Divine Alignment - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 10: “Divine Alignment”

Song Description:

“Divine Alignment,” the tenth track on the album, is a profound call to align one’s life with the will and purpose of God. This song is about the journey of transformation and renewal, seeking to live in accordance with God’s plan, and embracing His guidance in all aspects of life.

The music for “Divine Alignment” is composed to reflect a sense of growth and progression. The arrangement might feature a blend of moving melodies and stirring harmonies, creating an atmosphere that is both reflective and aspirational. Instrumentation could include a mix of piano, strings, and perhaps light electronic elements, providing a rich, layered backdrop that symbolizes the multifaceted nature of spiritual growth.

Vocally, the song aims to convey a sense of dedication and earnestness, mirroring the commitment required to align one’s life with God. The lyrics draw inspiration from key scriptures like Romans 12:2 and Proverbs 3:5-6, weaving together a message that encourages listeners to transform their minds, trust in God’s wisdom, and submit their ways to Him.

“Divine Alignment” is more than just a song; it’s a spiritual guide encouraging listeners to examine their lives, thoughts, and actions, and to align them with God’s character and desires. This track is a key part of the album, highlighting the importance of living a life that is not conformed to the world but transformed by the renewing power of God.

This description is crafted to provide listeners with a meaningful understanding of the song’s intent and the emotional and spiritual journey it represents, enriching their experience and connection with its message. If you require further descriptions for the final track or any additional assistance, please let me know.


Devotion for Track 10: “Divine Alignment”

Key Scripture:

Romans 12:2.   “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”


Divine alignment involves more than just following a set of rules or guidelines; it’s about transforming our mindset and character to reflect God’s nature. This transformation leads to a deeper understanding and discernment of God’s will. By not conforming to worldly patterns but being renewed in our thoughts and actions, we align ourselves more closely with God’s purposes.

Digging Deeper:

  • Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
    • Trust and submission are key to aligning our lives with God’s will. It’s about relying on God’s wisdom and guidance rather than our limited perspective.
  • Matthew 6:33: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
    • Jesus emphasizes the priority of seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness above all else, promising that our needs will be met when we align our lives with these pursuits.
  • Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
    • Paul’s words reflect the depth of divine alignment – a life no longer driven by self but by faith in Jesus Christ.


  • Mindset Shift: Regularly assess your values, priorities, and decisions. Are they in line with God’s Word and His character?
  • Prayer for Guidance: Make it a habit to seek God’s guidance in your decisions, big and small. Ask for wisdom and a heart that desires His will above your own.
  • Bible Study: Spend time studying God’s Word to understand His character and will. Let scripture shape your worldview and decision-making.


Identify one area of your life where you struggle to align with God’s will. Commit to seeking God’s guidance in this area, be it through prayer, scripture study, or seeking counsel from mature Christians. Reflect on how aligning with God’s will in this area impacts your life and faith.

This devotion is crafted to encourage a deeper commitment to living in alignment with God’s will, recognizing it as essential to our spiritual growth and fulfillment in life.


Divine Alignment

Verse 1

In the quiet of my soul, I seek Your face,
Longing for Your will, Your divine grace.
In every moment, every space,
Guide me to align, in Your holy embrace.


Divine alignment, Your will my guide,
In Your truth, I choose to abide.
Transform my heart, in You, I confide,
In divine alignment, let my spirit reside.

Verse 2

Through the trials, through the tests,
In Your perfect will, I find my rest.
Renew my mind, in Your precepts blessed,
In divine alignment, my path is dressed.


Divine alignment, Your will my guide,
In Your truth, I choose to abide.
Transform my heart, in You, I confide,
In divine alignment, let my spirit reside.


Not my will, but Yours be done,
In the light of Your righteous Son.
In every step, in every run,
Divine alignment, in You, I’m won.


Divine alignment, Your will my guide,
In Your truth, I choose to abide.
Transform my heart, in You, I confide,
In divine alignment, let my spirit reside.


In Your purpose, in Your plan,
I’ll walk the path You’ve span.
In Your love, forever I stand,
Divine alignment, in Your holy hand.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: F# major (grand and uplifting)
  • Time Signature: 4/4 (solid and stable)
  • Tempo: 78 bpm (moderate, conveying purpose and clarity)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Divine Alignment” portrays a journey of seeking and finding alignment with the divine order, both in the cosmos and in everyday life. The imagery is designed to resonate with the song’s theme of seeking to align one’s actions, thoughts, and heart with God’s will. If you need storyboards for additional tracks or any adjustments, please let me know.


  • Scene: A vast cosmic landscape, showcasing the grandeur of the universe.
  • Visuals: Stars, galaxies, and celestial bodies moving in a harmonious dance, symbolizing the divine order.
  • Action: A figure silhouetted against this backdrop, looking out into the cosmos, suggesting a search for meaning and alignment.

Verse 1:

  • Scene: Transition to Earth, with the figure journeying through various landscapes – cities, forests, mountains.
  • Visuals: The figure interacts with different environments and people, reflecting the diversity of life’s experiences.
  • Action: The figure pauses at times, looking contemplative, as if questioning and seeking direction.


  • Scene: The figure stands on a mountaintop, arms raised to the sky.
  • Visuals: The camera pans up to the heavens, then back down, aligning the figure with the stars above.
  • Action: A sense of surrender and connection, as if the figure’s movements are in sync with the greater universe.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: The figure now in a bustling city, amidst the chaos of everyday life.
  • Visuals: Scenes of daily activities – work, interactions, challenges.
  • Action: The figure moves with purpose, their actions deliberate and thoughtful, symbolizing intentional living.


    • Scene: The scene shifts between the city and natural landscapes, showing the figure in various acts of kindness and courage.
    • Visuals: A connection is drawn between the figure’s actions and the impact on their surroundings.
    • Action: Demonstrations of compassion, integrity, and faith, reflecting alignment with divine principles.


      • Scene: A series of quick cuts showing historical and contemporary figures who exemplified divine alignment in their lives.
      • Visuals: The figures are shown in moments of decision, creativity, and influence.
      • Action: Echoing the theme that divine alignment transcends time and place.


      • Scene: Night falls, and the figure returns to the cosmic landscape, now sitting peacefully.
      • Visuals: The stars and galaxies moving slowly, with a sense of order and peace.
      • Action: The figure, looking at peace, reflects a newfound harmony and alignment with the divine.