Light in the Darkness - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Light in the Darkness” – Illuminating the Path with God’s Truth

Track 2: “Light in the Darkness”

About the Song:

“Light in the Darkness” is a compelling track from “Truth Unveiled,” offering a message of hope and guidance. This song beautifully captures the essence of finding God’s light in the midst of life’s darkest moments. It’s a musical reminder that even in times of uncertainty and struggle, God’s truth shines as a beacon of hope.

Lyric Highlights:

The lyrics artfully weave together themes of light, guidance, and the steadfast nature of God’s truth. Evoking images of light piercing through darkness, the song encourages listeners to seek and follow the divine light in every aspect of their lives.

Musical Composition:

The track features a dynamic and uplifting melody, with a harmonious blend of instruments that build from soft, reassuring tones to a powerful chorus. The arrangement is designed to uplift the spirit and instill a sense of hope and strength.

Message and Inspiration:

Drawing inspiration from Psalm 43:3 – “Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me…”, “Light in the Darkness” is a musical embodiment of the prayer for guidance and clarity in God’s truth. It serves as a reminder that no darkness is too great to be overcome by the light of God.

For the Listener:

This song is particularly resonant for those seeking comfort and direction in challenging times. Its inspiring melody and hopeful lyrics make it an excellent choice for personal reflection, communal worship, or as a source of encouragement during life’s trials.


Devotion for “Light in the Darkness”

Scripture References:

  • Psalm 43:3 – “Send out your light and your truth; let them lead me…”
  • John 1:5 – “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
  • Ephesians 5:8-9 – “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth).”


“Light in the Darkness” is a powerful reminder of the role of God’s light and truth in navigating the complexities and challenges of life. As intercessors, recognizing and relying upon this divine light is essential. Psalm 43:3 is a prayerful request to be led by God’s light and truth, which are indispensable guides through spiritual obscurity and moral ambiguity.

The Gospel of John speaks about the life-giving light of Christ that overcomes all darkness (John 1:5). This light is not just a metaphor but a spiritual reality that illuminates our path and reveals God’s nature. It represents hope, guidance, and the undeniable presence of God in the midst of life’s darkest moments.

Ephesians 5:8-9 encourages us to live as children of light, embodying goodness, righteousness, and truth. This isn’t just a passive state of being but an active pursuit of a life that reflects God’s character. As intercessors, walking in this light means we are equipped to stand against the darkness in the world, not only in our personal lives but also as we pray and declare God’s truth over the lives of others.

Prayer Focus:

  • Pray for the light of Christ to illuminate any areas of darkness in your life.
  • Ask for discernment to recognize and follow God’s truth in all situations.
  • Intercede for those who are walking in darkness, that they may come to know the light of Christ.
  • Declare the victory of Christ’s light over every form of spiritual darkness you are aware of.


  • How does living as a child of light affect your daily life and your intercessory prayers?
  • Reflect on times when God’s light guided you through a difficult situation.
  • Consider practical ways you can demonstrate goodness, righteousness, and truth in your community.

This devotion is tailored to deepen the understanding and application of the song’s themes, especially focusing on the role of God’s light and truth in the life of an intercessor.


Light in the Darkness

Verse 1

In shadows deep, where whispers lie,
Your truth, O Lord, is our guiding light.
Through valleys low, in night’s embrace,
Your word, a beacon of unfailing grace.


Light in the darkness, shining so bright,
In Your truth, we find our might.
Banishing shadows, breaking the night,
In Your love, we rise to new heights.

Verse 2

When fears arise, and storms draw near,
In Your promises, we find no fear.
Your truth, a fortress, strong and sure,
In Your faithfulness, we are secure.


Light in the darkness, shining so bright,
In Your truth, we find our might.
Banishing shadows, breaking the night,
In Your love, we rise to new heights.


In every whisper of the night,
In every terror, in every fright,
Your truth stands firm, a steadfast light,
Guiding us through, to morning bright.


Light in the darkness, shining so bright,
In Your truth, we find our might.
Banishing shadows, breaking the night,
In Your love, we rise to new heights.


So in this journey, through night to day,
In Your truth, we find our way.
Ever shining, never to stray,
In Your light, we stand and say.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C Minor (reflective, with a sense of longing)
  • Time Signature: 3/4
  • Tempo: 75 BPM (steady, with a sense of movement)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Light in the Darkness” aligns with the structure of the song, visually narrating the journey from seeking guidance in a time of uncertainty to finding comfort and direction in God’s light. Each section – from the contemplative intro to the reassuring outro – is designed to reflect the corresponding lyrical and musical mood, creating a cohesive and immersive story that encapsulates the song’s message of hope and divine guidance.

Intro: The Embrace of Darkness

  • Visual: The scene opens with a dimly lit setting, perhaps a forest at twilight or a person in a dim room, symbolizing a period of uncertainty or struggle.
  • Music: Mellow and subdued, setting a reflective tone.
  • Transition to Verse 1: Gradual focus on the individual, highlighting their contemplative state.

Verse 1: Seeking Guidance

  • Visual: The individual appears isolated, navigating through the dimly lit environment, symbolizing the search for guidance in times of confusion or challenge.
  • Music & Lyrics: Soft and introspective, with lyrics expressing a longing for light and direction.
  • Transition to Chorus 1: A faint glow begins to appear in the distance, suggesting the emergence of hope.

Chorus 1: Glimmer of Hope

  • Visual: The glow becomes slightly brighter, illuminating the individual’s path and surroundings, representing the first signs of hope and clarity.
  • Music & Lyrics: The music lifts, becoming more hopeful as the lyrics reflect on finding solace in God’s light.
  • Transition to Verse 2: The scene expands to show more of the illuminated path, indicating a growing sense of direction.

Verse 2: Path of Light

  • Visual: The individual follows the now-visible path, with scenes showing obstacles being overcome with the aid of the emerging light.
  • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of guidance, the lyrics and music grow in strength and assurance.
  • Transition to Chorus 2: The light strengthens, casting away more shadows, symbolizing increased confidence and trust.

    Chorus 2: Embracing the Light

    • Visual: The surrounding darkness recedes further, replaced by warm, comforting light. The individual’s journey becomes easier, reflecting growing faith and comfort.
    • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, now more powerful, highlighting the comfort found in divine guidance.
    • Transition to Bridge: The individual stops to look up, as if in contemplation or prayer.

      Bridge: Deeper Revelation

      • Visual: The scene shifts to a symbolic representation of inner peace or revelation – perhaps a serene landscape or a calm night sky with stars.
      • Music & Lyrics: A change in tone, providing a deeper insight or personal revelation, enhancing the theme of guidance and solace.
      • Transition to Chorus 3: The individual resumes their journey, now enveloped in a comforting light.

      Chorus 3: Journey in Comfort

      • Visual: The light now fully illuminates the path, with scenes of newfound confidence and hope on the individual’s journey.
      • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus, full of assurance and comfort, celebrating the guidance received.
      • Transition to Outro: The path leads onward, bathed in gentle light.

      Outro: Continuation in Light

      • Visual: The individual moves forward, with the light firmly guiding their way.
      • The scene widens, showing a landscape transformed by light, symbolizing the lasting impact of finding guidance and solace.
      • Music: The music gradually softens, maintaining a sense of peace and reassurance.
      • Ending Scene: The individual walks confidently into the distance, their path clearly lit, while the surroundings are peaceful and serene. The scene fades out as the music concludes, leaving a lasting impression of comfort and guidance found in the light.