Benediction of Truth - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Benediction of Truth” – A Soulful Conclusion Anchored in God’s Unchanging Word

Track 15: “Benediction of Truth”

About the Song: “Benediction of Truth” serves as the closing track of “Truth Unveiled,” offering a reflective and prayerful conclusion to the album. This song is a beautiful encapsulation of the themes explored throughout the album, leaving listeners with a sense of peace and reassurance in the truth of God’s word.

Lyric Highlights:

The lyrics of “Benediction of Truth” are a blend of gratitude, prayer, and affirmation of God’s enduring truth. They are crafted to resonate as a closing prayer, acknowledging the journey through the album and reinforcing the listener’s commitment to walk in God’s truth.

Musical Composition:

Featuring a gentle and soothing melody, the track provides a calm and meditative atmosphere. The music is composed to evoke a sense of closure and contemplation, making it an ideal concluding piece.

Message and Inspiration:

Inspired by 3 John 1:4 – “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth,” this song is a heartfelt reminder of the joy found in a life lived in accordance with God’s truth. It serves as a benediction, a prayerful send-off, encouraging continued growth and reliance on God’s truth.

For the Listener:

“Benediction of Truth” is perfect for winding down a time of worship or personal reflection. Its calming nature makes it suitable for ending prayer sessions, Bible studies, or simply for moments of quiet contemplation on the truths of God’s Word.



Devotion for “Benediction of Truth”

Scripture References:

  • 3 John 1:4 – “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
  • John 17:17 – “Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.”
  • Psalm 25:5 – “Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.”


“Benediction of Truth” serves as a closing prayer and a reminder of the joy and sanctification found in walking in God’s truth. 3 John 1:4 expresses the deep joy of knowing others are living in the truth of God. For intercessors, this verse is a call to rejoice and find fulfillment in seeing the impact of their prayers as people live out God’s truth.

John 17:17 highlights Jesus’ prayer for His followers to be sanctified in truth. Sanctification is a process of being made holy, and truth is a key agent in this process. This verse underlines the importance of God’s truth in spiritual growth and intercession, reminding us that our prayers should align with and uphold God’s truth.

Psalm 25:5 is a humble request for guidance in God’s truth. It acknowledges God as the source of salvation and expresses a heartfelt desire to be led by His truth. This plea resonates with intercessors, as it embodies a reliance on God for direction and teaching in the truths of faith.

Prayer Focus:

  • Thank God for the joy found in walking in His truth and seeing others do the same.
  • Pray for your own sanctification in truth, that you may be a holy vessel for God’s purposes.
  • Intercede for those who are seeking direction and teaching in the truth of God.
  • Declare the guiding and sanctifying power of God’s truth over your life, your community, and the world.


  • Reflect on the ways you have experienced or witnessed the joy of walking in God’s truth.
  • Consider how you can incorporate the sanctification of truth into your daily life and intercession.
  • Contemplate the importance of continually seeking God’s guidance in His truth in your role as an intercessor.

This devotion concludes the album’s journey, underscoring the centrality of truth in the Christian faith and its critical role in the life of an intercessor. It serves as a benediction, a prayerful send-off, encouraging continued growth, and reliance on God’s truth.


Benediction of Truth

Verse 1

As we come to the end, of this sacred journey,
Your truth, O Lord, has set us free.
In every note, in every word,
Your voice of truth, it has been heard.


Benediction of truth, a closing prayer,
In Your holy presence, we lay our care.
As this chapter ends, and a new one begins,
In Your truth, O Lord, we find our wins.

Verse 2

With hearts full of gratitude, for the path we’ve trod,
In Your truth, we’ve been awed.
In every trial, in every test,
In Your truth, we’ve found our rest.


Benediction of truth, a closing prayer,
In Your holy presence, we lay our care.
As this chapter ends, and a new one begins,
In Your truth, O Lord, we find our wins.


As we go forth, into the world anew,
Carrying Your truth, in all we do.
A light for the path, a guide for the way,
In Your truth, O Lord, we’ll forever stay.


