Authority in His Name - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“Authority in His Name” is a powerful anthem that celebrates the supreme authority and power of Jesus Christ. Drawing inspiration from Philippians 2:9-11 and Matthew 28:18, this song reverberates with the truth of Jesus’ lordship over all creation and the spiritual realm. The track is a declaration of the transformative impact of Christ’s name in the lives of believers and in the world.

Through its uplifting lyrics and melodies, the song invites listeners to recognize and celebrate the dominion of Jesus. It emphasizes the name of Jesus as a strong tower, a source of strength, and the key to spiritual authority. “Authority in His Name” is not just a song of worship; it’s a call to walk in the authority granted to us as followers of Christ, encouraging believers to live out their faith boldly and confidently in the power of His name.


Devotion for “Authority in His Name”

Scripture Focus:

Philippians 2:9-11, Matthew 28:18


“Authority in His Name” celebrates the supreme authority of Jesus Christ. Philippians 2:9-11 speaks of Jesus being exalted by God and given a name above every name, that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow. This passage reveals the magnitude of Christ’s authority – an authority that encompasses heaven, earth, and under the earth.

Matthew 28:18 reinforces this by declaring that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus. As believers, understanding and acknowledging Christ’s authority is crucial. It affects how we live, pray, and interact with the spiritual realm.

Meditation and Prayer:

  • Meditate on the meaning of Jesus’ authority in your life. How does this understanding shape your prayer and worship?
  • Consider the impact of Jesus’ name in spiritual warfare and intercession.

Further Study:

  • Study the context and implications of Christ’s exaltation in Philippians 2.
  • Explore how the authority of Jesus is demonstrated throughout the New Testament, particularly in the Gospels and Acts.


  • Pray for the Church to walk in the full understanding and application of Jesus’ authority.
  • Intercede for those in leadership, both in the church and in secular positions, to recognize and submit to the authority of Christ.


  • Reflect on areas of your life where you need to more fully acknowledge and submit to Christ’s authority.
  • Consider ways to proclaim and demonstrate the authority of Jesus in your community and ministry.

This devotion is designed to deepen the understanding of Christ’s authority and its implications for our faith and intercession. It encourages mature believers to reflect on the power of Jesus’ name and to apply this understanding in their spiritual life and intercession.


Authority in His Name

Verse 1

In the heavens declared, on earth shown,
Jesus, our Savior, exalted and known.
Name above all names, by the Father bestowed,
In Him, every knee bows, from high realms to low.


Authority in His Name, the earth and heavens proclaim,
Jesus Christ, Lord of all, before You every power shall fall.
At the sound of Your name, chains break, the lost reclaim,
Authority in His Name, forever and ever, Amen.

Verse 2

In His name, the blind see, the lame walk,
Captives set free, in His love, we’re unlocked.
Mighty in power, gentle in grace,
In the name of Jesus, every fear we face.


Authority in His Name, the earth and heavens proclaim,
Jesus Christ, Lord of all, before You every power shall fall.
At the sound of Your name, chains break, the lost reclaim,
Authority in His Name, forever and ever, Amen.


Highest heaven, lowest earth,
Declare His glory, His worth.
In His name, salvation’s song,
In His love, we belong.


Authority in His Name, the earth and heavens proclaim,
Jesus Christ, Lord of all, before You every power shall fall.
At the sound of Your name, chains break, the lost reclaim,
Authority in His Name, forever and ever, Amen.


In worship, we stand, in awe, we bow,
Jesus, our Lord, to You, every vow.
Authority in His Name, our hearts’ eternal flame,
In Christ alone, we proclaim.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C major (bright and authoritative)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (universal and strong)
  • Tempo: 110 BPM (uplifting and confident)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Authority in His Name” aims to visually convey the theme of Christ’s supreme authority and its transformative impact across the cosmos, nature, and individual lives. The video seeks to inspire viewers with the power and hope found in Jesus’ name, evoking a sense of awe and reverence.


  • The video opens with a serene dawn, symbolizing a new beginning.
  • Soft yet majestic music begins to play, setting an uplifting tone.
  • A narrator briefly introduces the theme of Christ’s authority over heaven and earth.

Verse 1:

  • Transition to a powerful depiction of Jesus, standing majestically on a high peak, overlooking a vast landscape.
  • Cut to scenes showing the natural world – mountains, oceans, skies – responding to His presence (e.g., waves calming, winds ceasing).
  • Show people from different walks of life looking towards the sky, sensing His power and authority.


  • Scene shifts to a group of believers, from various cultures and ages, singing and worshipping together.
  • As the chorus builds, scenes of Jesus’ miracles are interwoven: healing the sick, calming the storm, providing for people.
  • The focus is on the transformative power of Jesus’ name in these acts.

Verse 2:

  • The scene changes to depict individual stories of transformation – a person being freed from addiction, a family reconciled, a community uniting.
  • Each story subtly alludes to the invocation of Jesus’ name and the ensuing change.
  • The music continues to build, highlighting the impact of His authority in personal lives.


    • Return to the worshipping group, now larger, symbolizing the growing impact of Christ’s authority.
    • Vignettes of global impact – peace negotiations, humanitarian aid, environmental restoration – tied to faith in His name.
    • The chorus reaches a crescendo, underscoring the power and reach of Jesus’ authority.


      • A brief, quieter moment as the camera focuses on individual faces in prayer, their expressions serene yet powerful.
      • Scenes of nature, people, and the cosmos, all moving in harmony, suggesting the order and peace under Christ’s authority.
      • The music is reflective, yet imbued with a sense of awe.


      • The camera pulls back to show the Earth from space, bathed in a gentle light.
      • The narrator concludes with a reflection on the enduring and all-encompassing authority of Jesus.
      • The video fades to a final image of a rising sun, symbolizing enduring hope and authority in Christ’s name.