Heart's Echo - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Description:

Embark on a journey of divine alignment with “Heart’s Echo,” the opening track of our album. This song is a melodious invitation to enter the realm of worship, where our hearts resonate with the heartbeat of God. Inspired by the profound truth that when we perceive with our hearts, we begin to understand the very heart of God, this track sets the stage for a deeply spiritual experience.

With its harmonious blend of contemplative lyrics and soul-stirring melodies, “Heart’s Echo” invites listeners to step into a space of gratitude and praise. The song is a gentle yet powerful reminder that in aligning our hearts with God’s, we find true understanding and connection. It serves as a bridge between the human and the divine, guiding us into a worshipful acknowledgment of God’s presence in every aspect of our lives.

Join us in this opening act of worship and let “Heart’s Echo” guide your heart closer to the heart of God.


Devotion for Track 1: “Heart’s Echo”


Aligning our hearts with God’s heart in worship.

Key Scripture:

Psalm 100:4 – “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.”


“Heart’s Echo” invites us to enter into a state of worship where our hearts are in sync with the heart of God. The Psalmist speaks of entering God’s presence with thankfulness and praise, which is the first step in aligning our hearts with His. When we approach God with a heart of gratitude, we open ourselves to truly perceive His heart.

Further Scriptures for Meditation:

  • Jeremiah 29:13 – “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”
  • Matthew 5:8 – “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”
  • Psalm 51:10 – “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”


As you listen to “Heart’s Echo,” reflect on the purity of your heart and your approach to God. Are you entering His presence with thankfulness? Are there areas of your life that need realignment with God’s heart? Take time to seek God with your whole heart, allowing His spirit to create in you a heart that truly echoes His.


Heavenly Father, as I listen to “Heart’s Echo,” I pray for a heart that is aligned with Yours. Help me to enter Your presence with gratitude and praise. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. May my heart echo Your love, Your truth, and Your wisdom. Amen.

This devotion is designed to enrich the listening experience of “Heart’s Echo” with scriptural depth and practical application, aiding intercessors in their journey of faith and prayer.


Heart’s Echo

Verse 1

In Your courts of grace, I stand,
With a grateful heart, I come.
Whispers of Your love, so grand,
In Your presence, I find home.


Every step, an echo of Your voice,
In Your will, I find my choice.


Heart’s echo, in Your holy place,
With every beat, I seek Your face.
In Your love, I am found,
In Your grace, I am unbound.

Verse 2

Through the veil, Your glory shines,
In Your Word, my soul aligns.
In worship, my spirit soars,
In adoration, my heart implores.


Closer still, I long to be,
In Your embrace, I am free.


Heart’s echo, in Your holy place,
With every beat, I seek Your face.
In Your love, I am found,
In Your grace, I am unbound.


Echoes of Your mercy, whispers of Your grace,
In the quiet, I find Your embrace.
With every breath, Your love resounds,
In Your presence, my purpose is found.


Heart’s echo, in Your holy place,
With every beat, I seek Your face.
In Your love, I am found,
In Your grace, I am unbound.


In Your courts, I’ll always be,
Heart’s echo, forever in Thee.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C Major (conveying a sense of openness and clarity)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (standard, allowing for a flowing, reflective pace)
  • Tempo: 72 bpm (moderately slow, for a contemplative and introspective mood)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard is designed to visually narrate the journey of “Heart’s Echo,” emphasizing individual and communal worship experiences and the transformation they bring. Feel free to adjust or add elements to better fit your vision for the music video.

Scene 1: The Call to Worship

  • Setting: A serene church or natural setting at dawn, with soft light filtering through.
  • Action: Various individuals are seen in moments of contemplation, prayer, and everyday life – a young woman looking out of a window, an older man reading a Bible, a teenager walking through a park.
  • Symbolism: Each person exhibits a sense of longing or searching, depicting the beginning of a spiritual journey.

Scene 2: Entering God’s Presence

  • Setting: Transition to a more ethereal, visually rich worship space, possibly with symbolic elements like flowing fabrics, light beams, or candles.
  • Action: The individuals from Scene 1 are now seen entering this space, symbolically moving deeper into worship and spiritual connection.
  • Symbolism: The transition represents moving from the mundane to the sacred, a deeper entry into God’s presence.

Scene 3: Heart’s Echo

  • Setting: Inside the worship space, with a focus on individual expressions of worship.
  • Action: Shots of people singing, praying, some with arms raised, others in quiet reflection. The camera focuses on their faces, capturing moments of realization, joy, and connection.
  • Symbolism: This scene symbolizes the personal experience of aligning one’s heart with God’s.

Scene 4: Divine Interaction

  • Setting: The same worship space, but now with visual effects that suggest a divine presence – perhaps a soft, glowing light.
  • Action: A dance sequence with interpretative dancers, representing the interaction between the human and divine, the dance symbolizing the rhythm and harmony of a heart in sync with God.
  • Symbolism: The dance signifies the deep and harmonious relationship with God.

    Scene 5: The Community of Believers

    • Setting: The worship space opens up to reveal a larger community.
    • Action: The initial individuals are now part of a larger group, all engaged in worship, showcasing a sense of unity and shared experience.
    • Symbolism: This represents the collective body of Christ, united in worship and purpose.

      Scene 6: Sending Out

      • Setting: The scene transitions back to the real world.
      • Action: The individuals are seen leaving the worship space, carrying with them a sense of peace and purpose, impacting their environments (e.g., offering kindness, helping others).
      • Symbolism: They are now echoing God’s heart in their daily lives.

      Scene 7: Closing

      • Setting: A return to the serene opening setting.
      • Action: A final shot of the sun fully risen, symbolizing the new understanding and enlightenment gained.
      • Symbolism: The journey of moving closer to God’s heart is both an individual and collective experience, a continuous journey.