Pure Heart, Clear Vision - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 12: “Pure Heart, Clear Vision”


“Pure Heart, Clear Vision” is the twelfth track of the “Virtues of the Spirit” album, a serene and introspective ballad about the beauty and clarity that come from a life of purity and devotion. This song invites listeners to reflect on the blessing of a pure heart and the divine vision it provides. It’s an ode to the transformative power of holiness and the profound peace and insight that accompany a life lived in alignment with God’s will.

With a melody that touches the depths of the soul and lyrics that paint a picture of spiritual clarity, “Pure Heart, Clear Vision” guides listeners on a journey of self-examination and aspiration. The song celebrates the beatitude that the pure in heart shall see God, encouraging listeners to seek purity in thought, word, and deed. It’s a reminder that in purifying our hearts, we open ourselves to see God more clearly, to understand His will more fully, and to reflect His love more brightly.

“Pure Heart, Clear Vision” is more than just a song; it’s a meditation and a prayer. It’s an invitation to embrace the cleansing and renewing work of God in our hearts, to let go of what hinders our vision, and to pursue the holiness that brings us closer to the Divine. The track challenges listeners to consider the state of their hearts and to seek God’s grace in cultivating purity and righteousness.

This track is an opportunity to ponder the profound connection between purity of heart and clarity of vision, to commit to a path of spiritual refinement, and to experience the joy and peace that come from a pure and devoted heart.

Listen to “Pure Heart, Clear Vision” and let its gentle message wash over you, inspiring you to seek a purer heart and a clearer vision of God and His purpose for your life. Let it be a reminder that in the purity of our hearts, we find the clarity to see and follow the path God has laid out for us, a path that leads to life, love, and eternal beauty.


Track 12: “Pure Heart, Clear Vision” – A Devotion

Scripture Reference:

Matthew 5:8 – “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”


“Pure Heart, Clear Vision” is a gentle call to seek purity of heart in our walk with God. This song reflects on the profound truth that a heart cleansed and dedicated to God opens our eyes to see Him more clearly in every aspect of life. It’s an encouragement to pursue holiness, not as a burdensome rule, but as a joyful path to deeper communion with the Divine.


  1. Purity of Heart: Reflect on what it means to have a pure heart. How does a pure heart change the way you perceive God, yourself, and others?
  2. Seeing God: Consider the promise that the pure in heart will see God. In what ways do you long to see God more clearly? How might a purified heart affect your spiritual vision?
  3. The Joy of Holiness: Often, holiness is seen as a set of restrictions. How can you shift your perspective to view holiness as a source of joy and freedom?


  1. Heart Check: Take some time to examine your heart. Ask God to reveal areas that may need purification. Commit to specific steps to address any issues you discover.
  2. Visual Prayer: Create a visual representation (drawing, collage, etc.) of what a pure heart or seeing God might look like. Use this as a focus for meditation and prayer.
  3. Holiness Habits: Identify one habit or practice that can help you cultivate a pure heart. Commit to integrating this practice into your daily life.


Heavenly Father, create in me a pure heart, one that seeks You above all else. Help me to understand the beauty of holiness and the clarity it brings to my life. May I see You more clearly, love You more dearly, and follow You more nearly every day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

This devotion aims to guide listeners toward a deeper understanding and practice of purity of heart, offering practical suggestions for living out this virtue in daily life. Feel free to adjust the content to better fit your audience’s needs or theological perspectives.


Pure Heart, Clear Vision

Verse 1

In a world of shifting shadows, where the lines are often blurred,
We’ll choose a path of purity, by Your Holy Word.
Like a lamp unto our feet, a light unto our path,
In the way of chastity, we’ll find our truest worth.


Chastity, a call to holiness, a heart undivided,
In the purity of Your love, our lives are guided.
Not as a chain, but as wings to soar,
In the freedom of Your grace, we find more.

Verse 2

Like Joseph in the palace, like Daniel in the land,
We’ll stand firm in Your promises, by Your strength, we’ll stand.
In a culture of the fleeting, we’ll seek the eternal,
In the beauty of chastity, Your love is our journal.


Chastity, a call to holiness, a heart undivided,
In the purity of Your love, our lives are guided.
Not as a chain, but as wings to soar,
In the freedom of Your grace, we find more.


Let this chastity be not just what we do, but who we are,
A reflection of Your holiness, a shining, guiding star.
In every thought, in every deed, in the love we give and receive,
Let the purity of our hearts, Your grace achieve.


Chastity, a call to holiness, a heart undivided,
In the purity of Your love, our lives are guided.
Not as a chain, but as wings to soar,
In the freedom of Your grace, we find more.


So we’ll walk in this chastity, a journey of the heart,
In the purity of Your love, we’ll play our part.
Every step we take, let it be in chastity’s wake,
For in the pure heart, clear vision, Your beauty we partake.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: E Major (clear and uplifting)
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 78 bpm (calm and insightful)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard outlines the visual journey, aligning with the song’s emotional and musical progression. Each scene is designed to deepen the listener’s connection with the theme of purity of heart and clarity of vision. Adjust the details to suit your specific vision and production capabilities.

    Scene 1: Introduction

    • Visual: A tranquil, pristine forest with a clear, reflective pool in the center.
    • Action: Camera slowly moves through the forest, coming to rest on the pool, which mirrors the sky above.
    • Mood: Serenity and clarity.
    • Music: Soft, clear melody.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Gentle and inviting.

    Scene 2: Verse 1 – Seeking Purity

    • Visual: A figure approaches the pool, their reflection gradually becoming clearer as they near.
    • Action: They kneel by the water, gazing into it, a look of introspection on their face.
    • Mood: Contemplation and desire for purity.
    • Music: Gradual crescendo with a reflective tone.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Introspective and yearning.

    Scene 3: Chorus – Clarity of Heart and Vision

    • Visual: As the figure touches the water, ripples spread, and the scene around them becomes even more vibrant.
    • Action: They look up from the pool to the forest and sky, their eyes wide with wonder and understanding.
    • Mood: Revelation and awe.
    • Music: Uplifting and luminous.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Enlightening and clear.

    Scene 4: Verse 2 – Transformation

    • Visual: The figure rises, walking through the forest, which reacts to their presence with signs of life and growth.
    • Action: Animals approach without fear, flowers bloom in their footsteps, the air seems brighter.
    • Mood: Renewal and harmony.
    • Music: Melodic and rich.
    • Chorus/Vocal: Warm and heartfelt.

      Scene 5: Bridge – Depth of Vision

      • Visual: The figure reaches a high vantage point, looking out over the landscape, now able to see far and wide.
      • Action: Scenes of distant places and people flash before their eyes, representing the new depth of their vision.
      • Mood: Insight and connection.
      • Music: Expansive and introspective.
      • Chorus/Vocal: Profound and far-reaching.

        Scene 6: Final Chorus – Living with Clear Vision

        • Visual: The figure now interacts with others, their actions kind and wise, their demeanor calm and assured.
        • Action: Those around them respond with respect and affection, a community growing in harmony.
        • Mood: Impact and community.
        • Music: Full and harmonious.
        • Chorus/Vocal: Joyful and communal.

        Scene 7: Outro – Peaceful Reflection

        • Visual: The figure returns to the pool, now in the soft light of dusk.
        • Action: They look into the water once more, their reflection clear and steady, a smile of contentment on their face.
        • Mood: Fulfillment and peace.
        • Music: Gentle, fading out with a sense of completeness.
        • Chorus/Vocal: Soft, leaving a sense of peace and fulfillment.