three things you are thankful for. Try to look beyond the obvious and include various aspects of your life.
  2. Thankfulness Prayer: Begin each day with a prayer of thanksgiving. Before asking for anything, spend time thanking God for what He has already done.
  3. Expressing Gratitude: Make it a point to express gratitude to others more frequently. Write a thank-you note, compliment someone genuinely, or simply say thank you for the small acts of kindness you witness or receive.


Gracious God, help me to recognize the gift of every moment You give me. Teach me to cultivate a heart of gratitude that sees Your hand in all things. May my life reflect thankfulness in all circumstances, drawing me closer to You and shining Your light to others. Amen.

This devotion aims to encourage a consistent attitude of gratitude, offering practical suggestions for cultivating thankfulness in everyday life. Feel free to adjust the content to better fit your audience’s needs or theological perspectives.


Gift of Every Moment

Verse 1

In the dawn’s early light, in the sunset’s hue,
In the smallest of blessings, I see traces of You.
Every breath, every heartbeat, a gift from above,
In the tapestry of life, woven with love.


Gratitude, a song that rises from the soul,
For the gift of every moment, You make whole.
In the abundance of Your love, in the scarcity of our need,
In every season, let gratitude be our creed.

Verse 2

For the trials that teach us, for the blessings that come,
For the unnoticed miracles, for all You’ve done.
From the mountain highs to the valley lows,
In gratitude, a peaceful river flows.


Gratitude, a song that rises from the soul,
For the gift of every moment, You make whole.
In the abundance of Your love, in the scarcity of our need,
In every season, let gratitude be our creed.


Let this gratitude be more than just a word,
But a life lived fully, in the wonder of Your world.
In the giving, in the serving, in the loving, let it show,
In a heart of gratitude, let Your blessings flow.


Gratitude, a song that rises from the soul,
For the gift of every moment, You make whole.
In the abundance of Your love, in the scarcity of our need,
In every season, let gratitude be our creed.


So I’ll walk in this gratitude, a path so bright,
In the ordinary, in the extraordinary, in Your light.
Every step I take, let it be in gratitude’s wake,
For in the gift of every moment, Your love we partake.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: G Major (warm and appreciative)
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 100 bpm (upbeat and joyful)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard outlines the visual journey, aligning with the song’s emotional and musical progression. Each scene is designed to deepen the listener’s connection with the theme of gratitude and appreciation for life’s moments. Adjust the details to suit your specific vision and production capabilities.

    Scene 1: Introduction

    • Visual: Sunrise over a quaint village, the early morning light casting a warm glow.
    • Action: Camera slowly moves through the village, showing people beginning their day with simple, joyful tasks.
    • Mood: Serenity and appreciation.
    • Music: Soft, welcoming melody.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Gentle and inviting.

    Scene 2: Verse 1 – Awakening to Gratitude

    • Visual: Close-ups of various individuals pausing to savor small moments: the aroma of coffee, the laughter of children, the beauty of a flower.
    • Action: Each person exhibits a moment of quiet gratitude, a smile, a deep breath, a look of wonder.
    • Mood: Mindfulness and joy.
    • Music: Gradual crescendo with a warm tone.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Reflective and appreciative.

    Scene 3: Chorus – Celebrating the Ordinary

    • Visual: The village comes to life, people interacting with kindness and noticing the beauty around them.
    • Action: Small acts of gratitude are shared: a helping hand, a thoughtful gesture, a heartfelt thanks.
    • Mood: Community and shared joy.
    • Music: Uplifting and bright.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Joyful and celebratory.

    Scene 4: Verse 2 – Depth of Gratitude

    • Visual: A montage of life’s milestones and everyday wonders, from births and weddings to shared meals and quiet evenings.
    • Action: People of all ages embracing, celebrating, and reflecting on the richness of life’s journey.
    • Mood: Deep appreciation and connection.
    • Music: Melodic and rich.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Warm and heartfelt.

      Scene 5: Bridge – Reflective Gratitude

      • Visual: As evening falls, individuals find quiet spaces to reflect on the day’s blessings.
      • Action: They journal, pray, meditate, or simply sit in silent gratitude, a soft light enveloping each scene.
      • Mood: Contemplation and peace.
      • Music: Soothing and introspective.
      • Chorus/Vocal: Soft and sincere.

        Scene 6: Final Chorus – Gratitude as a Way of Life

        • Visual: Nighttime in the village, homes lit warmly, stars twinkling above.
        • Action: People looking out their windows or sitting under the stars, a collective sense of peace and thankfulness.
        • Mood: Harmony and fulfillment.
        • Music: Full, rich, and enveloping.
        • Chorus/Vocal: Embracing and uplifting.

        Scene 7: Outro – Endless Gifts

        • Visual: The night sky transitions into a new dawn, symbolizing the continuous cycle of gratitude.
        • Action: As the new day begins, people step out once again, ready to embrace and appreciate every moment.
        • Mood: Renewal and anticipation.
        • Music: Gentle, fading with a sense of ongoing journey.
        • Chorus/Vocal: Soft, leaving a sense of hope and continuation.