Proclaiming His Promises - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Proclaiming His Promises” – Affirming the Certainty of God’s Faithful Words

Track 10: “Proclaiming His Promises”

About the Song:

“Proclaiming His Promises” is a soul-stirring track from “Truth Unveiled,” focusing on the affirmation and declaration of God’s unchanging promises. This song is a powerful reminder of the faithfulness of God’s Word and the assurance that every promise He has made will be fulfilled.

Lyric Highlights:

The lyrics of “Proclaiming His Promises” are a testament to the reliability and truth of God’s promises. They inspire listeners to hold onto these promises with unwavering faith, proclaiming them over their lives and circumstances.

Musical Composition:

The composition features a blend of inspiring melodies and a rich, resonant arrangement that underscores the song’s theme of divine assurance. The music builds progressively, capturing the strength and confidence that come from trusting in God’s promises.

Message and Inspiration:

Drawing from 2 Corinthians 1:20 – “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory,” this track encourages believers to stand firm in the assurance of God’s promises, knowing that they are yes and amen in Christ.

For the Listener:

Perfect for moments of reflection on the faithfulness of God, “Proclaiming His Promises” is an excellent choice for personal devotional time, as well as for encouraging and uplifting the congregation during worship services.


Devotion for “Proclaiming His Promises”

Scripture References:

  • 2 Corinthians 1:20 – “For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.”
  • Hebrews 10:23 – “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.”
  • Joshua 21:45 – “Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.”


“Proclaiming His Promises” focuses on the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises. 2 Corinthians 1:20 reminds us that all of God’s promises are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. For intercessors, this is a powerful assurance that our prayers and declarations are grounded in the certainty of God’s fulfilled promises through Christ.

Hebrews 10:23 encourages believers to hold onto their hope firmly, emphasizing God’s faithfulness. As intercessors, trusting in God’s promises is essential, even when circumstances might suggest otherwise. It’s a call to steadfast faith, knowing that God is always true to His word.

Joshua 21:45 reflects on the faithfulness of God in the history of Israel, where every promise made by God was fulfilled. This historical perspective offers a tangible testament to God’s reliability and faithfulness. It encourages intercessors to trust in God’s promises, recalling His faithfulness throughout history.

Prayer Focus:

  • Thank God for the fulfillment of all His promises in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for the faith to hold onto God’s promises, even in the face of doubts or challenging circumstances.
  • Intercede for those who are struggling to trust in God’s promises, that they may experience His faithfulness.
  • Declare the certainty and fulfillment of God’s promises over your life, your community, and the situations you are praying for.


  • Reflect on specific promises of God that have been significant in your life and how they have been fulfilled.
  • Consider ways in which you can remind yourself and others of God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises.
  • Contemplate the impact of understanding that all God’s promises are “Yes” in Christ on your approach to prayer and intercession.

This devotion is designed to strengthen trust in God’s promises and encourage intercessors to confidently proclaim and rely on these promises in their prayer life.


Proclaiming His Promises

Verse 1

In every word You’ve spoken, a promise to keep,
In Your eternal covenant, not shallow but deep.
Through the ages, Your words hold true,
Proclaiming Your promises, in all that we do.


Proclaiming His promises, each word a seed,
In the garden of faith, they meet our need.
With every scripture, with every verse,
His promises, our universe.

Verse 2

From the mountains high, to the valleys low,
Your promises, Lord, in us they grow.
In every season, in every time,
Your words of promise, a rhythm, a rhyme.


Proclaiming His promises, each word a seed,
In the garden of faith, they meet our need.
With every scripture, with every verse,
His promises, our universe.


In the moments of doubt, in the trials we face,
Your promises, Lord, a wellspring of grace.
A beacon of hope, a foundation so firm,
In Your promises, we affirm.


Proclaiming His promises, each word a seed,
In the garden of faith, they meet our need.
With every scripture, with every verse,
His promises, our universe.


