Declaring His Faithfulness - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Declaring His Faithfulness” – A Celebration of God’s Unwavering Promises

Track 5: “Declaring His Faithfulness”

About the Song:

“Declaring His Faithfulness” is a moving and uplifting track from “Truth Unveiled,” dedicated to celebrating the steadfast faithfulness of God. This song is a heartening reminder of God’s unwavering love and promises, serving as an anthem of hope and trust for believers.

Lyric Highlights:

The lyrics reverently acknowledge God’s faithful nature, illustrating His constancy and reliability through every season of life. They inspire listeners to reflect on and celebrate the many ways God’s faithfulness has manifested in their lives and in the world.

Musical Composition:

With a blend of inspiring melodies and a rich, harmonious arrangement, “Declaring His Faithfulness” strikes a balance between contemplative verses and a rousing chorus. The music crescendos in a way that encourages listeners to join in declaring God’s faithfulness.

Message and Inspiration:

Drawing from Psalm 89:14 – “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you,” this song encourages believers to trust in the perpetual faithfulness of God, which remains true regardless of circumstances.

For the Listener:

Perfect for times of personal reflection on God’s faithfulness or for use in communal worship settings, “Declaring His Faithfulness” is a powerful tool for both remembering and proclaiming the steadfast nature of God’s promises and love.


Devotion for “Declaring His Faithfulness”

Scripture References:

  • Psalm 89:14 – “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you.”
  • Lamentations 3:22-23 – “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
  • 1 Corinthians 1:9 – “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”


“Declaring His Faithfulness” is a celebration of God’s unwavering faithfulness and love. In Psalm 89:14, the foundations of God’s throne – righteousness and justice – are accompanied by His steadfast love and faithfulness. This scripture reminds intercessors of the unshakeable nature of God’s kingdom and character, which are the basis of our faith and declarations in prayer.

Lamentations 3:22-23 is a powerful affirmation of God’s never-ending mercies and faithfulness. It encourages believers, especially intercessors, to trust in God’s faithfulness which is renewed every day. This passage is a source of hope and strength, particularly in times of struggle or uncertainty.

1 Corinthians 1:9 focuses on the faithfulness of God in calling us into fellowship with His Son. This verse highlights the personal and relational aspect of God’s faithfulness. It’s not just about what He does, but who He is – faithful in His essence. For intercessors, this is a reminder that our prayer life is rooted in a deep, personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

Prayer Focus:

  • Praise God for His righteousness, justice, steadfast love, and faithfulness.
  • Thank God for His new mercies every morning and affirm your trust in His faithfulness.
  • Pray for a deeper fellowship with Jesus Christ, acknowledging God’s faithfulness in your calling.
  • Declare God’s faithfulness over your life, your church, and your community, especially in areas where hope seems dim.


  • Reflect on instances where you have experienced God’s faithfulness in your life.
  • Consider how acknowledging God’s daily mercies can impact your attitude and approach to each day.
  • Think about ways you can share the message of God’s faithfulness with others in your community.

This devotion is designed to deepen the appreciation and acknowledgement of God’s faithfulness in the life of an intercessor. It serves as a reminder of the constant presence and steadfast love of God, which are foundational in the journey of faith and intercession.


Declaring His Faithfulness

Verse 1

In every sunrise, in every night’s fall,
Your faithfulness, Lord, it covers all.
Through seasons changing, in Your love we stand,
Declaring Your faithfulness across the land.


Declaring His faithfulness, in the heavens above,
In His promises, we find His love.
Through storms and calm, in His truth we stand tall,
His faithfulness, a shield for us all.

Verse 2

In every whisper of the wind, in every star’s light,
Your faithfulness, Lord, shines so bright.
In trials and triumphs, Your constancy we see,
In Your unwavering love, we are free.


Declaring His faithfulness, in the heavens above,
In His promises, we find His love.
Through storms and calm, in His truth we stand tall,
His faithfulness, a shield for us all.


Through every moment, His faithfulness remains,
In every loss and in every gain.
A rock in the desert, a stream in the dry,
His faithfulness, our constant supply.


