Unshaken - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

“Unshaken” – Standing Firm in Faith and Truth

Track 11: “Unshaken”

About the Song:

“Unshaken” is a compelling track from “Truth Unveiled,” embodying the theme of steadfast faith and resilience in God’s truth. This song is a musical representation of the strength and stability found in a life grounded in Christ, even amidst life’s uncertainties and challenges.

Lyric Highlights:

The lyrics of “Unshaken” encourage listeners to remain steadfast in their faith, emphasizing the security and peace found in trusting God’s unchanging nature. The song serves as a reminder that, no matter the circumstances, our faith can remain unshaken when rooted in the Lord.

Musical Composition:

Featuring a strong and affirming melody, “Unshaken” combines bold instrumentals with confident vocals to create a sense of fortitude and assurance. The music resonates with the theme of unwavering faith, providing an uplifting and empowering listening experience.

Message and Inspiration:

Drawing inspiration from Psalm 15:2 – “He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart,” this track motivates believers to live a life of integrity and truth, unshaken by the world’s trials and tribulations.

For the Listener:

Ideal for those seeking encouragement and strength in their walk with God, “Unshaken” is a powerful addition to both personal and communal worship settings. Its inspiring message and robust melody make it suitable for moments of reflection, prayer, and affirmation of faith.


Devotion for “Unshaken”

Scripture References:

  • Psalm 15:2 – “He who walks blamelessly and does what is right and speaks truth in his heart.”
  • Psalm 62:6 – “He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.”
  • Hebrews 12:28 – “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe.”


“Unshaken” is a call to steadfastness and integrity in our faith and actions. Psalm 15:2 describes the characteristics of someone who dwells in God’s presence, highlighting the importance of walking blamelessly, doing what is right, and speaking truth. For intercessors, this is a reminder that their strength and stability in prayer are deeply connected to their personal integrity and commitment to truth.

Psalm 62:6 portrays God as a rock and fortress, a metaphor for His reliability and strength. As intercessors, recognizing God as our unshakable foundation is crucial. It reassures us that no matter what challenges we face, our faith need not be shaken because we are anchored in God’s steadfastness.

Hebrews 12:28 speaks of the unshakeable kingdom we have received, a kingdom built on God’s eternal and unchanging promises. This verse calls us to worship God with reverence and awe, recognizing the privilege and responsibility of being part of His unshakeable kingdom. For intercessors, this is an encouragement to approach prayer with a sense of gratitude and solemnity, mindful of the unshakeable nature of the God we serve.

Prayer Focus:

  • Pray for the strength to walk blamelessly and to live in truth, reflecting God’s character in your life.
  • Thank God for being your rock and fortress, providing stability in every situation.
  • Intercede for those who feel shaken by life’s circumstances, that they may find their footing in God’s unshakeable kingdom.
  • Declare the stability and security of God’s kingdom over your life, your church, and your community.


  • Reflect on what it means to be unshaken in your faith, especially in challenging times.
  • Consider how you can more firmly anchor your life and prayers in the stability of God’s character.
  • Contemplate the impact of living as a citizen of God’s unshakeable kingdom on your daily life and intercession.

This devotion is crafted to inspire confidence and stability in the face of life’s uncertainties, emphasizing the unshakeable nature of God and His kingdom.



Verse 1

In a world that shifts like sand,
Your truth, O Lord, is the land where we stand.
Through storms that rage, through winds that howl,
In Your unshaken word, we drape our soul.


Unshaken, in Your holy word,
Above the chaos, Your voice is heard.
In the quake of life, in the tempest’s roar,
Unshaken, we stand, forevermore.

Verse 2

In the tides of change, in the currents of doubt,
Your steadfast love is what life’s about.
An anchor in the depths, a light in the grey,
In Your unshaken truth, we find our way.


Unshaken, in Your holy word,
Above the chaos, Your voice is heard.
In the quake of life, in the tempest’s roar,
Unshaken, we stand, forevermore.


