Voice for the Voiceless - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 2: “Voice for the Voiceless”


“Voice for the Voiceless” is a poignant and deeply moving song that echoes the heart of God for the sanctity of life. This track addresses the sensitive issue of abortion, approaching it with a spirit of compassion and a strong stance for life. Through its lyricism, the song seeks to give a voice to the unborn, reminding listeners of the intrinsic value and beauty of every life formed by God. It’s a call to action for believers to be advocates for those who cannot speak for themselves, encouraging prayer, awareness, and involvement in issues that concern the dignity of life from conception. “Voice for the Voiceless” blends a tender melody with powerful lyrics, aiming to stir hearts and inspire a godly perspective on the preciousness of life, aligning with the album’s overarching theme of valuing life and covenant relationships as reflections of being made in God’s image.


Devotion for “Voice for the Voiceless” (Track 2)

Title: Advocating for Life: The Sanctity of the Unborn

Opening Scripture: Psalm 139:13-14 – “For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”


“Voice for the Voiceless” calls us to a profound recognition of the value of every life, especially the unborn. The psalmist’s acknowledgment of God’s hand in our creation from the womb is a testament to the sanctity of life at every stage.

Deeper Insight:

Understanding the depth of Psalm 139:13-14 can transform our perspective on the unborn. Each person, from conception, is a unique creation of God, carrying the imprint of His image. As intercessors, we are called to not only recognize this truth but also to stand as advocates for those who cannot speak for themselves.

In Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” This verse speaks of God’s intimate knowledge and purpose for each life, even before birth. It’s a powerful reminder of the intrinsic value and potential placed within each individual by God.


As mature intercessors, our role extends beyond personal petitions; we are called to be voices in societal issues where life is undervalued. Advocating for the unborn is a spiritual responsibility, requiring us to speak, pray, and act in alignment with the value God places on every life.


Lord, thank You for the precious gift of life. Help me to see every person, born and unborn, through Your eyes, as a unique and beloved creation. Strengthen me to be a voice for the voiceless, advocating for the sanctity of life at every stage. Guide me in Your wisdom and compassion as I stand in prayer and action for the unborn. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Scripture:

Proverbs 31:8-9 – “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

This devotion is crafted to deepen the understanding of the sanctity of life from a biblical perspective, encouraging mature intercessors to be advocates and voices for the unborn, aligning with God’s heart for every life.


Voice for the Voiceless

Verse 1

Whispers of life, yet unheard,
In the secret place, Your creation is stirred.
In Your image, each life You weave,
A masterpiece unseen, in You, we believe.


We are a voice for the voiceless,
In Your love, we take our stand.
Every life, a precious gift,
Safely held in Your hand.

Verse 2

For every heart yet to beat,
We stand in the gap, where earth and heaven meet.
Declaring Your truth, in love we speak,
For the innocent and weak, Your justice we seek.


We are a voice for the voiceless,
In Your love, we take our stand.
Every life, a precious gift,
Safely held in Your hand.


In the shadow of Your wings,
We call forth life, Your promise brings.
Breaking the silence with Your truth,
For every unborn, we rise and move.


We are a voice for the voiceless,
In Your love, we take our stand.
Every life, a precious gift,
Safely held in Your hand.


In Your image, each life You frame,
We honor them, in Jesus’ name.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: G Major (empathetic and warm)
  • Time Signature: 3/4 (waltz-like, to convey a sense of advocacy and grace)
  • Tempo: 95 BPM (reflective and gentle)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

Music Video Storyboard for “Voice for the Voiceless” (Track 2) Mood and Theme: The mood is contemplative and compassionate, focusing on the sanctity and beauty of life. The theme revolves around advocacy for the unborn and the importance of recognizing the value of every life.

This storyboard for “Voice for the Voiceless” aims to visually and musically capture the profound respect for and celebration of life, highlighting the communal role in supporting and advocating for the unborn and their mothers. The focus is on portraying the beauty of life and the power of a united voice advocating for the voiceless.

Opening Scene:

  • Visual Concept: A gentle sunrise, symbolizing the start of new life. Transition to scenes of a peaceful nursery, with soft, warm lighting.
  • Musical Development: The song begins softly, with a gentle, flowing melody.

First Verse:

  • Visual Concept: Scenes of expectant mothers in various settings – a doctor’s office, at home, with families. The focus is on the joy and anticipation of new life.
  • Musical Development: The melody gradually builds, reflecting the growing sense of life and potential.


  • Visual Concept: Shift to a prayer group, where individuals are praying for the unborn and their mothers. The atmosphere is one of deep care and intercession.
  • Musical Development: The chorus is emotive and strong, emphasizing the advocacy for life.

Second Verse:

  • Visual Concept: Scenes depicting community support for pregnant women, including a church baby shower, counseling sessions, and family support.
  • Musical Development: The music continues to build, reflecting the community’s involvement and support.

    Second Chorus:

    • Visual Concept: Return to the prayer group, now joined by more people, symbolizing the growing movement for life and support for the unborn.
    • Musical Development: The chorus repeats with more voices joining in, symbolizing community and collective advocacy.


      • Visual Concept: A series of vignettes showing the beauty of life – babies being born, first steps, families embracing. Interspersed are shots of peaceful protests and advocacy work.
      • Musical Development: The bridge has a hopeful, uplifting feel, showcasing the beauty and value of life.

      Final Chorus:

      • Visual Concept: The video shows a large group of diverse people, united in their advocacy for life, their faces marked with hope and determination.
      • Musical Development: The music reaches its climax, powerful and rich, echoing the collective voice for the voiceless.

      Closing Scene:

      • Visual Concept: A return to the peaceful nursery, now with a mother holding her newborn, surrounded by loved ones, symbolizing the triumph of life.
      • Musical Development: The song concludes with a gentle, reverent fade-out, mirroring the serene and hopeful end.

      End Credits:

      • Visual Concept: The screen fades to black with the final lyrics and images of a peaceful, sleeping baby.
      • Musical Development: A soft reprise of the chorus plays out the credits.