Armor of Light - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Armor of Light” – Embracing Protection and Strength in God’s Truth

Track 8: “Armor of Light”

About the Song:

“Armor of Light” is a dynamic and inspiring track from “Truth Unveiled,” symbolizing the protective and empowering nature of living in God’s truth. This song is a powerful reminder of the spiritual armor that believers are called to wear, offering both defense and strength in the face of life’s challenges.

Lyric Highlights:

The lyrics artfully weave the imagery of light as a form of armor, representing the protective and enlightening power of God’s truth. “Armor of Light” encourages listeners to embrace this spiritual armor in their daily walk of faith, standing firm against spiritual adversity.

Musical Composition:

With a robust and energizing melody, this track combines strong rhythmic elements with uplifting harmonies. The arrangement is designed to evoke a sense of courage and determination, mirroring the empowering message of the song.

Message and Inspiration:

Drawing inspiration from Romans 13:12 – “The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light,” this song serves as a call to action for believers to live in the light of God’s truth and righteousness.

For the Listener:

Ideal for encouraging and empowering believers in their spiritual journey, “Armor of Light” is a perfect accompaniment for moments of personal reflection on one’s faith, as well as for corporate worship settings, inspiring the congregation to stand firm in their faith.


Devotion for “Armor of Light”

Scripture References:

  • Romans 13:12 – “The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light.”
  • Ephesians 6:11 – “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:5 – “For you are all children of light, children of the day. We are not of the night or of the darkness.”


“Armor of Light” is a call to embrace the protection and strength found in living a life guided by God’s truth and righteousness. Romans 13:12 encourages us to shed the deeds of darkness and arm ourselves with the light of Christ. For intercessors, this is a powerful metaphor for spiritual readiness and defense against the deceptions and temptations of the world.

Ephesians 6:11 extends this metaphor to the full armor of God, necessary for standing firm against spiritual challenges. The armor of light includes truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God as the sword of the Spirit. Each piece is crucial for effective spiritual warfare, particularly in the ministry of intercession.

1 Thessalonians 5:5 reminds us of our identity as children of light. This identity calls for a lifestyle that reflects the character of Christ – one that is visibly different from the patterns of the world. For an intercessor, being a child of light means praying and living in a way that consistently aligns with God’s values and purposes.

Prayer Focus:

  • Pray for the strength to cast off any works of darkness and to put on the armor of light.
  • Ask God to equip you with each aspect of His armor for effective spiritual warfare.
  • Intercede for those who are struggling with spiritual darkness, that they may find hope and salvation in Christ.
  • Declare the power of God’s light over areas of darkness in your community and the world.


  • Reflect on the different elements of the armor of God and how you can actively put them on in your life.
  • Consider ways in which your identity as a child of light should influence your actions, decisions, and prayers.
  • Think about how you can be a source of light in the environments and communities you are part of, particularly through your role as an intercessor.

This devotion is designed to encourage and equip intercessors to embrace their identity as children of light and to actively engage in spiritual warfare through prayer and righteous living.


Armor of Light

Verse 1

In a world cloaked in shadows, under a veiled night,
We wear Your truth, our armor of light.
Against whispers of doubt, against fears unseen,
In Your shining armor, we stand serene.


Armor of light, in Your truth we stand,
Guarded by Your mighty hand.
In the darkness, in the fray,
Your truth, our armor, night and day.

Verse 2

In the battles unseen, in the struggles we face,
Your word, our shield, filled with grace.
Against the arrows of lies, against the tides of despair,
In Your armor of light, we are under Your care.


Armor of light, in Your truth we stand,
Guarded by Your mighty hand.
In the darkness, in the fray,
Your truth, our armor, night and day.


No darkness too deep, no shadow too stark,
In Your armor of light, we make our mark.
A beacon of hope, a vessel of Your might,
In the armor of Your truth, we take flight.


Armor of light, in Your truth we stand,
Guarded by Your mighty hand.
In the darkness, in the fray,
Your truth, our armor, night and day.


