Nations in Your Hands - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Description:

Nations in Your Hands” is a powerful prayer set to music, calling for God’s guidance and peace over the nations of the world. This track echoes the heart of the intercessor, lifting up leaders, communities, and countries into the sovereign hands of God. Inspired by the scriptural promise that God holds the nations and their destinies, this song is a poignant reminder of the global impact of prayer.

With a melody that rises like a heartfelt plea and lyrics that capture the essence of divine sovereignty and love, “Nations in Your Hands” moves listeners to reflect on their role in God’s plan for the world. It’s an invitation to join in a chorus of prayer for peace, justice, and righteousness across the earth.

Let “Nations in Your Hands” stir your heart to intercede for the world, reminding us all that every nation, every people, is part of the grand tapestry of God’s loving design.


Devotion for Track 4: “Nations in Your Hands”


God’s sovereignty and peace over the nations.

Key Scripture:

Psalm 2:8 – “Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession.”


“Nations in Your Hands” encourages us to embrace the vastness of God’s sovereignty over all nations and to intercede for global peace, leadership, and God’s rule. The scripture in Psalm 2:8 reminds us of God’s promise and the power of prayer in influencing the nations. This song is a call to pray fervently for the world, believing in God’s ability to guide and transform nations.

Further Scriptures for Meditation:

  • Isaiah 2:4 – “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.”
  • 1 Timothy 2:1-2 – “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
  • Matthew 28:19 – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”


While listening to “Nations in Your Hands,” reflect on how you can contribute to global intercession. Consider the current events and challenges faced by different nations and how your prayers can align with God’s will for peace and justice.


Heavenly Father, as I meditate on “Nations in Your Hands,” I lift up the nations of the world to You. Guide their leaders, heal their lands, and let Your peace reign. Help me to be a faithful intercessor for global concerns, trusting in Your sovereign hand over all. Amen.

This devotion aims to connect the message of “Nations in Your Hands” with a broader perspective of global intercession, encouraging listeners to reflect on their role in praying for the world.


Nations in Your Hands

Verse 1

Across the vast and varied lands,
We lift our eyes, we join our hands.
Praying for peace, for Your rule to expand,
Every nation, every strand, in Your hands.


From the valleys to the hilltops, in every street and home,
May Your love reign, wherever we roam.


Nations in Your hands, rulers by Your command,
In Your wisdom and grace, may they stand.
Hearts united under Your sky-span,
Nations in Your hands, as part of Your plan.

Verse 2

For leaders and people, we humbly pray,
Guidance and wisdom, in Your ways they stay.
Justice and mercy, in their hearts alight,
In Your righteousness, may they find their might.


In every decision, in every law,
May Your truth be the core they draw.


Nations in Your hands, rulers by Your command,
In Your wisdom and grace, may they stand.
Hearts united under Your sky-span,
Nations in Your hands, as part of Your plan.


For unity and harmony, we lift our plea,
In every land, Your Spirit free.
May Your kingdom come, Your will be done,
On earth as it is in heaven, Your victory won.


Nations in Your hands, rulers by Your command,
In Your wisdom and grace, may they stand.
Hearts united under Your sky-span,
Nations in Your hands, as part of Your plan.


Across the earth, Your love extends,
Nations in Your hands, where every knee bends.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: E Minor (reflecting earnestness and depth)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (providing a sense of urgency and momentum)
  • Tempo: 78 bpm (moderately slow, allowing for reflective and prayerful expression)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “Nations in Your Hands” aims to visualize the global impact of prayer and God’s sovereignty over all nations, encouraging viewers to reflect on their role in this divine narrative. Feel free to adjust or expand upon this concept to align with your vision for the music video.

    Scene 1: Global Tapestry

    • Setting: A montage of scenes from around the world – bustling cities, serene villages, diverse landscapes.
    • Action: Quick cuts showing people of various cultures in their daily lives, highlighting both beauty and struggle.
    • Symbolism: The diversity of nations and peoples, all under God’s watch.

    Scene 2: Signs of Need

    • Setting: The same global scenes, but focusing on challenges – poverty, conflict, environmental issues.
    • Action: People are shown facing these challenges, displaying emotions of hope, despair, resilience.
    • Symbolism: The struggles faced by nations, calling for divine intervention and human compassion.

    Scene 3: A Call to Prayer

    • Setting: Various locations – homes, churches, outdoor spaces.
    • Action: Individuals and groups are shown in prayer, their faces earnest and hopeful.
    • Symbolism: The global church uniting in prayer for the nations.

    Scene 4: Divine Response

    • Setting: A celestial, ethereal space, representing the heavenly realm.
    • Action: Visual representations of prayers ascending, with a gentle, glowing light responding – symbolic of God’s attention.
    • Symbolism: God listening to and responding to the prayers of His people.

      Scene 5: Manifestation of Change

      • Setting: Return to the global scenes from Scene 1.
      • Action: Positive changes are occurring – communities working together, reconciliation, healing.
      • Symbolism: The power of prayer affecting real-world change.

        Scene 6: Unity and Peace

        • Setting: A blend of the global scenes and the prayer locations.
        • Action: People are shown celebrating, helping one another, living in harmony.
        • Symbolism: The realization of God’s peace and justice on earth.

        Scene 7: Closing

        • Setting: A panoramic view of the Earth from space.
        • Action: A final shot of the planet, enveloped in a soft, glowing light.
        • Symbolism: God’s loving sovereignty over all nations, holding the world in His hands.