So with hearts lifted high, in Your love so immense,
In Your promises, Lord, our confidence.
Through the passage of time, in Your word, we rest,
Proclaiming His promises, eternally blessed.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: F# Major (vibrant, confident)
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 104 BPM (energetic, positive)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Proclaiming His Promises” visually narrates a journey of remembering, celebrating, and finding strength in God’s faithfulness and promises. Each section of the song, from the introspective intro to the hopeful outro, is represented with imagery that reinforces the message of personal and communal experiences of God’s faithfulness, deep personal gratitude, and the joyful celebration of His enduring promises.

Intro: A Foundation of Trust

  • Visual: The scene opens with a calm, peaceful setting, perhaps a sunrise over a quiet landscape, symbolizing the dawning of hope and faith in God’s promises.
  • Music: Begins with gentle, reassuring instrumentals, setting a tone of trust and anticipation.
  • Transition to Verse 1: The camera gently moves from the landscape to focus on individuals in various settings, each reflecting a sense of expectation.

Verse 1: Recollections of Faithfulness

  • Visual: Individuals are shown in moments of reflection, perhaps looking at old letters, photos, or simply in deep thought, symbolizing personal recollections of times when God’s promises were fulfilled in their lives.
  • Music & Lyrics: Soft and contemplative, with lyrics that narrate personal experiences and memories of God’s faithfulness.
  • Transition to Chorus 1: The individuals start coming together, symbolizing a shared experience of God’s steadfastness.

Chorus 1: Celebrating God’s Promises

  • Visual: The individuals gather in a communal setting, joining in celebration of God’s faithfulness. The scene is warm and vibrant, reflecting the joy of shared faith.
  • Music & Lyrics: The music lifts, becoming more hopeful and joyful, with lyrics that affirm the certainty and fulfillment of God’s promises.
  • Transition to Verse 2: The celebration continues, with the camera focusing on individual expressions of joy and gratitude.

Verse 2: Testimonies of Assurance

  • Visual: Brief vignettes showcasing moments where individuals experienced God’s faithfulness – instances of answered prayers, moments of provision, and guidance.
  • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of assurance, the lyrics and music convey a sense of gratitude and reaffirmation of trust in God’s promises.
  • Transition to Chorus 2: The group’s celebration becomes more heartfelt and profound, reflecting a deepening sense of communal joy.

    Chorus 2: United in Belief

    • Visual: The celebration intensifies, with people singing, raising hands, or otherwise expressing their deep trust in and gratitude for God’s promises. The atmosphere is one of profound thanksgiving.
    • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, more powerful and collective, emphasizing the strength and joy found in shared belief and affirmation of God’s promises.
    • Transition to Bridge: A moment of contemplative pause in the celebration, focusing on a few individuals in thoughtful gratitude.

      Bridge: Depth of Conviction

      • Visual: Close-ups of faces, each showing deep emotion and reflection, symbolizing the personal impact and depth of belief in God’s promises.
      • Music & Lyrics: A shift in tone, offering a more intimate and personal reflection on the assurance and trust in God’s faithfulness.
      • Transition to Chorus 3: The individual reflections transition back to the communal setting, now with a renewed sense of connection and affirmation.

      Chorus 3: Affirming Faith Together

      • Visual: The group stands together, possibly holding hands or with arms around each other, symbolizing unity and collective strength in faith.
      • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful, affirming celebration of God’s unwavering promises, full of joy and collective strength.
      • Transition to Outro: The group looks towards the horizon or up to the sky, symbolizing a hopeful and faithful look towards the future.

      Outro: Forward in Faith

      • Visual: The scene transitions to a wide view of the landscape, with the group small but united against the vast backdrop, representing their journey forward underpinned by faith in God’s promises.
      • Music: The music gradually softens, maintaining a sense of hope and continuity.
      • Ending Scene: The final shot is a peaceful view of the horizon at sunset, symbolizing the end of one day and the promise of another, filled with the same steadfast faithfulness. The scene fades out, leaving an impression of continual trust and gratitude in God’s enduring promises.