River of Truth - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“River of Truth” – Flowing in the Transformative Power of God’s Word

Track 7: “River of Truth”

About the Song:

“River of Truth” is a spiritually enriching track from “Truth Unveiled,” symbolizing the continuous and life-giving flow of God’s truth in our lives. This song captures the essence of being immersed in the transformative power of God’s Word, much like a river that nourishes and revitalizes everything it touches.

Lyric Highlights:

The lyrics are beautifully crafted to depict the journey of a believer seeking nourishment and guidance in the ‘river’ of God’s truth. They reflect the soul’s deep longing for and reliance on the constant and refreshing presence of God’s Word.

Musical Composition:

With a melodic flow that mirrors the imagery of a river, this track features fluid harmonies and a soothing arrangement. The music crescendos in parts, echoing the moments of profound realization and spiritual awakening that come from immersing oneself in God’s truth.

Message and Inspiration:

Inspired by John 7:38 – “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” “River of Truth” invites listeners to experience the fullness of life and wisdom that flows from a deep relationship with God.

For the Listener:

“River of Truth” is perfect for times of worship and meditation, particularly for those seeking a deeper connection with God through His Word. Its tranquil yet powerful melody makes it a valuable addition to personal devotional time, as well as for reflective moments in community worship settings


Devotion for “River of Truth”

Scripture References:

  • John 7:38 – “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”
  • Psalm 36:9 – “For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light do we see light.”
  • Revelation 22:1 – “Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.”


“River of Truth” is a metaphor for the life-giving flow of God’s truth in our lives. John 7:38 speaks of the rivers of living water, symbolizing the Holy Spirit, which flows into and out of the believer’s life. This imagery is especially powerful for intercessors, as it represents a continuous, refreshing source of spiritual vitality and truth that sustains and empowers their prayer life.

Psalm 36:9 draws a connection between God as the source of life and the light by which we gain true insight and understanding. The ‘fountain of life’ is a reminder that all truth and spiritual sustenance flow from God, illuminating our path and guiding our intercessions.

Revelation 22:1 paints a picture of the river of the water of life in the new creation, emanating from the throne of God and the Lamb. This vision extends the metaphor of the river of truth into the eternal realm, signifying the everlasting nature of God’s truth and the ultimate fulfillment of His promises.

Prayer Focus:

  • Pray for a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit’s presence in your life, as a river of living water.
  • Thank God for being the fountain of life and

ask for His light to guide you in understanding and applying His truth.

  • Intercede for those who are spiritually thirsty, that they may find refreshment in the river of God’s truth.
  • Declare the life-giving power of God’s truth over your community, nation, and the world.


  • Reflect on how the presence of the Holy Spirit, as the river of living water, influences your daily life and your intercession.
  • Consider the ways in which you can draw more deeply from the ‘fountain of life’ in your personal walk with God.
  • Contemplate the eternal significance of the river of the water of life described in Revelation, and how it impacts your understanding of God’s ultimate plan.

This devotion is crafted to deepen the understanding and appreciation of God’s truth as a life-giving and sustaining force, especially relevant for the role of an intercessor. 


River of Truth

Verse 1

Flowing from Your throne, a river so pure,
In its gentle stream, our souls find a cure.
Through valleys of doubt, over mountains of fear,
Your river of truth, forever near.


River of truth, flowing so deep,
In its sacred course, our faith we keep.
Cleansing our hearts, setting us free,
In the river of truth, we find Your decree.

Verse 2

Winding through the desert, quenching our thirst,
In the driest land, Your truth bursts.
Bringing life to the barren, hope to the lost,
Your river of truth, no matter the cost.


River of truth, flowing so deep,
In its sacred course, our faith we keep.
Cleansing our hearts, setting us free,
In the river of truth, we find Your decree.


Through the storms of life, it flows undeterred,
In the whispers of truth, Your voice is heard.
A current of grace, a tide of love,
Your river of truth, sent from above.


