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Track 6: “El Olam: Timeless Tapestry”

Embrace Eternity in ‘El Olam: Timeless Tapestry’ – Journey through the endlessness of time with ‘El Olam: Timeless Tapestry.’ This song reflects on the eternal nature of God as El Olam. Let the harmonies take you through the ancient past, the present, and the unending future, revealing the timeless presence of God in every thread of existence.

“El Olam: Timeless Tapestry” – Track 6 from “The Names of God”

Song Description:

“El Olam: Timeless Tapestry” is the sixth track in our album, exploring the theme of God’s eternal nature. El Olam, meaning “The Everlasting God,” emphasizes His timeless existence and unchanging character. This song is an ode to the infinite and enduring aspects of God, portraying Him as the eternal force that underpins the fabric of time and existence.

The phrase “Timeless Tapestry” in the title represents the idea that all of history, every moment and event, is part of a grand design woven by El Olam. The lyrics invite listeners to reflect on the eternal presence of God, who has been and always will be a constant through the ages. It’s a reminder that, amidst the transience of life, God remains an unchanging anchor.

Musically, “El Olam: Timeless Tapestry” is composed to mirror the concept of eternity. The melody aims to be both majestic and introspective, incorporating elements that evoke a sense of timelessness. The harmonies and rhythm are designed to flow seamlessly, symbolizing the unbroken continuity of God’s eternal nature.

This track is not just a song but a contemplative journey, encouraging worshippers to ponder the depth of God’s everlasting presence. It invites listeners to find comfort in the knowledge that, though our lives are fleeting, we are part of God’s eternal plan.

In the broader context of the album, “El Olam: Timeless Tapestry” deepens the exploration of God’s attributes, focusing on His infinite nature. It serves as a bridge between the earthly aspects of God’s character and the transcendent, eternal qualities that define Him as the Alpha and Omega.


Devotion for “El Olam: Timeless Tapestry” – Track 6

Scripture References:

  • Isaiah 40:28 – “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.”
  • Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
  • Revelation 1:8 – “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”


“El Olam: Timeless Tapestry” focuses on the everlasting and eternal nature of God, known as El Olam. This song invites you to reflect on God’s timeless presence and His unchanging character across the ages.

In Isaiah 40:28, we are reminded of the Lord’s everlasting nature. As an intercessor, this passage calls you to take comfort in God’s eternal presence and infinite understanding. It’s a profound reminder that the God you pray to has been sustaining the world since time immemorial and will continue to do so forever.

Hebrews 13:8 emphasizes the unchanging nature of Jesus Christ. This constancy is a cornerstone for your faith, especially in a world where change is the only constant. In your intercessions, let this verse strengthen your faith in the unchanging nature of Christ, providing a firm foundation for your prayers.

Revelation 1:8 declares God as the Alpha and Omega, encapsulating His eternal existence. This powerful affirmation of God’s presence from the beginning to the end offers a perspective that transcends time. When you intercede, you are speaking to the One who holds the past, present, and future in His hands.

As you meditate on “El Olam: Timeless Tapestry,” let it be a reminder of God’s eternal presence in every aspect of your life and the lives of those you intercede for. In your prayers, remember that you are communing with the timeless God, whose wisdom and power know no bounds.


El Olam, Everlasting God, Your eternal nature is both a mystery and a comfort to me. Help me to grasp the depth of Your timeless existence and to find assurance in Your unchanging character. Guide my prayers with the knowledge that You are the same forever, and Your plans span across the ages. Amen.

This devotion is crafted to help intercessors connect with the eternal aspect of God’s nature, enriching their prayer experience. Feel free to adapt it to resonate more deeply with your intercessory community’s spiritual journey.


El Olam: Timeless Tapestry

Verse 1

Before the dawn of time, beyond the final age,
El Olam, in Your book, our names on every page.
Eternal, unbounded, in past and future seen,
In Your infinity, we’ve always been.


El Olam, El Olam, Timeless Tapestry, so divine,
In Your eternity, our lives intertwine.
From age to age, Your love, a constant stream,
El Olam, in Your forever, we dream.

Verse 2

Through centuries’ march, through history’s song,
El Olam, with You, we belong.
In every era’s turn, in every moment’s span,
In Your ceaseless flow, time began.


El Olam, El Olam, Timeless Tapestry, so divine,
In Your eternity, our lives intertwine.
From age to age, Your love, a constant stream,
El Olam, in Your forever, we dream.


In the silence of the stars, in the earth’s steady beat,
In Your eternal heart, past and future meet.
In the whispers of ages, in the soul’s long quest,
El Olam, in Your presence, we find rest.


El Olam, El Olam, Timeless Tapestry, so divine,
In Your eternity, our lives intertwine.
From age to age, Your love, a constant stream,
El Olam, in Your forever, we dream.


As the universe unfolds, as mysteries unravel,
In Your eternal embrace, we travel.
In every heartbeat, in every timeless melody,
El Olam, with You, we forever will be.