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“Sabaoth: Heavens’ Anthem” – Track 15 from “The Names of God”

Song Description:

“Sabaoth: Heavens’ Anthem,” the concluding track of our album, is a grand portrayal of God as the Lord of hosts, emphasizing His sovereignty over the heavenly armies and all of creation. The name Sabaoth, often translated as “hosts” or “armies,” speaks of God’s omnipotence and His command over the universe.

The title “Heavens’ Anthem” is chosen to reflect the celestial and cosmic nature of God’s power. The lyrics are imbued with imagery of grandeur and majesty, painting a picture of the heavenly realms where angelic beings praise the Almighty in perfect harmony. It’s a song that seeks to capture the awe-inspiring aspect of God as the supreme commander of the heavenly forces.

Musically, “Sabaoth: Heavens’ Anthem” is composed to be powerful and majestic. The melody and orchestration are intended to evoke the vastness and grandeur of the heavens. The harmonies and chorus aim to lift the spirits of worshippers, giving them a sense of the divine majesty and power of God.

This track serves as a powerful conclusion to the album, leaving listeners with a sense of awe and reverence for God’s supreme authority. It’s a call to recognize and celebrate the mighty power of Sabaoth, the Lord of heavenly hosts, and to find comfort in His omnipotent rule.

In the overall narrative of “The Names of God,” this song wraps up the journey by emphasizing the cosmic and transcendent nature of God’s power. “Sabaoth: Heavens’ Anthem” is not just a song but an experience, an invitation to join in the heavenly chorus of praise to the Almighty.


Devotion for “Sabaoth: Heavens’ Anthem” – Track 15

Scripture References:

  • 1 Samuel 1:3 – “Year after year this man went up from his town to worship and sacrifice to the Lord Almighty (Sabaoth) at Shiloh.”
  • Psalm 46:7 – “The Lord Almighty (Sabaoth) is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.”
  • Romans 8:31 – “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”


“Sabaoth: Heavens’ Anthem” is the culminating track of our album, magnifying God as the Lord of hosts, Sabaoth. This name signifies His command over the armies of heaven and the forces of creation, epitomizing His ultimate authority and power.

In 1 Samuel 1:3, the term “Lord Almighty” or “Sabaoth” is used to describe God’s supreme power and sovereignty. As an intercessor, this passage encourages you to acknowledge God’s unmatched authority in your prayers. It’s a reminder that when you call upon Sabaoth, you are invoking the God who commands the heavenly armies.

Psalm 46:7 affirms that the Lord Almighty is with us, serving as a source of strength and protection. This verse can inspire confidence and courage in your intercessory prayers, knowing that the God who commands cosmic forces is your fortress and refuge.

Romans 8:31 brings a profound assurance that if God is for us, no one can stand against us. In the context of intercession, this verse is a powerful declaration of God’s support and advocacy. It encourages you to pray boldly, knowing that the Lord of hosts is on your side, backing your prayers with His might.

As you meditate on “Sabaoth: Heavens’ Anthem,” let it elevate your perspective of God’s grandeur and power. Let this song inspire your prayers, reminding you that you are calling upon Sabaoth, the mighty commander of all the heavenly forces, the One who holds ultimate authority over all creation.


Lord Sabaoth, Almighty Commander of the heavenly hosts, I stand in awe of Your immense power and sovereignty. Help me to find strength and confidence in Your authority as I intercede for others. May my prayers be fortified by the knowledge that You, the Lord of hosts, are with us and for us. Amen.


Sabaoth: Heavens’ Anthem

Verse 1

In the realm of the stars, in the celestial array,
Sabaoth, Your command they obey.
Angel armies rise at Your beck and call,
Lord of Hosts, over one, over all.


Sabaoth, Sabaoth, Heavens’ Anthem, loud and clear,
In Your might, we have no fear.
Commander of the cosmos, in Your power, we stand tall,
Sabaoth, before You, all kingdoms fall.

Verse 2

In the thunder of space, in the whisper of the night,
Sabaoth, in Your glory, all is right.
Planets align at the wave of Your hand,
In Your presence, great and grand.


Sabaoth, Sabaoth, Heavens’ Anthem, loud and clear,
In Your might, we have no fear.
Commander of the cosmos, in Your power, we stand tall,
Sabaoth, before You, all kingdoms fall.


In the chorus of the galaxies, in the dance of the stars,
Your majesty, near and far.
In every atom, in every cosmic sea,
Sabaoth, Your power, the key.


Sabaoth, Sabaoth, Heavens’ Anthem, loud and clear,
In Your might, we have no fear.
Commander of the cosmos, in Your power, we stand tall,
Sabaoth, before You, all kingdoms fall.


As the universe echoes Your name, in every celestial frame,
Your dominion, forever the same.
In every heart, in every soul’s anthem song,
Sabaoth, to You, we belong.