"Beacon of Light" (Religion/Faith) - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Title: “Beacon of Light”

Song Description:

“Beacon of Light” is the opening anthem of the “Echoes of Heaven: Decrees & Devotion” album, setting the stage for a journey of impactful worship and divine decree. This song is a vibrant call to believers, urging them to rise as luminous beacons in a world shrouded in darkness. It’s a prayer, a battle cry, and an invitation to ignite the holy fire within and shine forth with the truth and love of God.

As the melody unfolds, listeners are encouraged to seek revival within their hearts and their communities, to stand firm in faith, and to radiate the light of Christ in every word and deed. The lyrics weave a tapestry of hope, courage, and divine guidance, reminding us that we are not merely wanderers in this world but are called to be pillars of light and truth.

Through “Beacon of Light,” you are invited to join a chorus of believers worldwide, declaring the glory of God and taking a stand against the encroaching shadows. This song is not just a musical experience; it’s a spiritual commissioning. As you listen and sing along, may you feel empowered to carry the light of Christ into every corner of your life and the lives of those around you.


Track 1: “Beacon of Light” Devotion


Rising as Beacons of God’s Light in a Dark World

Scriptures for Reflection:

  • Matthew 5:14-16 – “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
  • 2 Corinthians 4:6 – “For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
  • Ephesians 5:8-9 – “For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true).”


As intercessors, you are called to be beacons of God’s light in a world shadowed by confusion and despair. “Beacon of Light” is not just a song; it’s a spiritual charge to shine forth the truth, love, and hope of Christ. Reflect on the scriptures, understanding that as a child of God, you carry the divine light that has the power to illuminate the darkest corners of this world.

Intercession and Decrees:

As you step into your role as a beacon of light, let these scriptural truths guide your prayers and declarations:

  • Matthew 5:14-16: Decree that the church will rise as a city on a hill, unhidden and radiant, showcasing God’s glory through acts of love, justice, and righteousness.
  • 2 Corinthians 4:6: Declare that the light of the knowledge of God’s glory will shine forth in your heart and the hearts of believers everywhere, dispelling darkness and revealing Christ in every word and action.
  • Ephesians 5:8-9: Pray for the grace to walk as children of light, producing fruit in all that is good, right, and true. Intercede for discernment to navigate the complexities of the world while maintaining purity and integrity.

From the Throne Room:

As you engage with the Father in your prayer time, listen for His guidance and decrees from the throne room. He might reveal specific areas of darkness where He is calling you to shine His light or impart wisdom on how to reflect His glory in your day-to-day life. Be open to His voice and ready to act in obedience.

Closing Prayer:

Father, we come before You as vessels of Your light, seeking to illuminate a world in need of Your love and truth. Empower us to shine brightly, reflecting Your glory in all we do. May our lives be beacons that guide others to Your grace and salvation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This devotion is crafted to deepen the intercessor’s engagement with the song and its themes, encouraging a reflective and proactive stance on being lights in the world. Subsequent devotions for the other tracks can follow a similar structure, tailored to each song’s unique message.


Beacon of Light

Verse 1

In Your presence, we find our strength,
Under Your wings, we take refuge.
Stir in our hearts, a holy fire,
To carry Your light, in all we do.


Beacon of Light, in the darkness we stand,
With the truth of Your Word, and the work of Your hand.
Shine through us, Lord, let Your glory be seen,
In this temple of flesh, let Your love intervene.

Verse 2

Revive us, O Lord, in Your love and Your grace,
Empower Your church to seek Your face.
May Your kingdom come, on earth as above,
Fill us with courage, fill us with love.


Beacon of Light, in the darkness we stand,
With the truth of Your Word, and the work of Your hand.
Shine through us, Lord, let Your glory be seen,
In this temple of flesh, let Your love intervene.


We are Your hands, we are Your feet,
Walking in faith, declaring Your decree.
No weapon formed shall prosper here,
We pull down strongholds, in Your name, we have no fear.

Verse 3

Bless our path, Lord, as we walk in Your ways,
May our lives be a testament to Your grace.
In worship and war, in prayer, we will stand,
As beacons of light, across this land.


