Harmony in His Word - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Harmony in His Word” – Finding Unity and Peace in Scripture

Track 13: “Harmony in His Word”

About the Song:

“Harmony in His Word” is a reflective and harmonious track from “Truth Unveiled,” inviting listeners to explore the unity and tranquility found in God’s Word. This song is a gentle yet profound reminder of how scripture provides guidance, solace, and a harmonious backdrop to our lives.

Lyric Highlights:

The lyrics of “Harmony in His Word” weave together themes of unity, divine guidance, and the peace that comes from immersing oneself in scripture. They offer a soothing reassurance of the consistent and harmonious truth found in God’s Word, serving as a reminder of its timeless relevance and comfort.

Musical Composition:

Featuring a melodious and soothing arrangement, the track is composed to mirror the harmony found in the scriptures. The gentle and flowing melody, coupled with soft vocal harmonies, creates an atmosphere of peace and contemplation, perfectly complementing the song’s message.

Message and Inspiration:

Inspired by Psalm 119:160 – “The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever,” this song encourages listeners to find solace and wisdom in the harmonious teachings of the Bible. It’s a musical invitation to delve deeper into the scriptures and discover the unity and guidance they offer.

For the Listener:

“Harmony in His Word” is an ideal track for those seeking a deeper connection with God through His Word. Its tranquil nature makes it suitable for personal meditation, quiet time, and reflective moments in worship settings, encouraging a deeper engagement with scripture.


Devotion for “Harmony in His Word”

Scripture References:

  • Psalm 119:160 – “The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever.”
  • Colossians 3:16 – “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, and singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”


“Harmony in His Word” invites us to reflect on the cohesive and comprehensive nature of God’s Word. Psalm 119:160 emphasizes that the entirety of God’s Word is truth. This comprehensive truth is vital for intercessors, as it guides and informs our prayers, aligning them with God’s will and purpose.

Colossians 3:16 encourages believers to let Christ’s message live in them richly. This living word should overflow in teaching, wisdom, and worship. For intercessors, this means immersing themselves in Scripture, allowing its truths to inform their prayers and their lives, resulting in a harmonious balance of worship, wisdom, and action.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 speaks to the inspiration and usefulness of all Scripture. It is not only a foundation for faith but also a guide for living and a tool for spiritual growth and preparation. For an intercessor, understanding and applying Scripture is essential for being equipped for the ministry of prayer and for all aspects of Christian life.

Prayer Focus:

  • Thank God for the truth and harmony found in His Word.
  • Pray for a deeper immersion in Scripture, that it may richly dwell in you and guide your prayers.
  • Intercede for those who struggle to understand or apply God’s Word in their lives.
  • Declare the sufficiency and completeness of Scripture over your life, ministry, and community.


  • Reflect on how the harmony of God’s Word influences your understanding of His nature and will.
  • Consider ways to more deeply engage with Scripture in your daily life and intercessory prayers.
  • Contemplate the role of Scripture in equipping you for every good work, particularly in your calling as an intercessor.

This devotion is crafted to inspire a deeper appreciation and application of the harmonious truth found in Scripture, encouraging intercessors to ground their prayers and lives in the comprehensive wisdom of God’s Word. 


Harmony in His Word

Verse 1

In the melody of the scriptures, in the rhythm of the psalms,
Your word, O Lord, a soothing balm.
In every line, a harmony,
In Your truth, we find our symphony.


Harmony in His word, in each verse we find,
A song of love for all mankind.
In the cadence of His grace, in the chorus of His light,
In His word, our hearts take flight.

Verse 2

Through the verses of promises, in the stanzas of faith,
Your word resounds, a divine wraith.
In every promise, in every decree,
In Your word, O Lord, we are set free.


Harmony in His word, in each verse we find,
A song of love for all mankind.
In the cadence of His grace, in the chorus of His light,
In His word, our hearts take flight.