So we march forth, in Your power so bright,
In the armor of light, in Your might.
Clad in Your truth, in Your love so right,
In the armor of light, we fight the good fight.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C# Minor (mysterious, with inner strength)
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 80 BPM (resolute and determined)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “Armor of Light” visually narrates the journey from recognizing the need for spiritual protection to actively embracing and finding strength in the ‘armor of light.’ Each section of the song, from the introspective intro to the empowered outro, is represented with imagery that reinforces the message of spiritual resilience, the power of faith, and the unity of believers in facing spiritual challenges. The visuals aim to create a narrative of empowerment, communal strength, and the transformative impact of living in the light of truth.

    Intro: The Dawning Awareness

    • Visual: The scene begins in a dimly lit environment, perhaps at twilight, with an individual appearing contemplative and introspective, symbolizing the initial awareness of spiritual conflict or darkness.
    • Music: Begins with a subtle, building instrumental, setting a tone of anticipation and realization.
    • Transition to Verse 1: As the music builds, the light around the individual begins to change, symbolizing the dawning of spiritual understanding.

    Verse 1: Recognizing the Need

    • Visual: The individual is shown observing symbols of darkness or conflict in their surroundings, perhaps shadows or encroaching night, representing the recognition of spiritual battles.
    • Music & Lyrics: Reflective and contemplative, with lyrics expressing the realization of the need for spiritual armor and protection.
    • Transition to Chorus 1: The individual’s posture shifts from observation to action, symbolizing a readiness to embrace the ‘armor of light.’

    Chorus 1: Embracing the Armor

    • Visual: The scene transitions to a more vivid setting where the individual is now illuminated with a soft but growing light, symbolizing the donning of spiritual armor. The light could be represented abstractly, like a glow emanating from within.
    • Music & Lyrics: The music becomes more pronounced and uplifting, with lyrics affirming the power and protection found in the ‘armor of light.’
    • Transition to Verse 2: The light becomes stronger and more encompassing, illuminating the path ahead.

    Verse 2: Strengthened in the Light

    • Visual: The individual, now radiating light, walks confidently, symbolizing the journey of living in truth and light. The light serves as a shield, dispelling shadows along the path.
    • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of spiritual strength, the lyrics and music convey a sense of empowerment and resilience.
    • Transition to Chorus 2: The path becomes more distinct and illuminated, indicating a growing confidence in the spiritual journey.

      Chorus 2: The Power of Light

      • Visual: The individual is now seen as part of a larger group, each member illuminated, representing a community of believers united in the ‘armor of light.’ The collective light is stronger, symbolizing shared strength and unity.
      • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, more powerful and collective, emphasizing the strength found in unity and shared faith.
      • Transition to Bridge: A moment of quiet reflection amid the light, focusing on individual faces within the group.

        Bridge: Inner Reflection and Resolve

        • Visual: Close-ups of various faces within the group, each showing determination and inner strength, symbolizing the personal resolve and faith that underpin the collective strength.
        • Music & Lyrics: A shift in tone, offering deeper insights into the personal commitment to wearing the ‘armor of light.’
        • Transition to Chorus 3: The group resumes their journey, now even more united and resolute.

        Chorus 3: United in the Light

        • Visual: The group stands together, their collective light serving as a beacon in the darkness, symbolizing unity and collective strength in the truth.
        • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful, affirming celebration of the protection and strength found in the ‘armor of light.’
        • Transition to Outro: The group’s silhouette against the light becomes a powerful symbol of resilience and hope.

        Outro: Forward in Light

        • Visual: The group continues their journey, illuminated and protected by the light. The path ahead is clear and well-lit, symbolizing a confident and secure path forward in their faith.
        • Music: The music gradually softens but maintains a sense of purpose and determination.
        • Ending Scene: The final shot shows the group moving forward into the distance, their path illuminated by the armor of light they wear. The scene fades out, leaving an impression of unwavering commitment to walking in spiritual strength and unity.