The Price Paid - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“The Price Paid” takes us to the very heart of the Christian faith – the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on the cross. Anchored in the profound truths of 1 Peter 1:18-19 and Isaiah 53:4-6, this song is a poignant reminder of the immense cost of our redemption. It beautifully articulates the depth of Christ’s love and the ultimate sacrifice He made for our salvation.

Through its moving lyrics and melodies, the track invites listeners to meditate on the significance of Christ’s atoning work. It’s a song that not only commemorates the sacrifice of Jesus but also celebrates the victory and freedom we have in Him. “The Price Paid” is an invitation to reflect deeply on the love of God, the power of the cross, and the transformative impact of Christ’s sacrifice in our lives. This song is a call to gratitude, worship, and a deeper appreciation of the grace we’ve received.


Devotion for “The Price Paid”

Scripture Focus:

1 Peter 1:18-19, Isaiah 53:4-6


“The Price Paid” brings us to the heart of the Christian faith: the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:18-19 reminds us that our redemption was not purchased with perishable things like silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ. This act of love and sacrifice is at the center of our faith and our relationship with God.

Isaiah 53 presents a prophetic view of the suffering servant, foreshadowing Christ’s sacrifice. It’s a powerful depiction of the Messiah bearing our sins and pains. Reflecting on these scriptures deepens our understanding of the enormity of what Jesus did for us on the cross.

Meditation and Prayer:

  • Contemplate the immense love and sacrifice of Christ. How does this deepen your gratitude and commitment to Him?
  • Reflect on the concept of redemption. What does being redeemed by Christ’s blood mean to you personally?

Further Study:

  • Study the prophecies of the Messiah in the Old Testament and their fulfillment in the New Testament.
  • Explore the theological significance of Christ’s atonement in the broader narrative of Scripture.


  • Pray for a renewed appreciation of Christ’s sacrifice within the church and among believers.
  • Intercede for those who don’t yet know Christ, that they may come to understand and embrace His redemptive work.


  • Identify ways you can live out the implications of Christ’s sacrifice in your daily life and interactions with others.
  • Consider how you can share the message of the cross with greater clarity and passion in your community.

This devotion is designed to inspire mature intercessors to ponder deeply the significance of Christ’s sacrifice, encouraging thoughtful meditation, study, and prayerful response to the profound love and redemption offered through Jesus Christ.


The Price Paid

Verse 1

In the quiet of Gethsemane, a prayer was whispered low,
The weight of sin upon His shoulders, love’s true depth to show.
Not with gold or silver, but with His precious blood,
Christ bought our freedom, a mighty flood.


The Price Paid, on Calvary’s hill,
The lamb slain, by His own will.
Redemption’s story, in His blood, we find,
The Price Paid, for all mankind.

Verse 2

Upon the rugged cross, He bore our shame and pain,
The spotless Lamb, for us was slain.
In every drop of blood, a promise of new life,
Victory in Jesus, over sin and strife.


The Price Paid, on Calvary’s hill,
The lamb slain, by His own will.
Redemption’s story, in His blood, we find,
The Price Paid, for all mankind.


In this act of love, profound and true,
Our sins are washed, we’re made anew.
O precious blood, that sets us free,
In Christ alone, our victory.


The Price Paid, on Calvary’s hill,
The lamb slain, by His own will.
Redemption’s story, in His blood, we find,
The Price Paid, for all mankind.


Now we stand, in His grace,
Redeemed children, in His embrace.
The Price Paid, our hearts sing,
Forever grateful, to our King.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: A minor (suitable for expressing depth of sacrifice)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (provides a solid and traditional structure)
  • Tempo: 60 BPM (slow and poignant for reflective quality)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

    This storyboard for “The Price Paid” is designed to visually convey the deep emotional and spiritual journey of Christ’s crucifixion and its impact on humanity. The video aims to evoke a sense of reverence, gratitude, and reflection on the sacrifice of Jesus and the profound love it represents.


    • The video begins with a somber, reflective tone, showing a dimly lit empty cross.
    • Soft, solemn music starts, setting a contemplative mood.
    • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of sacrifice and redemption.

    Verse 1:

    • Scene transitions to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, praying alone, highlighting His anguish and resolve.
    • Cut to scenes of Jesus’ journey to the cross, carrying it amidst a jeering crowd.
    • Close-up shots of Jesus’ face, showing determination and sorrow.


    • The scene shifts to the crucifixion, focusing on the cross against a darkening sky.
    • Cut to various people from different eras, watching the scene, representing humanity’s witness to the sacrifice.
    • The music intensifies, mirroring the emotional weight of the moment.

    Verse 2:

    • Scenes depicting the crucifixion continue, focusing on the nails being driven in, the crown of thorns, and Jesus’ side being pierced.
    • The sky grows darker, symbolizing the spiritual significance of the moment.
    • Shots of the onlookers, some weeping, others in awe, conveying a mix of emotions.


      • The chorus repeats, with the camera circling the cross, now silhouetted against a stormy sky.
      • Scenes of natural phenomena, like thunder and rain, symbolize the cosmic impact of the crucifixion.
      • The music reaches a crescendo, emphasizing the climax of the sacrifice.


        • A brief interlude shows the world in darkness, then transitioning to a sunrise, symbolizing the resurrection.
        • Scenes of empty tomb and the folded grave clothes.
        • The music softens, suggesting hope and renewal.


        • The final scene returns to the now empty cross, this time in daylight, signifying victory over death.
        • The narrator concludes with a reflection on the significance of Christ’s sacrifice for humanity.
        • The video ends with a gentle fade-out as the music comes to a close, leaving a lasting sense of peace and gratitude.