Declaring His faithfulness, in the heavens above,
In His promises, we find His love.
Through storms and calm, in His truth we stand tall,
His faithfulness, a shield for us all.


So we lift our voices, in His truth so bold,
Declaring His faithfulness, more precious than gold.
In every heartbeat, in every breath,
His faithfulness, our strength till death.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: A Major (joyful, celebratory)
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 110 BPM (lively, upbeat)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “Declaring His Faithfulness” visually narrates a collective journey of recognizing, celebrating, and finding strength in God’s faithfulness. Each part of the song, from the tranquil intro to the hopeful outro, is represented with imagery that reinforces the song’s message of shared experiences of God’s unwavering faithfulness, deep personal gratitude, and the joyful celebration of His enduring promises.

    Intro: The Foundation of Faith

    • Visual: The scene opens with serene imagery, perhaps a sunrise or calm waters, symbolizing the unwavering nature of God’s faithfulness.
    • Music: Begins with soft, inviting instrumentals that set a tone of assurance and peace.
    • Transition to Verse 1: As the music builds, the camera pans to a diverse group of individuals, each reflecting contemplation and gratitude.

    Verse 1: Recalling Faithfulness

    • Visual: The individuals are shown in various life scenarios, each facing different challenges but finding strength in their faith. These scenes symbolize the presence of God’s faithfulness in all circumstances.
    • Music & Lyrics: Gentle and reflective, with lyrics that narrate personal experiences of God’s faithfulness.
    • Transition to Chorus 1: The individuals begin to come together, symbolizing the shared experience of God’s steadfastness.

    Chorus 1: Celebrating His Promises

    • Visual: The group gathers in a communal setting, perhaps in a natural amphitheater or a place of worship, joining in a celebration of God’s faithfulness.
    • Music & Lyrics: The music swells with hope and joy, with lyrics that are a jubilant declaration of God’s unwavering promises.
    • Transition to Verse 2: The celebration continues, with the camera focusing on individual expressions of joy and gratitude.

    Verse 2: Stories of Faithfulness

    • Visual: Brief vignettes showcasing moments where individuals experienced God’s faithfulness – moments of provision, guidance, and comfort.
    • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of faithfulness, the lyrics and music convey a sense of deep gratitude and reassurance.
    • Transition to Chorus 2: The group’s celebration becomes more vibrant, reflecting a growing sense of communal joy.

      Chorus 2: United in Gratitude

      • Visual: The celebration intensifies, with people singing, dancing, or otherwise expressing their joy and gratitude. The atmosphere is one of vibrant thanksgiving.
      • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, now more powerful and collective, emphasizing the communal aspect of celebrating God’s faithfulness.
      • Transition to Bridge: A moment of quiet reflection amid the celebration, focusing on a few individuals in thoughtful gratitude.

        Bridge: Depth of Gratitude

        • Visual: Close-ups of faces, each showing deep emotion and reflection, symbolizing the personal impact of God’s faithfulness.
        • Music & Lyrics: A change in tone, offering a more intimate and personal reflection on the depth of God’s faithfulness.
        • Transition to Chorus 3: The scene slowly expands to show the entire group, united and strong in their shared experiences.

        Chorus 3: Affirming His Faithfulness

        • Visual: The group stands together, perhaps holding hands or with arms around each other, symbolizing unity and collective strength in faith.
        • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful, affirming celebration of God’s faithfulness, full of joy and assurance.
        • Transition to Outro: The group looks towards the horizon, symbolizing looking forward to a future underpinned by unwavering faith.

        Outro: Forward in Faith

        • Visual: The scene transitions to a wide view of the landscape, with the group small but united against the vast backdrop, representing their journey forward, sustained by faith.
        • Music: The music gradually softens, maintaining a sense of hope and continuity.
        • Ending Scene: The final shot is a peaceful view of the horizon at sunset, symbolizing the end of one day and the promise of another, filled with the same steadfast faithfulness. The scene fades out, leaving a lasting impression of continual trust and gratitude for God’s enduring promises.