Arise, O Youth - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 3: “Arise, O Youth”


“Arise, O Youth” is an invigorating and inspiring track that speaks directly to the younger generation, calling them to recognize and embrace their significant role in God’s plan. This song is a vibrant reminder of the potential and value of youth, urging them to rise in faith and boldness. It combines uplifting lyrics with a dynamic melody, aiming to motivate and energize young listeners to live out their faith with passion and purpose. The track also serves as an encouragement to the wider church community to support and empower young people in their spiritual journey. Aligning with the album’s focus on the importance of recognizing our creation in God’s image, “Arise, O Youth” highlights the unique and crucial contribution of the younger generation in living out and spreading this truth. It’s a song of hope, future, and the promise that resides within the hearts of the young, destined to impact the world for Christ.


Devotion for “Arise, O Youth” (Track 3)

Title: Empowering the Next Generation: A Call to Rise

Opening Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:12 – “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”


“Arise, O Youth” is a clarion call to the younger generation to recognize and embrace their God-given roles and potentials. It’s also a reminder to the older generation to encourage and empower youth in their spiritual journey.

Deeper Insight:

The apostle Paul’s exhortation to Timothy highlights an important truth: youth is not a barrier to spiritual significance. Young people are called to be examples in faith, love, and purity. In a world that often underestimates youth, God’s Word empowers and elevates them.

Jeremiah 29:11 further affirms this, declaring God’s plans of hope and a future for every individual. This verse resonates profoundly with young people, assuring them that their lives have purpose and direction under God’s sovereign plan.


As mature intercessors, our role is to mentor, guide, and intercede for the younger generation. We are called to recognize and nurture the spiritual gifts in youth, encouraging them to step boldly into their calling. Let’s commit to praying for the youth, that they may rise to be strong, godly leaders and influencers in their generation.


Father God, I lift up the young people in our community and around the world. May they understand their worth and calling in You. Help them to be bold and steadfast in their faith, setting an example in their words and actions. Give me wisdom and guidance to support and encourage them on their spiritual journey. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Scripture:

Ecclesiastes 12:1 – “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, ‘I find no pleasure in them.'”

This devotion is designed to inspire and guide in the nurturing of the younger generation’s spiritual growth, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and supporting their unique roles in God’s kingdom.


Arise, O Youth

Verse 1

In the dawn of your days, so much unseen,
A world of promise, where you have been.
You’re the now, not just the future to be,
In His image, with purpose, you’re called to be free.


Arise, O Youth, in His strength, stand tall,
In His love, conquer, in His grace, don’t fall.
For such a time as this, you’re chosen, you’re bright,
Arise, O Youth, shine His marvelous light.

Verse 2

With dreams in your heart, fire in your soul,
In His plans, you play a vital role.
Don’t be swayed, in truth, you stand firm,
For in His story, you have a term.


Arise, O Youth, in His strength, stand tall,
In His love, conquer, in His grace, don’t fall.
For such a time as this, you’re chosen, you’re bright,
Arise, O Youth, shine His marvelous light.


Raise your voice, let His truth be heard,
In your walk, let them see His Word.
You’re His hands, His feet, His heart in this world,
Arise, O Youth, let His banner be unfurled.


Arise, O Youth, in His strength, stand tall,
In His love, conquer, in His grace, don’t fall.
For such a time as this, you’re chosen, you’re bright,
Arise, O Youth, shine His marvelous light.


In His love, you’re strong,
in His grace, you’re new,
Arise, O Youth,
He’s calling you.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: A Major (bright and youthful)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (universal and accessible)
  • Tempo: 128 BPM (upbeat and energetic)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Music Video Storyboard for “Arise, O Youth” (Track 3)

Mood and Theme:
The mood is energetic and hopeful, focusing on empowering and inspiring the youth. The theme emphasizes the potential, vibrancy, and significant role of young people in shaping the future.

      This storyboard for “Arise, O Youth” aims to capture the spirit and potential of the younger generation, inspiring them to embrace their roles with energy and purpose. The focus is on showcasing the vibrancy, diversity, and impact of youth, aligned with the song’s message of empowerment and hope.

      Opening Scene:

      • Visual Concept: A dawn scene transitions to various young individuals waking up, symbolizing the awakening of potential and purpose.
      • Musical Development: The song starts with a gentle, inspiring melody that builds anticipation.

      First Verse:

      • Visual Concept: Scenes of young people in different settings – a college campus, a sports field, an art studio – each showing passion and dedication in their pursuits.
      • Musical Development: The melody picks up, reflecting the energy and dynamism of youth.


      • Visual Concept: Groups of youth coming together in different community and church settings, engaging in activities, worship, and service.
      • Musical Development: The chorus is upbeat and motivating, capturing the essence of youthful zeal and unity.

      Second Verse:

      • Visual Concept: Individual stories of challenge and triumph – a young person volunteering, another overcoming academic challenges, and one inspiring peers.
      • Musical Development: The music continues with an empowering and uplifting rhythm.

        Second Chorus:

        • Visual Concept: Larger groups of youth now, showing a broader sense of community and impact – participating in rallies, leading community projects, and worship events.
        • Musical Development: The chorus repeats with more intensity, showcasing the collective strength and influence of youth.


            • Visual Concept: A montage of global youth movements and contributions, highlighting the significant impact of young people worldwide.
            • Musical Development: The bridge has a global, anthem-like feel, representing the voice of youth across the world.

            Final Chorus:

            • Visual Concept: A grand gathering of young people, diverse and unified, celebrating their faith, potential, and shared vision for the future.
            • Musical Development: The music reaches its climax, full of energy and hope, echoing the power of united youth.

            Closing Scene:

            • Visual Concept: The young individuals from the opening scenes, now shown in moments of fulfillment and purpose, symbolizing the realization of their potential.
            • Musical Development: The song concludes with an uplifting and fulfilling fade-out, leaving a sense of hope and expectation.

            End Credits:

            • Visual Concept: The screen fades to black with inspiring quotes about youth and potential.
            • Musical Development: A soft, hopeful reprise of the main melody plays out the credits.