River of truth, flowing so deep,
In its sacred course, our faith we keep.
Cleansing our hearts, setting us free,
In the river of truth, we find Your decree.


So we step into its holy embrace,
In the river of truth, we find our place.
Flowing from Your heart, to the ends of the earth,
In the river of truth, we find rebirth.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: F Major (peaceful, flowing)
  • Time Signature: 3/4
  • Tempo: 66 BPM (smooth and continuous)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “River of Truth” visually narrates the journey of discovering and embracing God’s truth, paralleling the river’s path. Each part of the song, from the introspective intro to the hopeful outro, is represented with imagery that enhances the message of continuous spiritual nourishment and communal sharing in the journey of faith. The visuals aim to create a narrative of growth, connection, and the unending pursuit of understanding, mirroring the song’s themes of guidance, nourishment, and unity in truth.

    Intro: The Source

    • Visual: Opens with a serene scene of a river’s origin, such as a gentle spring or a small mountain stream, symbolizing the beginning of the journey towards understanding and embracing God’s truth.
    • Music: Begins with soft, flowing instrumentals, setting a tranquil and inviting tone.
    • Transition to Verse 1: The camera follows the water as it begins its journey, widening into a river.

    Verse 1: Seeking Clarity

    • Visual: The scene follows an individual walking alongside the river, symbolizing their journey in seeking truth. The river’s flow represents the continuous and evolving nature of understanding.
    • Music & Lyrics: Gentle and contemplative, with lyrics expressing the initial steps towards seeking and understanding God’s truth.
    • Transition to Chorus 1: The river begins to widen and flow more strongly, mirroring the individual’s deepening understanding.

    Chorus 1: Embracing the Flow

    • Visual: The individual is now actively following the river, symbolizing a more profound engagement with the flow of truth. The river’s course becomes more vibrant and lively.
    • Music & Lyrics: The music swells, becoming more uplifting, with lyrics that celebrate the journey of following God’s truth.
    • Transition to Verse 2: The river leads the individual through varied landscapes, representing the diverse experiences and insights gained along the journey.

    Verse 2: Nourishment of the Soul

    • Visual: The river nourishes the lands it flows through, symbolizing the nourishing effect of God’s truth on the soul. The individual interacts with others along the way, sharing insights and experiences.
    • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of spiritual nourishment, the lyrics and music convey a sense of growth and enrichment.
    • Transition to Chorus 2: The river becomes a gathering place, symbolizing the communal aspect of sharing and living in truth.

      Chorus 2: Community in Truth

      • Visual: The scene shows a community coming together by the river, celebrating and sharing in the truth. The river is vibrant and full of life, reflecting the communal joy found in God’s truth.
      • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, more powerful and collective, emphasizing the shared experience of living in truth.
      • Transition to Bridge: The individual finds a quiet spot by the river for reflection, representing a moment of personal contemplation.

        Bridge: Reflection and Depth

        • Visual: Close-ups of the individual and others reflecting by the river, each contemplating their journey and the truths they’ve embraced.
        • Music & Lyrics: A change in tone, providing a deeper, more personal insight into the impact of God’s truth.
        • Transition to Chorus 3: The individual rejoins the community, now with a deeper sense of connection and understanding.

        Chorus 3: United in the Journey

        • Visual: The community is seen together, united by the river, symbolizing their shared journey in the truth. The river flows strongly, enriched by the community’s presence.
        • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful affirmation of the shared journey in God’s truth, full of joy and unity.
        • Transition to Outro: The river flows into a vast expanse, symbolizing the ongoing journey of discovery in truth.

        Outro: The Endless Journey

        • Visual: The river flows into the horizon, endless and ever-moving. The individual and the community are seen embarking on the next phase of their journey, symbolizing the continuous pursuit of truth.
        • Music: The music fades gently, mirroring the endless flow of the river.
        • Ending Scene: The final shot is a panoramic view of the river meandering into the distance, with the individual and the community small but resolute figures alongside it. The scene fades out, leaving an impression of the perpetual journey of growth and discovery in the “River of Truth.”