The Defeated Foe - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“The Defeated Foe” is a triumphant celebration of the victory Jesus achieved over the powers of darkness. This track, rooted in the truths of Colossians 2:15 and John 16:33, highlights the decisive conquest of Christ over the enemy and his forces. It is a powerful reminder for believers of the victory they share in Jesus.

The song is crafted to instill confidence and celebrate the triumph of Christ on the cross, assuring believers of their victory in Him. The lyrics and melody convey a sense of victory, strength, and assurance, emphasizing that the enemy is a defeated foe and that in Christ, we are more than conquerors. “The Defeated Foe” encourages listeners to claim and live in the victory that Jesus has won, standing firm in faith and in the freedom Christ has secured.


Devotion for “The Defeated Foe”

Scripture Focus:

Colossians 2:15, John 16:33


“The Defeated Foe” celebrates the victory of Jesus Christ over the powers of darkness. Colossians 2:15 vividly depicts this triumph, revealing how Christ disarmed the powers and authorities and made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. This passage is a powerful reminder of the absolute victory that Jesus has achieved over every force of darkness and evil.

John 16:33 offers further reassurance from Christ Himself, who tells us that though we will have trouble in this world, we can take heart because He has overcome the world. This verse underscores the peace and courage we can find in Jesus’ victory.

Meditation and Prayer:

  • Reflect on the significance of Christ’s victory on the cross. How does this truth empower your spiritual life and warfare?
  • Meditate on the peace that comes from knowing Jesus has overcome the world.

Further Study:

  • Explore the theme of Christ’s victory throughout the New Testament, particularly in the context of spiritual warfare.
  • Study the full context of Colossians 2 to understand the implications of Christ’s triumph.


  • Pray for the church to walk in the victory and authority of Christ, especially in areas of spiritual battle.
  • Intercede for those who are facing trials and challenges, that they may find strength and hope in Christ’s victory.


  • Identify areas in your life where you need to claim the victory of Jesus more confidently.
  • Consider how you can be a bearer of this good news to others who are in need of hope and liberation.

This devotion is designed to deepen the understanding and appreciation of Christ’s ultimate victory over evil, encouraging mature believers to reflect on the power of the cross and to apply this victory in their daily spiritual battles and intercessions.


The Defeated Foe

Verse 1

On the cross, a battle unseen,
Christ our King, pure and serene.
The enemy thought victory was near,
But in that moment, Christ conquered fear.


The Defeated Foe, under His feet laid low,
Jesus, our Victor, His triumph we show.
Disarmed and shamed, the powers of night,
In His cross, we find our might.

Verse 2

No chains can hold, no lie can stand,
Against the power of His pierced hand.
He rose in glory, the grave denied,
In His victory, we are sanctified.


The Defeated Foe, under His feet laid low,
Jesus, our Victor, His triumph we show.
Disarmed and shamed, the powers of night,
In His cross, we find our might.


Nailed to the cross, our sins and fears,
In His resurrection, freedom appears.
The enemy defeated, a spectacle made,
By Jesus’ blood, our debt is paid.


The Defeated Foe, under His feet laid low,
Jesus, our Victor, His triumph we show.
Disarmed and shamed, the powers of night,
In His cross, we find our might.


In every battle, this truth we hold,
In Christ, we’re brave, in Him, we’re bold.
The Defeated Foe, our anthem’s cry,
In Jesus’ name, we lift high.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: B minor (intensity and triumph over darkness)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (strong and decisive)
  • Tempo: 140 BPM (fast and victorious)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “The Defeated Foe” is designed to visually convey the spiritual battle and the ultimate victory of Christ. The video aims to evoke a sense of triumph, hope, and unity in Jesus’ victory, inspiring viewers with the powerful message of the song.


  • The video opens in a dark, tumultuous scene symbolizing chaos and spiritual conflict.
  • Dramatic and intense music sets the tone for a battle.
  • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of Christ’s victory over the powers of darkness.

Verse 1:

  • Transition to scenes of historical battles and personal struggles, representing humanity’s ongoing conflicts.
  • Intersperse with shadowy figures manipulating these events, symbolizing spiritual forces.
  • The mood is tense and foreboding, capturing the gravity of spiritual warfare.


  • Shift to the scene of Christ on the cross, enduring suffering but with a resolute expression.
  • As the chorus progresses, the skies darken, and an intense spiritual battle ensues around the cross.
  • Cut to scenes of people from different eras and cultures, watching in awe, recognizing the significance of the moment.

Verse 2:

  • Show the moment of Christ’s victory – the resurrection. The tomb is empty, and light breaks through the darkness.
  • Scenes of defeated dark forces, symbolizing the victory over evil and sin.
  • Reactions of joy and relief from people across time, realizing the significance of the resurrection.


    • Return to the cross, now empty, as a symbol of triumph. The skies clear, signifying the defeat of the enemy.
    • Believers of various backgrounds gather, united in celebration of Christ’s victory.
    • The music is powerful and uplifting, emphasizing the theme of triumph.


      • A brief, reflective pause showing scenes of peace, healing, and reconciliation – the fruits of Christ’s victory.
      • The music is softer but filled with hope, illustrating the impact of the victory on humanity.


      • The scene transitions back to the initial tumultuous landscape, now transformed into a place of peace and light.
      • The narrator concludes with a reflection on the ongoing victory we have in Christ.
      • The video ends with a shot of the sunrise, symbolizing new beginnings and eternal hope in Jesus.