The Reign of Peace - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield


“The Reign of Peace” delves into the prophetic promise of Christ’s peaceful and everlasting reign, as depicted in Isaiah 9:6-7 and Micah 4:3-4. This song celebrates Jesus as the Prince of Peace, whose governance will usher in an era of unparalleled peace and justice. It’s a powerful depiction of the Messiah’s role in establishing a kingdom where every individual experiences true peace and security.

Through its serene melodies and thoughtful lyrics, the track invites listeners to meditate on the beauty and significance of Christ’s peaceful reign. It paints a hopeful picture of a future where conflicts cease and harmony prevails. “The Reign of Peace” is a reminder of the hope we have in Christ, encouraging believers to live in the peace of Christ and to spread this peace in a world that desperately needs it.


Devotion for “The Reign of Peace”

Scripture Focus:

Isaiah 9:6-7, Micah 4:3-4


“The Reign of Peace” explores the prophetic vision of Christ’s peaceful and just reign. Isaiah 9:6-7 introduces us to the child who is born, the son who is given, whose names include Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His government is described as one of endless peace, upholding justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore.

Micah 4:3-4 complements this vision with a depiction of a time when nations will no longer wage war, but every person will sit under their own vine and fig tree, and no one will make them afraid. This imagery paints a picture of global peace and individual security, a hallmark of the Messiah’s reign.

Meditation and Prayer:

  • Reflect on the titles of Christ in Isaiah 9:6-7. How do these names deepen your understanding of Jesus and His mission?
  • Meditate on the promise of peace and justice in Christ’s kingdom.

Further Study:

  • Study the concept of peace (shalom) in the Old Testament and how it is fulfilled in Christ.
  • Explore the Messianic prophecies throughout the Old Testament and their fulfillment in the New Testament.


  • Pray for the peace of Christ to rule in hearts, communities, and nations.
  • Intercede for areas of the world experiencing conflict and turmoil, that they may know the peace of Christ.


  • Identify ways to be a peacemaker in your own context, following the example of Christ.
  • Consider how you can contribute to justice and righteousness in your community.

This devotion is intended to encourage mature believers to delve into the profound promise of Christ’s reign of peace and justice, inspiring reflection, prayer, and active participation in bringing about these kingdom values in the world today.


The Reign of Peace

Verse 1

In a world of turmoil, a promise was given,
A child born, a Son to us, by heaven.
Prince of Peace, His name, His rule without end,
Justice and righteousness, in Him, they blend.


The Reign of Peace, by His hand,
Wonderful Counselor, for every land.
His government vast, His throne forever,
In His peace, we’re united, now and ever.

Verse 2

On David’s throne, He shall sit,
With fairness and love, His kingdom lit.
Through all our trials, wars, and strife,
He brings peace, everlasting life.


The Reign of Peace, by His hand,
Wonderful Counselor, for every land.
His government vast, His throne forever,
In His peace, we’re united, now and ever.


Mighty God, Eternal Father,
In Your grace, we gather.
Across the ages, Your promise rings,
In Your peace, our hearts sing.


The Reign of Peace, by His hand,
Wonderful Counselor, for every land.
His government vast, His throne forever,
In His peace, we’re united, now and ever.


As stars in the night sky, endless and bright,
So is His reign, in power and light.
The Reign of Peace, in His love we bask,
In Jesus, our Savior, we find our task.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: F major (serene and peaceful)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (lends a sense of elegance and peace)
  • Tempo: 68 BPM (calm and soothing)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “The Reign of Peace” is designed to visually convey the profound and transformative impact of Christ’s reign. The video aims to evoke a sense of deep peace, hope, and the fulfillment of prophetic promises, inspiring viewers with the beauty and serenity of the promised reign of Christ.


  • The video opens with a serene, dawn-lit landscape, symbolizing the dawning of a new era.
  • Gentle, uplifting music sets a tone of tranquility and hope.
  • A narrator’s voice introduces the theme of Christ’s peaceful reign, as foretold by the prophets.

Verse 1:

  • Transition to scenes depicting a world in turmoil, with glimpses of conflict, strife, and unrest.
  • Amidst this chaos, individuals from various backgrounds are seen looking towards the sky, longing for peace.
  • The music carries a tone of expectation, mirroring the longing for a savior.


  • Scene shifts to a majestic portrayal of Christ as the Prince of Peace, descending gently upon the earth.
  • As He touches down, the scenes of conflict and turmoil transform into scenes of harmony and reconciliation.
  • The music swells with a chorus, emphasizing the arrival of peace and justice.

Verse 2:

  • Show scenes of people from different nations and cultures coming together, working to rebuild and unite.
  • Images of swords being turned into plowshares and lions lying down with lambs, as per the prophecy.
  • The music maintains its uplifting and peaceful tone, highlighting the transformative impact of Christ’s reign.


    • Return to the scenes of harmony, now flourishing under Christ’s peaceful rule.
    • The camera pans across landscapes of restored creation, thriving communities, and joyful celebrations.
    • Choirs join in, adding a heavenly dimension to the music, reinforcing the divine nature of this peace.


      • A quieter, reflective moment showing individuals and families experiencing personal peace, love, and joy.
      • Scenes of nature in perfect harmony, symbolizing the restoration of all creation.
      • The music is soft and contemplative, allowing the viewer to absorb the depth of this peace.


      • The camera slowly ascends, showing a world transformed, bathed in a warm, golden light.
      • The narrator concludes with reflections on the eternal nature of Christ’s reign of peace.
      • The video fades to a serene image of the earth, encapsulated in a gentle, peaceful glow.