Though the earth may tremble, the mountains may fall,
Your unshaken word, a fortress tall.
A promise unbroken, a path so clear,
In Your unwavering truth, we have no fear.


Unshaken, in Your holy word,
Above the chaos, Your voice is heard.
In the quake of life, in the tempest’s roar,
Unshaken, we stand, forevermore.


So in this journey, through the unknown,
In Your unshaken word, we’ve flown.
Steady and sure, like the stars above,
Unshaken, in the truth of Your love.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: D Minor (steadfast, serious)
  • Time Signature: 4/4
  • Tempo: 70 BPM (firm and unwavering)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Intro: The Firm Foundation

  • Visual: The scene opens with a serene yet powerful image, perhaps a solid rock amidst a turbulent sea or a sturdy tree standing tall in a storm, symbolizing unwavering strength and stability.
  • Music: Begins with a steady, reassuring instrumental, setting a tone of steadfastness and resolve.
  • **Transition to Verse 1: As the music builds, the camera zooms in to focus on an individual standing firm, their gaze resolute and determined.

Verse 1: Facing the Storm

  • Visual: The individual is shown facing various challenges – perhaps strong winds, heavy rain, or symbolic obstacles – representing the trials of life.
  • Music & Lyrics: Reflective and steady, with lyrics that speak to the challenges faced and the determination to stand firm in faith.
  • Transition to Chorus 1: As the verse concludes, the individual’s posture becomes more confident and resolute, symbolizing their unshakable faith.

Chorus 1: Declaration of Steadfastness

  • Visual: The scene shows the individual, now joined by others, standing firm together. Their unity and collective strength become a powerful symbol against the challenges around them.
  • Music & Lyrics: The music becomes more uplifting and bold, with lyrics affirming the commitment to stand unshaken in their faith.
  • Transition to Verse 2: The storm begins to subside, symbolizing the power of steadfast faith to endure and overcome trials.

Verse 2: Strength in Unity

  • Visual: The group is shown supporting each other, sharing moments of encouragement and strength. This unity reinforces their ability to withstand the challenges they face.
  • Music & Lyrics: Building on the theme of resilience, the lyrics and music convey a sense of collective strength and solidarity.
  • Transition to Chorus 2: The group’s bond strengthens, and the environment around them becomes calmer, reflecting the stabilizing effect of their faith.

    Chorus 2: Affirmation of Unwavering Faith

    • Visual: The group, now larger, stands even more firmly. The once turbulent environment is now calm, symbolizing the tranquility that comes from unwavering faith.
    • Music & Lyrics: A repeat of the chorus, more powerful and collective, emphasizing the confidence and peace found in steadfast faith.
    • Transition to Bridge: The individuals in the group take a moment of reflective pause, each contemplating their personal journey of faith.

      Bridge: Personal Reflections

      • Visual: Close-ups of various faces in the group, each showing a sense of peace, gratitude, and inner strength, symbolizing their personal journeys and the depth of their faith.
      • Music & Lyrics: A change in tone, offering deeper, more introspective insights into the individual experiences of maintaining unwavering faith.
      • Transition to Chorus 3: The group comes back together, now with a deeper sense of purpose and unity.

      Chorus 3: Triumph in Faith

      • Visual: The final chorus shows the group in a vibrant, peaceful setting, perhaps a bright meadow or a calm shore, symbolizing the triumph and peace achieved through their unshakable faith.
      • Music & Lyrics: The final chorus is a powerful and joyful affirmation of their unwavering faith, full of triumph and serenity.
      • Transition to Outro: The group looks forward, towards the horizon, symbolizing the ongoing journey of faith.

      Outro: The Path Forward

      • Visual: The scene shows the group moving forward together, their path clear and bright, symbolizing the journey ahead, guided by their steadfast faith.
      • Music: The music gently fades, leaving a sense of hope and continuation.
      • Ending Scene: The final shot is a wide view of the landscape, with the group moving forward confidently. The scene fades out, leaving an impression of a journey continued in unwavering faith and unity.