Stand in Your Image - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 1: “Stand in Your Image”


“Stand in Your Image” is an anthem of empowerment and spiritual resolve, inspired by the profound truth that we are made in the image of God. This track sets the tone for the album by delving into the depths of our identity in Christ, emphasizing how this identity equips us for spiritual warfare. The song is a bold declaration, inviting listeners to embrace their God-given authority and stand firm against the enemy’s schemes. With its stirring lyrics and compelling melody, “Stand in Your Image” is not just a song, but a battle cry for all believers, reminding us of the strength and dignity we possess as image bearers of the Almighty. This track resonates with the core message of the album, highlighting the importance of recognizing our value in God’s eyes and the power of His image within us to effect change in our lives and the world around us.


Devotion for “Stand in Your Image” (Track 1)

Title: Embracing Our Identity in Christ for Spiritual Warfare

Opening Scripture:

Ephesians 6:10-11 – “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”


In “Stand in Your Image,” we are reminded of our unique creation in the image of God. This identity is not just a marker of who we are but also a call to the role we play in the spiritual realm. As Ephesians 6:10-11 urges us, we must recognize our strength in the Lord and the necessity of His armor in spiritual battles.

Deeper Insight:

Being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:27) equips us uniquely for spiritual warfare. It’s not in our physicality that we fight but through the spiritual authority we have in Christ. Our identity in Him is our greatest weapon, enabling us to stand firm against the enemy’s tactics.

Consider 2 Corinthians 10:4, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” Our battle is against spiritual forces, and our weapons are imbued with divine power. In Christ, we have authority over deception, despair, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.


As intercessors, our role is critical in the spiritual landscape. We are called to be aware, not only of our identity in Christ but also of the authority that this identity confers upon us. When we stand in prayer, we are not merely asking; we are declaring God’s will and truth into situations, pulling down strongholds, and establishing His kingdom on earth.


Heavenly Father, thank You for creating me in Your image and giving me an identity rooted in Your love and power. Help me to fully grasp the authority I have in Christ and to use it for Your glory. Equip me with Your full armor, so I may stand firm against the schemes of the enemy, and be a vessel of Your truth and light in this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Scripture:

Romans 8:37 – “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.”

This devotion aims to deepen the understanding of our identity in Christ, especially in the context of spiritual warfare, encouraging mature intercessors to embrace their God-given authority and role in the spiritual realm.


Stand in Your Image

Verse 1

In Your breath, life began, shaped by Your hand,
In Your image, we stand, strong in this land.
Crafted in love, formed to be free,
In Your likeness, we rise, in victory we see.


We stand in Your image, warriors of light,
Holding Your standard against the night.
In Your strength, we proclaim,
Every stronghold breaks, in Your mighty name.

Verse 2

Every lie, every scheme, falls before Your truth,
In Your image, we’re sealed, restored and renewed.
Called to the fight, in Your armor, we’re dressed,
In Your power, we stand, by Your spirit, we’re blessed.


We stand in Your image, warriors of light,
Holding Your standard against the night.
In Your strength, we proclaim,
Every stronghold breaks, in Your mighty name.


In Your love, a fortress, unyielding, unshaken,
Against every plan, the enemy has taken.
Rising as one, in Your image, we claim,
Victory’s ours, in Jesus’ name.


We stand in Your image, warriors of light,
Holding Your standard against the night.
In Your strength, we proclaim,
Every stronghold breaks, in Your mighty name.


In unity, we stand,
in Your love, we abide,
In Your image,
O Lord, forever we’ll stride.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: D Major (signifying triumph and victory)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady and strong)
  • Tempo: 120 BPM (energetic and assertive)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Music Video Storyboard for “Stand in Your Image” Mood and Theme: The video has a powerful, inspiring mood, emphasizing spiritual strength and resilience. The theme revolves around the spiritual warfare aspect of being in God’s image, showcasing believers standing firm in various life situations.

This storyboard for “Stand in Your Image” is designed to visually and musically capture the essence of spiritual resilience and the power of faith in overcoming daily challenges. The focus is on portraying real-life scenarios where faith and identity in God’s image empower individuals and communities.

Opening Scene:

  • Visual Concept: A serene dawn breaking over a cityscape, transitioning to individuals waking up, symbolizing the start of a new day’s battles.
  • Musical Development: The song starts softly, building up as the sun rises, mirroring the gradual awakening of the city.

First Verse:

  • Visual Concept: Scenes of different people facing their daily struggles – a single parent managing home and children, a young professional in a bustling office, an elderly person feeling alone.
  • Musical Development: The melody picks up, reflecting the increasing challenges of the day.


  • Visual Concept: A shift to a more uplifting tone as each individual finds strength. They are now standing firm, their faces showing determination and peace.
  • Musical Development: The chorus is robust and uplifting, emphasizing the empowering lyrics.

Second Verse:

  • Visual Concept: Scenes showing each person encountering a moment of difficulty or temptation, symbolizing spiritual warfare.
  • Musical Development: The music becomes more intense, matching the on-screen challenges.

    Second Chorus:

    • Visual Concept: Each person is now shown in a posture of prayer or worship, finding strength in their faith. They’re not just enduring but actively standing against their challenges.
    • Musical Development: The chorus repeats with more intensity, highlighting the victory in spiritual battles.


      • Visual Concept: A series of quick shots showing everyday acts of kindness, courage, and faith by these individuals, symbolizing putting on the armor of God.
      • Musical Development: The bridge has a transformative, dynamic feel, showing the transition from battle to victory.

      Final Chorus:

      • Visual Concept: The individuals are now joined by others, showing a community of believers standing together, symbolizing the unity and strength of the church.
      • Musical Development: The music reaches its climax, with full instrumentation and vocals, echoing the unity and collective strength.

      End Credits:

      • Visual Concept: The screen fades to black, with the final lyrics echoing on screen.
      • Musical Development: A soft reprise of the main melody plays out the credits.