In the scripture’s embrace, in the testament’s song,
His word, where we belong.
A harmony divine, a melody so bright,
In His word, we find our light.


Harmony in His word, in each verse we find,
A song of love for all mankind.
In the cadence of His grace, in the chorus of His light,
In His word, our hearts take flight.


So we sing this song, with hearts so true,
In the harmony of His word, we renew.
In every line, a sacred chord,
In the harmony of His word, we’re restored.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: G Minor (reflective, harmonious)
  • Time Signature: 3/4
  • Tempo: 64 BPM (calm, balanced)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Intro: The Symphony Begins

  • Visual: The scene opens with a serene natural setting, perhaps a forest or a garden at dawn, symbolizing the harmony and peace found in God’s Word.
  • Music: Starts with soft, harmonious instrumentals, setting a tone of tranquility and unity.
  • Transition to Verse 1: The camera gently moves through the serene landscape, focusing on the harmonious interplay of nature.

Verse 1: Unity in Creation

  • Visual: Scenes showcasing the harmony of nature – leaves rustling in unison with the wind, a flock of birds moving together, a stream flowing in sync with its surroundings. These visuals symbolize the unity and balance found in God’s Word.
  • Music & Lyrics: Gentle and melodic, with lyrics that reflect the beauty and harmony in God’s creation, as guided by His Word.
  • Transition to Chorus 1: The natural scenes begin to subtly integrate human elements, showing people in peaceful coexistence with nature.

Chorus 1: The Harmony of His Word

  • Visual: The scene transitions to a group of individuals, diverse in background but united in their moment of worship or contemplation, perhaps gathered in a garden or a calm woodland clearing.
  • Music & Lyrics: The music becomes richer and fuller, with lyrics celebrating the harmony and peace found in living according to God’s Word.
  • Transition to Verse 2: The camera pans across the faces of the individuals, each reflecting a sense of peace and contentment.

Verse 2: Living in Harmony

  • Visual: Vignettes of people applying the principles of God’s Word in their daily lives – acts of kindness, moments of reflection, scenes of community and fellowship.
  • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of harmony in daily life, the lyrics and music convey a sense of purpose, peace, and unity.
  • Transition to Chorus 2: The scenes of individual acts transition back to the group, emphasizing the collective aspect of living in harmony.

    Chorus 2: United in His Word

    • Visual: The group is shown engaging in communal activities, such as sharing a meal, discussing in small groups, or praying together, highlighting the unity achieved through shared faith and values.
    • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, more powerful and collective, emphasizing the joy and unity found in God’s Word.
    • Transition to Bridge: A moment of quiet reflection, focusing on an individual or a small group in thoughtful prayer or meditation.

      Bridge: Deeper Reflection

      • Visual: Close-up shots of individuals in deep thought or prayer, reflecting on the deeper aspects of God’s Word and its impact on their lives.
      • Music & Lyrics: A change in tone, offering a more intimate and contemplative perspective on the personal impact and understanding of God’s Word.
      • Transition to Chorus 3: The individual reflections lead back to the communal setting, now with a deeper sense of connection and understanding.

      Chorus 3: Affirmation of Unity

      • Visual: The final chorus brings a scene of the group united in a circle or holding hands, symbolizing their shared journey and harmony in God’s Word.
      • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful, affirming celebration of the unity and peace found in living according to God’s Word, full of joy and togetherness.
      • Transition to Outro: The group collectively looks up towards the sky or outwards, symbolizing their forward journey together in harmony.

      Outro: Continuing in Harmony

      • Visual: The scene transitions to a wide view of the landscape, with the group small but united against the vast backdrop, representing their continuous journey in the harmony of God’s Word.
      • Music: The music gently fades, leaving a sense of ongoing unity and peace.
      • Ending Scene: The final shot is a peaceful view of the horizon, with light gently fading, leaving an impression of the enduring and unifying nature of God’s Word. The scene fades out, symbolizing the continuous journey in harmony and unity under His guidance.