The Ancient Struggle - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“The Ancient Struggle” is a powerful opening to our album, setting the stage for a journey through spiritual realities and divine sovereignty. This song delves into the mysterious and ancient narrative described in Deuteronomy 32:8-9, where the Most High divides the nations among the ‘sons of God,’ setting Israel apart as His chosen portion. It invokes the imagery of a cosmic battlefield, where spiritual forces have influenced the course of human history.

This track is not just a song; it’s a reflective exploration of the often unseen spiritual warfare that shapes our world. It invites listeners to consider the deeper spiritual dynamics behind historical and current events, acknowledging God’s supreme authority over all. With its rich lyrical content and evocative music, “The Ancient Struggle” prepares the heart and mind for a deeper understanding of God’s plan and purposes throughout history and in our lives today.


Devotion for “The Ancient Struggle”

Scripture Focus:

Deuteronomy 32:8-9, Psalm 82


“The Ancient Struggle” invites us to contemplate the profound and often unseen spiritual realities that scripture reveals. Deuteronomy 32:8-9 speaks of a time when the Most High divided the nations and set boundaries for peoples according to the number of the sons of God. This passage, alongside Psalm 82, provides a glimpse into the divine council and the distribution of nations among heavenly beings.

However, amidst this cosmic division, Israel is set apart as Yahweh’s own portion, a people chosen for a unique relationship with God. This distinction is not just geopolitical; it is deeply spiritual. Israel’s story is a testament to God’s sovereignty and His desire for a people who would know Him intimately.

Meditation and Prayer:

  • Reflect on the sovereignty of God over all nations and spiritual powers. How does this understanding shape our view of God’s plan for humanity?
  • Consider the uniqueness of Israel’s calling. How does this inform our understanding of God’s purposes for His people today?

Further Study:

  • Explore the concept of the divine council in Psalm 82 and its implications for our understanding of spiritual realities.
  • Research the historical context of Deuteronomy 32 and its significance in Israelite history.


  • Pray for a deeper revelation of God’s sovereignty in your life and in the world.
  • Intercede for the nations, that they might come to recognize the one true God and His plan for salvation through Jesus Christ.


  • In what ways can you align your life more closely with God’s sovereign plan?
  • Consider how you can be an intercessor for the nations, standing in the gap for those who do not yet know God.

This devotion is designed to offer depth and insight into the spiritual themes presented in “The Ancient Struggle,” encouraging mature intercessors to delve deeper into scripture and engage in thoughtful prayer and intercession.


The Ancient Struggle

Verse 1

In the realms of the heavens, before time began,
Elohim in their splendor, a divine plan.
Yet above all, in majesty, reigns Yahweh so high,
Creator, Sustainer, on Him we rely.


Yahweh, Almighty, above all Elohim,
Your glory, Your majesty, in our hearts reign supreme.
In Your wisdom, You chose us, a people, Your own,
In worship, we honor You, before Your throne.

Verse 2

Through the ages, the struggle, unseen yet so real,
Yet Your power, O God, before You, all kneel.
In Your hands, the earth’s kingdoms, Your plans, they unfold,
In Your love, a story of grace told.


Yahweh, Almighty, above all Elohim,
Your glory, Your majesty, in our hearts reign supreme.
In Your wisdom, You chose us, a people, Your own,
In worship, we honor You, before Your throne.


Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty,
Early in the morning, our song shall rise to Thee.
With angels and creation, we join the unending hymn,
Holy, Holy, Holy, merciful and mighty!


Yahweh, Almighty, above all Elohim,
Your glory, Your majesty, in our hearts reign supreme.
In Your wisdom, You chose us, a people, Your own,
In worship, we honor You, before Your throne.


In the ancient struggle, Your love remains true,
God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we worship You.
In every moment, Your promises stand,
Yahweh, our God, leading us to the Promised Land.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: D minor (conveys a sense of solemnity and mystery)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady and strong to represent conflict)
  • Tempo: 95 BPM (moderate to convey a sense of unfolding drama)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “The Ancient Struggle” is designed to visually represent the song’s themes of spiritual warfare and God’s sovereignty. It aims to evoke a sense of mystery and awe, drawing the viewer into a contemplative and worshipful experience.


    • A cosmic backdrop slowly emerges, filled with stars and galaxies.
    • Ancient, ethereal music sets a mystical tone.
    • A narrator’s voice briefly introduces the theme of spiritual warfare and God’s sovereignty over the nations.

    Verse 1:

    • Scene of a majestic figure (representing Yahweh) on a celestial throne, gazing towards Earth.
    • Cut to various shadowy figures (representing the ‘sons of God’ or Elohim) standing over different parts of a primitive world map.
    • Transition to a glowing representation of Israel beneath Yahweh’s gaze, indicating His choice and protection.


    • Choirs of angels appear, singing in the cosmic realm.
    • The majestic figure raises hands, orchestrating the movements of celestial bodies, symbolizing control over the cosmos.
    • Scenes of historical events influenced by unseen forces flash subtly in the background.

    Verse 2:

    • Transition to Earth, showing ancient civilizations and their rise and fall, implying unseen spiritual influences.
    • Intercut with scenes of the celestial realm where spiritual beings interact with the unfolding of human history.
    • A subtle, ethereal light emanates from the throne, touching different parts of the world.


      • The choir of angels becomes more vibrant, their song intensifying.
      • The majestic figure’s gaze intensifies, showcasing a silent yet powerful command over both the heavenly and earthly realms.
      • The Earth and heavens seem to pulse in rhythm with the chorus.


        • A panoramic view of the cosmos, highlighting the interconnectedness of the spiritual and physical realms.
        • The music builds, suggesting a crescendo of spiritual activity.
        • Brief scenes show people of different eras looking towards the heavens, sensing the divine influence.


        • Return to the majestic figure, now looking directly at the camera, implying a direct connection with the viewer.
        • The cosmic backdrop fades to a starlit sky over modern-day Israel, bridging ancient times with the present.
        • The narrator’s voice returns, reflecting on the ongoing spiritual struggle and God’s eternal sovereignty.
        • Fade to black with the final note of the song, leaving a lingering sense of awe and wonder.