New Creation Rising - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“New Creation Rising” is an awe-inspiring musical depiction of the promise of the new heaven and new earth as prophesied in Revelation 21:1-5 and echoed in 2 Peter 3:13. This track invites listeners into a visionary experience of the ultimate renewal and restoration at the end of times, where God’s glory fully transforms reality as we know it.

The song paints a vivid picture of a world reborn in perfection and beauty, free from pain and sorrow. Its lyrics and melodies inspire hope and anticipation for this glorious future, encouraging believers to look beyond current struggles to the eternal promise of God’s perfect kingdom. “New Creation Rising” is not only a celebration of what is to come but also a call to live in the light of this future hope, embodying the values of the new creation in our daily lives.


Devotion for “New Creation Rising”

Scripture Focus:

Revelation 21:1-5, 2 Peter 3:13


“New Creation Rising” invites us to envision the fulfillment of God’s promise of a new heaven and a new earth as described in Revelation 21:1-5. This passage paints a picture of total renewal and restoration where God dwells among His people, wiping away every tear, and eradicating death, mourning, crying, and pain. It’s a vision of hope and perfection, where the former things have passed away.

2 Peter 3:13 echoes this promise, looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells. This future hope is not just a destruction of the old, but a creative act of God bringing forth something entirely new and perfect, reflecting His glory and righteousness.

Meditation and Prayer:

  • Reflect on the hope of the new creation. How does this future vision influence your perspective on current struggles and challenges?
  • Meditate on the nature of God’s promises and His faithfulness in fulfilling them.

Further Study:

  • Study the biblical theme of new creation, starting from Genesis and culminating in Revelation.
  • Explore how the hope of a new heaven and new earth is woven through the prophetic writings and the teachings of Jesus and the apostles.


  • Pray for the church to be a foretaste of the new creation, exemplifying God’s righteousness and love.
  • Intercede for those who are suffering, that they may find hope and comfort in the promise of a new creation.


  • Identify ways to live out the values of the new creation in your current context.
  • Consider how you can bring hope and healing to those around you, reflecting the future reality of God’s perfect kingdom.

This devotion is crafted to inspire mature believers to ponder the profound promise of the new creation, encouraging deep reflection, prayer, and active engagement in living out the values of God’s coming kingdom in the present world.


New Creation Rising

Verse 1

Behold the vision, John once saw,
A new heaven, earth, in awe.
No more sea, the old passed away,
God’s dwelling with man, in eternal day.


New Creation Rising, in glory and truth,
God’s kingdom unfolding, eternal and youth.
No more tears, no more pain,
In God’s presence, forever remain.

Verse 2

The holy city, Jerusalem, descends,
Adorned for her Bridegroom, where joy never ends.
God’s glory, its light, no need for sun or moon,
In this new creation, where life is in bloom.


New Creation Rising, in glory and truth,
God’s kingdom unfolding, eternal and youth.
No more tears, no more pain,
In God’s presence, forever remain.


“Behold, I make all things new,” He speaks,
To the thirsty, water of life, He leaks.
Old things gone, new stories He writes,
In this new creation, His love ignites.


New Creation Rising, in glory and truth,
God’s kingdom unfolding, eternal and youth.
No more tears, no more pain,
In God’s presence, forever remain.


In this new beginning, hope soars high,
Under His reign, under His sky.
New Creation Rising, our hearts take wing,
In Jesus, our Savior, our King of kings.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: A major (conveys a sense of renewal and vibrancy)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (steady and hopeful)
  • Tempo: 75 BPM (moderate, reflecting transformation and new beginnings)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “New Creation Rising” is designed to visually convey the transformation from the old world to the new, as promised in scripture. The video aims to evoke a sense of awe, wonder, and deep anticipation for the promised renewal of all things, inspiring viewers with the hope and beauty of God’s ultimate plan for creation.


  • The video opens with a dark, old world slowly fading away, symbolizing the end of the current age.
  • Ethereal and hopeful music begins to play, setting a tone of anticipation and wonder.
  • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of the new heaven and new earth, as foretold in Revelation.

Verse 1:

  • Transition to scenes of the old world, showing environmental decay, broken cities, and conflict, representing the fallen state of the current world.
  • Gradually, these scenes start to fade, giving way to a faint glow on the horizon.
  • The music builds slowly, mirroring the growing sense of hope and renewal.


  • A magnificent, radiant city (the New Jerusalem) descends from the heavens, illuminating the new world.
  • Scenes of people from different backgrounds, watching in awe and wonder as they witness the transformation.
  • The chorus is uplifting and powerful, highlighting the majesty and beauty of the new creation.

Verse 2:

  • Show scenes of the new earth – pristine nature, people living in harmony, and scenes of joy and celebration.
  • Images of crystal-clear rivers, lush landscapes, and people engaging in creative and fulfilling activities.
  • The music is vibrant and full of life, reflecting the joy and perfection of the new world.


    • Return to the scenes of the New Jerusalem, now bustling with life, as people of all nations enter its gates.
    • The camera pans over streets of gold, walls of precious stones, and the Tree of Life.
    • Choirs join the music, adding a layer of heavenly harmony and grandeur.


      • A reflective moment with scenes showing the intimate moments of life in the new world – families reuniting, people exploring the wonders of creation, moments of worship and contemplation.
      • The music is softer but filled with deep emotion, illustrating the personal impact of the new creation.


      • The camera pulls back to show the entire new earth, glowing with divine light and life.
      • The narrator concludes with reflections on the eternal joy and hope found in God’s new creation.
      • The video ends with a fade to a bright, shining light, symbolizing the endless glory of the new creation.