Veil Torn - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Song Description:

Veil Torn” is a profound musical exploration of the deep revelations and intimate relationship we have with God, made possible through Christ. Drawing from the powerful biblical imagery of the veil in the temple being torn at Jesus’ crucifixion, this song symbolizes our unrestricted access to God and the mysteries now revealed to us. It is a celebration of the spiritual insights and deeper understanding available to every believer.

The track is composed of layers of emotive melodies and insightful lyrics, inviting listeners into a reflective journey of discovery. “Veil Torn” encourages a contemplation of the depth of God’s love, the richness of His wisdom, and the unveiling of His purposes in our lives. It’s a song that resonates with anyone yearning for a closer, more profound relationship with the Divine.

Engage with “Veil Torn” and let it guide you into a deeper appreciation of the mysteries and wonders of God, as we stand in awe of the access we’ve been granted through Christ’s sacrifice.


Devotion for Track 6: “Veil Torn”


The deeper revelations of God and access to Him through Christ.

Key Scripture:

Ephesians 1:17 – “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.”


“Veil Torn” celebrates the access to God and the depth of understanding we have through Christ. The tearing of the veil in the temple symbolized the new and living way opened for us to God (Hebrews 10:20). This song invites us to explore the deeper revelations and mysteries of God, made available through this intimate relationship.

Further Scriptures for Meditation:

  • Hebrews 10:19-20 – “Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body…”
  • Colossians 2:2-3 – “My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.”
  • Jeremiah 33:3 – “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”


While engaging with “Veil Torn,” take time to seek the deeper things of God. Reflect on the significance of Christ’s sacrifice and how it has opened the way for you to know God more intimately. What mysteries and revelations is God unveiling in your life?


Heavenly Father, as I listen to “Veil Torn,” I am grateful for the access to You through Your Son, Jesus Christ. Open my heart and mind to the deeper revelations of Your kingdom. May I seek and understand the great and unsearchable things You have prepared for those who love You. Amen.

This devotion is designed to deepen the understanding of “Veil Torn,” connecting it with the biblical theme of revelation and access to God.


Veil Torn

Verse 1

In the Holy of Holies, once veiled now clear,
Your presence so near, Your whispers I hear.
The curtain torn, in Your grace, I’m drawn,
In the secret place, a new dawn.


Every hidden truth, every sacred mystery,
Revealed in Your light, in Your history.


Veil torn, in Your presence bask,
In Your wisdom and love, we unmask.
Secrets of heaven, now in our grasp,
Veil torn, in Your glory, we clasp.

Verse 2

With boldness we enter, by the blood of the Lamb,
In Your mercy and truth, we stand.
The depths of Your love, the heights of Your plan,
In awe and wonder, on Your promises, we span.


In every revelation, in every divine insight,
In Your word, we find our flight.


Veil torn, in Your presence bask,
In Your wisdom and love, we unmask.
Secrets of heaven, now in our grasp,
Veil torn, in Your glory, we clasp.


Before the throne, in awe we stand,
Guided by Your loving hand.
Deep cries to deep, in the Spirit’s call,
In Your revelation, we give our all.


Veil torn, in Your presence bask,
In Your wisdom and love, we unmask.
Secrets of heaven, now in our grasp,
Veil torn, in Your glory, we clasp.


In Your holy presence, mysteries unfold,
Veil torn, Your wonders we behold.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: Bb Major (rich and profound)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (providing stability and familiarity)
  • Tempo: 68 bpm (slow and reverent, suitable for a deeply spiritual song)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “Veil Torn” aims to visually narrate the transition from a state of separation from the divine to one of direct access and deep spiritual connection. Feel free to adjust or expand upon this concept to align with your vision for the music video.

    Scene 1: The Hidden Divine

    • Setting: Various scenes of everyday life, with a subtle overlay of a translucent veil, suggesting a barrier.
    • Action: People are shown going about their daily activities, but with a sense of searching or longing in their expressions.
    • Symbolism: The veil represents the initial separation or barrier between humanity and the deeper spiritual truths.

    Scene 2: A Stirring of Souls

    • Setting: The same everyday scenes but now with individuals pausing, feeling a pull towards something greater.
    • Action: Close-ups of faces, hands reaching out, eyes looking upwards, as if sensing a calling.
    • Symbolism: The awakening of a spiritual yearning, a desire to reach beyond the veil.

    Scene 3: The Tearing of the Veil

    • Setting: A symbolic representation of the temple veil – a large, ornate fabric.
    • Action: The veil is shown tearing down the middle, slowly and dramatically, revealing a bright, inviting light.
    • Symbolism: The moment of Christ’s sacrifice and the opening of direct access to God.

    Scene 4: Stepping into the Light

    • Setting: The everyday scenes, now bathed in a warm, divine light.
    • Action: People stepping forward, faces illuminated, expressing joy, awe, and deep peace.
    • Symbolism: The experience of divine revelation and understanding as the veil is removed.

      Scene 5: Revelation and Transformation

      • Setting: A blend of heavenly and earthly realms, intermingling.
      • Action: Scenes of healing, reconciliation, deeper understanding, and spiritual encounters.
      • Symbolism: The impact of divine revelation on personal, communal, and spiritual levels.

        Scene 6: Living in the Unveiled Reality

        • Setting: Everyday life, now enriched with a sense of the divine.
        • Action: People living out their faith with newfound depth and purpose, impacting others.
        • Symbolism: The ongoing effects of living in a reality where the divine is fully accessible and integrated into life.

        Scene 7: Closing

        • Setting: A beautiful, serene vista symbolizing peace and eternity.
        • Action: A final panoramic shot of the world, radiant and transformed.
        • Symbolism: The new, open relationship between humanity and the divine, filled with endless possibilities.