Inheritance of Promise - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“Inheritance of Promise” takes us on a journey back to the roots of our faith, exploring the profound covenant God made with Abraham as recounted in Genesis 12:1-3. This song captures the essence of God’s promise to Abraham, a promise that extends far beyond the ancient lands of the Middle East to encompass all who are grafted into this lineage through faith in Christ, as highlighted in Galatians 3:6-9.

The track is a beautiful blend of worship and storytelling, reminding us of our spiritual heritage and the faithfulness of God across generations. It emphasizes how we, as believers, are part of this great story of faith, connected to a promise that has shaped history and continues to impact our lives today. Through its poetic lyrics and stirring melody, “Inheritance of Promise” encourages listeners to reflect on their place in God’s story and the enduring nature of His promises.


Devotion for “Inheritance of Promise”

Scripture Focus:

Genesis 12:1-3, Galatians 3:6-9


“Inheritance of Promise” centers on the covenant God made with Abraham, a foundational moment in biblical history. Genesis 12:1-3 marks the beginning of a journey of faith, not just for Abraham but for all who would be counted as his descendants – including us, through faith. This covenant isn’t merely a historical event; it’s a living promise that reaches across generations.

Galatians 3:6-9 reveals how this promise extends to us as believers in Christ. We are invited to see ourselves as part of this great story of faith. Abraham’s journey was marked by trust and obedience, setting a pattern for our own walk with God.

Meditation and Prayer:

  • Meditate on what it means to be a spiritual descendant of Abraham. How does this shape your understanding of faith?
  • Reflect on the significance of being part of God’s ongoing story of redemption.

Further Study:

  • Dive deeper into the Abrahamic Covenant and its implications throughout Scripture.
  • Study the concept of faith in Hebrews 11, focusing on Abraham’s example.


  • Pray for the faith to follow God’s leading, even when the path seems uncertain.
  • Intercede for those who are yet to enter into the promise of salvation in Christ.


  • Identify areas in your life where you need to exercise faith and trust in God’s promises.
  • Consider how you can be a blessing to others, following the example of Abraham.

This devotion is tailored to encourage mature intercessors to explore the depth and breadth of God’s covenant with Abraham and its impact on our faith journey. It aims to inspire thoughtful meditation, prayer, and application in the context of God’s overarching redemptive plan.


Inheritance of Promise

Verse 1

In Ur of the Chaldeans, under ancient skies,
A call rang forth, both profound and wise.
“Leave your land,” said the Lord, “to a place I will show,
In you, all families of earth shall be blessed and grow.”


Yahweh, our Promise, in You we trust,
Through Abraham’s seed, Your covenant just.
Nations will rise, in Your love they’ll stand,
Inheritance of promise, in Your holy land.

Verse 2

Through deserts and trials, Abraham walked in faith,
Believing the Word, with each step he saith.
“Count the stars, so shall your offspring be,”
A multitude born, in them, God’s glory we see.


Yahweh, our Promise, in You we trust,
Through Abraham’s seed, Your covenant just.
Nations will rise, in Your love they’ll stand,
Inheritance of promise, in Your holy land.


Father of many, a legacy divine,
Through Isaac, through Jacob, Your purposes align.
A covenant unbroken, a promise so true,
In every generation, Your mercies anew.


Yahweh, our Promise, in You we trust,
Through Abraham’s seed, Your covenant just.
Nations will rise, in Your love they’ll stand,
Inheritance of promise, in Your holy land.


From age to age, Your promises endure,
In Your faithfulness, our hope is secure.
Inheritance of promise, a destiny grand,
In You, our God, we take our stand.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: G major (reflects a sense of hope and promise)
  • Time Signature: 3/4 (waltz-like, giving a sense of journey and movement)
  • Tempo: 80 BPM (reflective and contemplative pace)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Inheritance of Promise” is crafted to visually represent the song’s themes of faith, promise, and spiritual legacy. The video aims to connect the viewer with the enduring impact of God’s covenant with Abraham, echoing through generations.


  • Opens with a night sky filled with stars.
  • A soft, reflective melody begins.
  • Narration overlay introduces the promise God made to Abraham, setting the tone for the journey of faith.

Verse 1:

  • Scene of Abraham (a figure representing him) looking contemplatively at the stars in the night sky.
  • The scene transitions to a vision of numerous stars, symbolizing his descendants.
  • Cut to Abraham journeying through diverse landscapes, indicating his move towards the Promised Land.


  • The scene shifts to show various groups of people (symbolizing different generations) under the same starry sky, representing the spiritual descendants of Abraham.
  • Glimpses of historical and modern believers, showing the enduring impact of the promise.
  • Choir voices blend with the scene, emphasizing the unity of faith across time.

Verse 2:

  • Return to Abraham, now seeing visions of future generations, cities, and nations being blessed through him.
  • Scenes illustrating key moments in Israel’s history, linking to the promise made to Abraham.
  • Soft lighting and warm tones create a sense of hope and promise.


    • Montage of diverse communities of faith from around the globe, engaged in various acts of worship and service.
    • Scenes of reconciliation, charity, and community, showing the manifestation of God’s promise.
    • The music swells, highlighting the chorus’s unifying message.


      • A blend of historical and futuristic imagery, symbolizing the eternal nature of God’s promise.
      • Brief snapshots of significant biblical events linked to Abraham’s lineage.
      • A focus on the diversity and unity of God’s people, with an emphasis on faith and hope.


      • The camera pulls back to the night sky, now with a single star brightly shining.
      • Narration concludes, reflecting on the ongoing fulfillment of God’s promise.
      • The final scene fades to Abraham looking up at the stars, a look of peace and faith on his face.
      • Fade out as the music gently concludes.