In the Quiet of Your Peace - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 4: “In the Quiet of Your Peace”


“In the Quiet of Your Peace” is the fourth track of the “Virtues of the Spirit” album, a tranquil and profound ode to the peace that God offers. This song is a gentle invitation to step away from the noise and chaos of the world and enter into the quietude of God’s presence, where true peace is found. It’s a melodic reminder that God’s peace is not merely an absence of conflict but a profound presence that calms the heart and soothes the spirit.

The melody flows like a peaceful river, carrying listeners on a journey to the depths of God’s heart, where worries fade and faith takes root. The lyrics are a tender embrace, speaking of peace as a sanctuary for the soul, a refuge for the weary, and a promise for the troubled. “In the Quiet of Your Peace” encourages listeners to lay down their burdens, to let go of their anxieties, and to find rest in the embrace of divine tranquility.

This track is more than just a song; it’s a spiritual retreat, a moment to pause, breathe, and realign with God’s rhythm. It’s an opportunity to reflect on the things that disturb our peace and to seek the One who offers peace beyond understanding. The song calls us to embrace a life of peace, not as a fleeting emotion but as a constant state of being, rooted in the assurance of God’s love and care.

“In the Quiet of Your Peace” is an invitation to experience the deep and abiding peace that comes from trusting in God, a peace that transcends all understanding and guards our hearts and minds. It’s a call to let this peace permeate every aspect of our lives, transforming us from within and radiating to those around us.

Listen to “In the Quiet of Your Peace” and let its soothing melody envelop you in the comfort and serenity of God’s presence. Let it be a reminder that in every moment of turmoil, there is a peace that is waiting to be embraced, a peace that is yours to claim and cherish.


Track 4: “In the Quiet of Your Peace” – A Devotion

Scripture Reference:

Philippians 4:7 – “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


“In the Quiet of Your Peace” is a tranquil ballad that invites listeners into the deep, surpassing peace of God. In a world often filled with noise and chaos, this song is a gentle call to find rest and tranquility in the arms of the Divine, where true peace can be experienced beyond all understanding.


  1. Peace That Transcends Understanding: Reflect on times when you’ve experienced peace in the midst of turmoil. How did it feel to encounter God’s peace that transcends understanding? How did it guard your heart and mind?
  2. Finding Quiet: In our busy lives, quiet can be elusive. What practical steps can you take to find quiet moments with God daily? How might these moments of peace affect your day?
  3. Guarding Heart and Mind: Consider the dual promise of peace guarding both heart and mind. Why is it important for peace to encompass both our emotions (heart) and our thoughts (mind)? How can you allow God’s peace to permeate both areas more fully?


  1. Peaceful Moments: Commit to spending a few minutes in quiet with God each day this week. Use this time to pray, read scripture, or simply sit in His presence. Notice how these moments impact your overall sense of peace.
  2. Peace Journal: Keep a peace journal for a week. Each day, jot down one thing that disturbed your peace and one way God provided peace in the midst of it. Reflect on the patterns you see and how you might more readily turn to God’s peace.
  3. Becoming a Peacemaker: Consider how you can be an instrument of God’s peace in your home, workplace, or community. Identify one action you can take this week to bring peace into a chaotic or tense situation.


Lord of Peace, in the quiet of Your presence, I find the peace that my soul longs for. Help me to seek and savor these moments of tranquility with You. Teach me to let Your peace transcend my understanding, guard my heart, and renew my mind. Make me an instrument of Your peace in this world, reflecting Your love and calmness in all I do. Amen.

This devotion is intended to deepen the listener’s understanding of God’s peace and to provide practical steps for incorporating this virtue into their daily life. Feel free to adjust the content to better fit your audience’s needs or theological perspectives.


In the Quiet of Your Peace

Verse 1

In the stillness of the moment, when the world is fast asleep,
In the whispers of the twilight, Your peace it gently seeps.
Like a river, calm and steady, in the chaos, it remains,
In the quiet of Your presence, where my soul is sustained.