Benediction of truth, a closing prayer,
In Your holy presence, we lay our care.
As this chapter ends, and a new one begins,
In Your truth, O Lord, we find our wins.


So with this final word, this last embrace,
In Your truth, O Lord, we find our place.
Forever in our hearts, forever in our song,
In the benediction of truth, we belong.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C Major (conclusive, peaceful)
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 62 BPM (slow, reflective)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Intro: A Peaceful Beginning

  • Visual: The scene opens with a tranquil and soft setting, such as a calm lake at dusk or a quiet garden in the early evening, symbolizing reflection and the close of a journey.
  • Music: Begins with gentle, soothing instrumentals, setting a tone of peace and contemplation.
  • Transition to Verse 1: The camera slowly pans over the serene landscape, moving towards an individual or a group in a reflective pose.

Verse 1: Reflecting on the Journey

  • Visual: Individuals or a small group are shown in a state of contemplation, possibly looking at a path they have traveled or gazing at the horizon. This symbolizes looking back on the spiritual journey they have undertaken.
  • Music & Lyrics: Soft and introspective, with lyrics that reminisce about the journey of faith and the truths discovered along the way.
  • Transition to Chorus 1: The individuals begin to gather, forming a small, close-knit group.

Chorus 1: Affirmation of the Journey

  • Visual: The group is shown in a circle, symbolizing unity and shared experiences. The atmosphere is one of mutual support and understanding.
  • Music & Lyrics: The music becomes slightly more uplifting, with lyrics that affirm the value and lessons of the journey in truth.
  • Transition to Verse 2: The scene transitions to show vignettes of key moments from the journey, highlighting significant experiences and revelations.

Verse 2: Embracing the Lessons

  • Visual: Flashbacks or representations of key moments in the spiritual journey – perhaps challenges overcome, moments of revelation, or acts of kindness and faith.
  • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of reflection, the lyrics and music convey a deeper appreciation for the experiences and growth encountered.
  • Transition to Chorus 2: The group is shown coming back together, each individual bringing their insights to the circle, enriching the collective experience.

    Chorus 2: Gratitude and Hope

    • Visual: The group, now more connected and reflective, shares in a moment of gratitude. This could be symbolized by a communal gesture, such as joining hands or looking up to the sky.
    • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, deeper and more resonant, emphasizing the gratitude for the journey and hope for the future.
    • Transition to Bridge: A gentle shift in focus to an individual or a pair within the group, representing a personal reflection within the communal experience.

      Bridge: Personal Reflections

      • Visual: Close-up shots of individuals or pairs, each reflecting on their personal growth and the impact of the journey on their lives. These intimate moments highlight the personal connections to the truths they’ve embraced.
      • Music & Lyrics: A shift in tone, offering a more intimate and personal insight into the impact of the journey and the truths learned.
      • Transition to Chorus 3: The camera slowly zooms out to show the entire group, now with a deeper sense of understanding and connection.

      Chorus 3: A Unified Promise

      • Visual: The final chorus shows the group in a unified, peaceful stance, perhaps looking towards the horizon or a starry sky, symbolizing a collective commitment to continue living in the truth they have embraced.
      • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful, harmonious affirmation of the journey and the enduring truths learned, full of serenity and unity.
      • Transition to Outro: The group slowly starts to disperse, symbolizing the continuation of their individual journeys, yet united in the truths they share.

      Outro: The Journey Continues

      • Visual: The scene shows the individuals moving away from the group, each walking their own path, yet carrying with them the light and lessons of the journey. The setting is peaceful, with a sense of completion and ongoing journey.
      • Music: The music gently fades, leaving a feeling of calmness and quiet anticipation for the future.
      • Ending Scene: The final shot is a wide view of the landscape transitioning from dusk to night, symbolizing the end of one journey and the beginning of another. The scene fades out, leaving an impression of continuous growth, peace, and unity in truth.