Mountain Movers - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Description:

Mountain Movers” is a vibrant anthem of faith and action, inspired by the biblical promise that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. This song is a rallying cry for believers to engage in societal transformation, using prayer and action as tools to bring about change. It speaks to the heart of the intercessor and the active believer, encouraging them to be agents of God’s love and power in various spheres of influence.

The track combines stirring melodies with empowering lyrics, urging listeners to rise in courage and faith. “Mountain Movers” celebrates the potential of each believer to influence and reshape the world, emphasizing that with God, no challenge is insurmountable. It’s a song that inspires, motivates, and renews our commitment to being active participants in God’s plan for the world.

Embrace “Mountain Movers” as a personal anthem, reminding you of your calling to be a transformative force in society, driven by faith and prayer.


Devotion for Track 5: “Mountain Movers”


Faith and prayer as tools for societal change.

Key Scripture:

Matthew 17:20 – “He replied, ‘Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.'”


“Mountain Movers” is a call to action, reminding us of the power of faith and prayer in bringing about change in society. The song aligns with the message of Matthew 17:20, emphasizing that even the smallest amount of faith can have a monumental impact. It encourages believers to actively engage in transforming the various spheres of society, be it business, arts, government, or education, through faith-filled prayer and action.

Further Scriptures for Meditation:

  • James 2:26 – “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”
  • Proverbs 11:14 – “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”
  • Isaiah 58:12 – “Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”


As you listen to “Mountain Movers,” reflect on how your faith and actions can contribute to societal change. Consider areas in your community or society where you feel called to make a difference. How can your prayers and actions move mountains in these areas?


Lord God, empower me as I journey with “Mountain Movers.” Grant me faith that can move mountains and the courage to act on it. Show me where I can be an agent of Your change in the world. Use me to rebuild, restore, and transform society in accordance with Your will. Amen.

This devotion aims to inspire listeners of “Mountain Movers” to consider their role in societal transformation through faith and prayer.


Mountain Movers

Verse 1

In the halls of power, in the streets of need,
We stand as Your people, ready to intercede.
In every corner, every sphere,
We lift our prayers, You draw near.


With faith as small as a mustard seed,
In Your name, we take the lead.


Mountain movers, in faith we stand,
Changing the world at Your command.
Influence and hope, in our hands,
Mountain movers, in every land.

Verse 2

In business, arts, and government space,
In every school, every race.
Your light we carry, Your love we show,
In every mountain, Your glory we sow.


As we pray, as we act,
In Your strength, we never lack.


Mountain movers, in faith we stand,
Changing the world at Your command.
Influence and hope, in our hands,
Mountain movers, in every land.


For justice, for truth, for grace we fight,
In the smallest acts, in the greatest might.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
In every challenge, the victory’s won.


Mountain movers, in faith we stand,
Changing the world at Your command.
Influence and hope, in our hands,
Mountain movers, in every land.


In every step, Your love proves,
We are Your people, the mountain movers.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: A Major (bold and confident)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (strong and straightforward)
  • Tempo: 110 bpm (energetic, to inspire action and resolve)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “Mountain Movers” is designed to visually narrate the journey of faith in action, emphasizing the impact of collective efforts in societal transformation. Feel free to adjust or add elements to better fit your vision for the music video.

    Scene 1: Scenes of Everyday Challenges

    • Setting: Various locations showing societal issues – a crowded urban area, a struggling rural community, an environment under threat.
    • Action: People are shown facing these challenges, their expressions one of concern and determination.
    • Symbolism: Different ‘mountains’ or challenges in society that need addressing.

    Scene 2: The Call to Faith

    • Setting: Individuals in various settings – a church, a quiet room, a community center.
    • Action: People are shown in moments of prayer and contemplation, seeking strength and guidance.
    • Symbolism: The preparation and gathering of faith to confront societal challenges.

    Scene 3: Small Acts, Big Changes

    • Setting: The same locations as Scene 1.
    • Action: The individuals start to take small but significant actions – community organizing, environmental protection efforts, acts of kindness.
    • Symbolism: The mustard seed of faith in action, starting to move the ‘mountains.’

    Scene 4: Transformation

    • Setting: A time-lapse representation of the same locations.
    • Action: Gradual improvements are shown as a result of the collective actions – communities flourishing, environments being restored.
    • Symbolism: The power of faith and collective action to bring about positive change.

      Scene 5: United in Purpose

      • Setting: A gathering of people from the various locations.
      • Action: A celebration of the changes achieved, with people sharing stories, helping each other, and continuing their work together.
      • Symbolism: The unity and strength found in working together as ‘Mountain Movers.’

        Scene 6: A New Landscape

        • Setting: Overviews of the transformed locations.
        • Action: The camera pans over the positive changes, showing a stark contrast to the opening scenes.
        • Symbolism: The ‘mountains’ that have been moved and the new reality created by faith and action.

        Scene 7: Closing

        • Setting: A serene twilight scene.
        • Action: The individuals looking out towards the horizon, hopeful and ready for the next challenge.
        • Symbolism: The ongoing journey of faith and societal transformation, with new ‘mountains’ to move ahead.