Peace, beyond understanding, in Your arms, I find,
A refuge from the storm, a rest for my mind.
In the midst of the turmoil, in the eye of the storm,
In Your peace, I am held, in Your love, I am reborn.

Verse 2

Though the mountains may crumble, and the seas may roar,
In Your peace, I stand unshaken, with You, I soar.
For You are my fortress, my shield, and my guide,
In the quiet of Your peace, here I choose to abide.


Peace, beyond understanding, in Your arms, I find,
A refuge from the storm, a rest for my mind.
In the midst of the turmoil, in the eye of the storm,
In Your peace, I am held, in Your love, I am reborn.


In the turmoil, in the noise, let Your peace be my choice,
To listen for Your voice, and in Your will, rejoice.
In the silence, let me hear, the whisper of Your love so near,
In the quiet of Your peace, every doubt disappears.


Peace, beyond understanding, in Your arms, I find,
A refuge from the storm, a rest for my mind.
In the midst of the turmoil, in the eye of the storm,
In Your peace, I am held, in Your love, I am reborn.


So I’ll rest here in Your peace, as the world goes on,
In the quiet of Your love, where my heart belongs.
Every step I take, let it be in Your peace’s wake,
For in the quiet of Your peace, my spirit awakes.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: E Major (serene and tranquil)
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 68 bpm (peaceful and reflective)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard outlines the visual journey, aligning with the song’s emotional and musical progression. Each scene is designed to deepen the listener’s connection with the theme of God’s peace. Adjust the details to suit your specific vision and production capabilities.

Scene 1: Introduction

  • Visual: A serene, lush green meadow at dawn, mist hanging low and soft light filtering through.
  • Action: Camera slowly moves through the meadow, revealing a person sitting peacefully under a large, sprawling tree.
  • Mood: Serenity and calm.
  • Music: Soft, soothing intro.
  • Chorus/Vocal: Gentle and inviting.

Scene 2: Verse 1 – Embracing Peace

  • Visual: Close-up of the person’s face, eyes closed, a gentle smile as they breathe in deeply.
  • Action: Soft breeze rustles the leaves, birds begin to sing, and the person’s shoulders visibly relax.
  • Mood: Tranquility and contentment.
  • Music: Gradual crescendo.
  • Chorus/Vocal: Warm and reflective.

Scene 3: Chorus – Divine Presence

  • Visual: The scene expands to show a faint, radiant glow surrounding the person, representing God’s peace.
  • Action: The person opens their eyes, looking around with a deep sense of wonder and gratitude.
  • Mood: Reverence and awe.
  • Music: Uplifting and ethereal.
  • Chorus/Vocal: Strong and comforting.

Scene 4: Verse 2 – Sanctuary of Peace

  • Visual: Various scenes of the person engaging in daily activities, each moment enveloped in the same radiant glow.
  • Action: Whether they’re interacting with others or alone, the sense of peace remains unshaken.
  • Mood: Consistency and depth.
  • Music: Steady, reassuring.
  • Chorus/Vocal: Soft and reassuring.

    Scene 5: Bridge – Surrendering to Peace

    • Visual: The person now walks through a bustling town, the chaos around them contrasts with their calm demeanor.
    • Action: Scenes of stress and hurry are juxtaposed with the person’s steady, peaceful pace.
    • Mood: Contrast between chaos and peace.
    • Music: Complex, with a grounding undertone.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Determined and brave.

      Scene 6: Final Chorus – Spreading Peace

      • Visual: The person’s peaceful presence seems to influence those they pass, with others beginning to smile and slow down.
      • Action: A subtle wave of tranquility spreads through the crowd.
      • Mood: Influence and impact.
      • Music: Full, rich, and harmonious.
      • Chorus/Vocal: Harmonious and uplifting.

      Scene 7: Outro – In God’s Embrace

      • Visual: Returning to the meadow, the person is once again under the tree, now joined by others seeking peace.
      • Action: They sit together, sharing in the quiet of the early morning, embraced by the light.
      • Mood: Community and sharing.
      • Music: Gentle, fading out.
      • Chorus/Vocal: Soft, echoing into silence.