Kingdoms Transforming - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“Kingdoms Transforming” captures the prophetic vision of the transformation of earthly realms into the reign of Christ. Inspired by Revelation 11:15 and Isaiah 2:2-4, this track paints a picture of the ultimate fulfillment of God’s kingdom on earth. It is a song of hope, envisioning a future where righteousness, peace, and justice prevail under the sovereign rule of Christ.

The song invites listeners to imagine and anticipate the transformation of the world under Christ’s reign. It encourages us to look forward to a time when nations will live in harmony, guided by divine wisdom and love. “Kingdoms Transforming” is not only a reflection on future promises but also a call to embody kingdom values in the present, inspiring believers to be agents of peace and reconciliation in a world of conflict and turmoil.


Devotion for “Kingdoms Transforming”

Scripture Focus:

Revelation 11:15, Isaiah 2:2-4


“Kingdoms Transforming” invites us to contemplate the ultimate transformation of the world under Christ’s reign. Revelation 11:15 proclaims a future where the kingdoms of the world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever. This vision offers a profound hope for the future – a complete transformation of the earthly order into a divine, eternal kingdom.

Isaiah 2:2-4 complements this with a prophecy of a time when nations will stream to the Lord’s mountain, learning His ways and walking in His paths. It depicts a world where swords are beaten into plowshares, and nations no longer learn war, highlighting the transformative power of God’s reign in bringing peace and justice.

Meditation and Prayer:

  • Reflect on the hope of Christ’s future reign and its implications for our world today. How does this vision shape your understanding of God’s plan for humanity?
  • Meditate on the role of peace and justice in the kingdom of God.

Further Study:

  • Study the prophetic visions of the kingdom of God in both the Old and New Testaments.
  • Explore how the theme of God’s kingdom is developed throughout Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation.


  • Pray for the coming of God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, and for the Church to be an agent of this transformation.
  • Intercede for areas of the world in conflict, that they may experience the peace and justice of God’s kingdom.


  • Identify ways you can embody and promote the values of God’s kingdom in your community.
  • Consider how you can actively participate in initiatives that promote peace, justice, and reconciliation.

This devotion is crafted to inspire mature believers to ponder the future kingdom of God and its transformative impact on the world, encouraging deep reflection, prayer, and active engagement in bringing about kingdom values in the present world.


Kingdoms Transforming

Verse 1

In the whisper of time, a trumpet sound,
Ancient prophecies, now unbound.
Earthly kingdoms, once proud and tall,
To the King of kings, they yield, they fall.


Kingdoms transforming, in His holy light,
Darkness fleeing, from His might.
Jesus reigns, the truth is unfurled,
His kingdom come, in all the world.

Verse 2

From every nation, a chorus will rise,
To Jesus, the Savior, the earth’s true prize.
In His rule, justice and peace entwine,
In His love, all creation divine.


Kingdoms transforming, in His holy light,
Darkness fleeing, from His might.
Jesus reigns, the truth is unfurled,
His kingdom come, in all the world.


No more tears, no more pain,
In His kingdom, only love shall reign.
All tongues confess, every knee shall bow,
Jesus Christ, to You, all glory now.


Kingdoms transforming, in His holy light,
Darkness fleeing, from His might.
Jesus reigns, the truth is unfurled,
His kingdom come, in all the world.


In the hearts of His people, a new song rings,
Of Jesus, our Savior, the King of kings.
Kingdoms transforming, under His grace,
In His presence, our eternal place.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: E major (joyful and bright)
  • Time Signature: 3/4 (gives a sense of grace and fluidity)
  • Tempo: 70 BPM (gentle and flowing)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Kingdoms Transforming” is designed to visually convey the theme of the transformation of the world under Christ’s reign. The video aims to evoke a sense of hope, anticipation, and active participation in the coming Kingdom, inspiring viewers with the vision of a transformed and united world.


  • The video opens with a view of the Earth from space, slowly zooming in.
  • Peaceful, yet uplifting music begins, setting a tone of hopeful anticipation.
  • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of the transformation of earthly kingdoms into the Kingdom of Christ.

Verse 1:

  • Scenes of various historical kingdoms and empires, showing their rise and fall over time.
  • Interspersed with these are scenes of conflict, injustice, and division, representing the brokenness of earthly realms.
  • The music carries a sense of longing, underscoring humanity’s need for true peace and justice.


  • Transition to a vision of the New Jerusalem descending from heaven, as described in Revelation.
  • People from diverse backgrounds stop their conflicts and look up in awe and hope.
  • The music swells, emphasizing the majesty and beauty of the coming kingdom.

Verse 2:

  • Show scenes of transformation: enemies reconciling, the poor and sick being cared for, creation being restored.
  • Each scene reflects the values of the Kingdom of God: love, peace, justice, and stewardship.
  • The music is warm and inspiring, highlighting the positive change.


    • Return to the vision of the New Jerusalem, now closer to Earth, with its gates wide open.
    • People of all nations walking towards it, symbolizing the gathering of all people under Christ’s reign.
    • Choirs join the music, adding a layer of heavenly harmony.


      • A montage of scenes showing the beauty of the transformed world: nature thriving, people living in harmony, scenes of worship and celebration.
      • The music is softer here, reflective yet full of joy, illustrating the fulfillment of God’s promises.


      • The camera slowly moves back to space, showing a transformed Earth, glowing with light and life.
      • The narrator concludes with reflections on our role in bringing about the values of God’s kingdom here and now.
      • The video ends with a fade to a gently shining Earth, leaving a lingering sense of hope and purpose.