Beacon of Light, in the darkness we stand,
With the truth of Your Word, and the work of Your hand.
Shine through us, Lord, let Your glory be seen,
In this temple of flesh, let Your love intervene.


In Your mighty name, we declare and decree,
Every plan of the enemy, under our feet.
Beacon of Light, we will forever be,
A symbol of hope, for the world to see.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C Major (conveys a sense of clarity and hope)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady and uplifting)
  • Tempo: 120 BPM (motivational and forward-moving)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard provides a visual and emotional journey that aligns with the message of “Beacon of Light,” designed to inspire and mobilize viewers to become active bearers of God’s light in the world. Each scene is crafted to contribute to the overarching narrative of moving from individual acts of faith to a collective movement of change and hope.

Scene 1: Opening Shot

  • Action: A single candle flame flickers in the darkness, symbolizing the initial spark of divine light in a world of shadows.
  • Camera: Close-up on the candle, slowly zooming out.
  • Mood: Somber yet hopeful, the scene sets the tone for a journey from darkness to light.
  • Music: Soft, reflective piano melody begins, setting a contemplative mood.

Scene 2: Rising Dawn

  • Action: Time-lapse of a sunrise over a city, the light gradually overcoming the darkness, representing the spread of God’s light.
  • Camera: Wide aerial shots transitioning to street level as the city wakes.
  • Mood: Uplifting and inspiring, the city’s awakening mirrors the spiritual awakening the song calls for.
  • Music: The music swells with the addition of strings and soft percussion, building anticipation.

Scene 3: Individuals as Beacons

  • Action: Various individuals (diverse in age, race, and background) are shown in everyday situations, pausing to pray, help others, or make a stand for what’s right.
  • Camera: A mix of close-ups and mid-shots capturing the emotion and determination on their faces.
  • Mood: Encouraging and motivating, showing the impact of individual acts of kindness and courage.
  • Music: The chorus kicks in, strong and clear, emphasizing the call to be beacons of light.

Scene 4: Community United

  • Action: A group of people comes together, lighting candles from one another’s flames and then spreading out into the community to share the light.
  • Camera: Overhead shots of the group coming together, then following them as they move out into the community.
  • Mood: Warm and communal, focusing on unity and the power of collective action.
  • Music: Harmonies and a fuller instrumental backing add depth and richness to the song.

    Scene 5: Overcoming Darkness

    • Action: Scenes of societal issues (poverty, conflict, etc.) juxtaposed with acts of ministry and service (feeding the hungry, aiding the homeless, community building).
    • Camera: Alternating between the harsh realities of the issues and the compassionate responses of those serving.
    • Mood: Sober yet hopeful, highlighting the challenges but focusing on the potential for change.
    • Music: A momentary instrumental dip for reflection, then rising again with renewed vigor.

      Scene 6: Global Impact

      • Action: Shots of different global landmarks, with people in various nations lighting candles or lanterns, symbolizing the worldwide call to be lights in the darkness.
      • Camera: Sweeping shots of the landmarks transitioning to close-ups of individuals in those locales.
      • Mood: Expansive and inclusive, emphasizing the universal nature of the song’s message.
      • Music: The music reaches a crescendo, with a full choir backing to enhance the sense of a global movement.

      Scene 7: Closing Reflection

      • Action: The scene returns to the single candle, now surrounded by a multitude of others, illuminating the once-dark space.
      • Camera: A reverse of the opening shot, slowly zooming in on the original candle.
      • Mood: Reflective and poignant, showcasing the power of collective light to dispel darkness.
      • Music: The music returns to a simple piano melody, mirroring the opening but now with a sense of fulfillment and hope.

      Outro: Call to Action

      • Action: Text on screen encouraging viewers to be beacons of light in their own communities, along with information about how to get involved in local service initiatives.
      • Camera: Text overlay on the final shot of the candles.
      • Mood: Motivational, turning the viewer’s inspiration into action.
      • Music: Ends on a lingering, hopeful note.