Eyes of Purity - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 2: “Eyes of Purity”


“Eyes of Purity” is the second track of “Reverent Whispers,” carrying forward the album’s deep spiritual journey. This song addresses the significant theme of guarding one’s sight for spiritual purity, inspired by the biblical principle that what we see influences our spirit and mind (Matthew 6:22-23). It’s a call to conscious vigilance over our visual intake and to seek a vision that aligns with God’s purity.

Themes and Message:

The song poetically explores the impact of what we expose our eyes to, both in the physical and metaphorical sense. It encourages listeners to filter their visual experiences through the lens of God’s holiness, urging a vigilance that nurtures spiritual health and vision. “Eyes of Purity” is a gentle yet powerful reminder of the importance of maintaining spiritual integrity through what we choose to see and focus on.


Musically, “Eyes of Purity” features a serene yet compelling melody, with a blend of acoustic and soft electronic elements. The arrangement builds gradually, mirroring the song’s message of growing in spiritual awareness and purity. The chorus is particularly uplifting, with harmonies that evoke a sense of hope and renewal.

For Whom:

This song resonates especially with believers striving to live a life of holiness in a visually stimulating and often distracting world. It is particularly relevant for those who seek to deepen their relationship with God through mindful and intentional living.

Reflection and Application:

“Eyes of Purity” invites reflection on the content we consume and its impact on our spiritual well-being. The song encourages practical steps toward guarding one’s sight, such as being selective about media consumption and seeking out things that are true, noble, and pure (Philippians 4:8).


As a part of “Reverent Whispers,” Track 2 stands as a beautiful, thought-provoking piece that challenges listeners to consider the purity of their vision, both physically and spiritually. “Eyes of Purity” is an invitation to a deeper, more intentional walk with God, where what we see is filtered through His holiness.


Devotion for Track 2: “Eyes of Purity”

Key Scripture:

Matthew 6:22-23 – “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness.”


Jesus’ words about the eyes being the lamp of the body are profound. They suggest that what we choose to look at can fill us with either light or darkness. This goes beyond just physical sight; it’s about what we choose to focus our attention on, what we allow into our minds and hearts through our eyes, both literally and metaphorically.

Digging Deeper:

  • Guarding Our Sight:
    • Psalm 101:3 states, “I will not look with approval on anything that is vile.” This is a conscious decision to guard our eyes from corrupting influences.
    • In Philippians 4:8, Paul urges us to think about whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. Our visual intake should align with these virtues.
  • Implications of What We See:
    • 2 Corinthians 10:5 speaks of taking every thought captive to obey Christ. The visual stimuli we absorb can influence our thoughts, requiring us to be vigilant.
    • The concept of purity in sight extends to our digital and media consumption as well. How does what we watch or browse impact our spiritual health and vision?


  • Personal Audit: Reflect on your daily visual intake. Are there areas (TV shows, social media, etc.) where a change is needed to ensure purity in what you see?
  • Practical Steps: Implement changes to guard your eyes. This could involve setting filters on digital devices, choosing edifying content, and practicing intentional focus on things that are of God.


“Heavenly Father, guide me to guard my eyes in a world filled with so many distractions and temptations. Help me to focus on what is pure, noble, and true. Let my eyes be a source of light, bringing Your light into my heart and radiating it in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

This devotion seeks to deepen the understanding of the spiritual significance of what we allow into our lives through our sight, encouraging personal reflection and actionable steps to maintain visual purity for mature intercessors.


Eyes of Purity

Verse 1

In a world where shadows dance,
Lord, in Your light, we take our stance.
With eyes of purity, we seek,
Your holy face, Your strength in our meek.


Eyes of purity, in Your grace we find,
A vision clear, from the holy, divine.
Guard our sight, in Your righteousness,
Lead us, Lord, through purity’s quest.

Verse 2

Every image, every scene,
Filter through Your love, make it clean.
In the mirror of Your word, we gaze,
Transforming our view, in Your holy blaze.


Eyes of purity, in Your grace we find,
A vision clear, from the holy, divine.
Guard our sight, in Your righteousness,
Lead us, Lord, through purity’s quest.


Create in us, a heart so true,
Where what we see, honors You.
In every moment, let our vision be,
A reflection of Your purity.


Eyes of purity, in Your grace we find,
A vision clear, from the holy, divine.
Guard our sight, in Your righteousness,
Lead us, Lord, through purity’s quest.


As we walk through this life’s array,
In eyes of purity, Your light displays.
Teach us, Lord, in each sight and sound,
In our eyes of purity, let Your love abound.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C Major
  • Time Signature: 3/4
  • Tempo: 72 BPM (conveying a peaceful yet uplifting rhythm)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

 This storyboard for “Eyes of Purity” follows a narrative that aligns with the song’s message about choosing what we focus on and seeing the world through a lens of purity and divine grace. Each scene is designed to complement the lyrical sections of the song, creating a cohesive and impactful story.

      Intro Scene:

      • Setting: Early morning in a bustling city.
      • Visual: The city awakens, with scenes of everyday life beginning to unfold. People are seen through various windows, each engaged in their morning routines.
      • Audio: Ambient city sounds leading into the gentle intro of the song.

      Verse 1:

      • Visual: The protagonist is seen in a crowded city street, moving among people, yet somewhat apart, reflective and observant.
      • Lyrics Sync: “In a world where shadows dance, Lord, in Your light, we take our stance.” Focus on the protagonist’s eyes, watching the world but not getting lost in it.
      • Setting Transition: The city continues to wake up, with the light gradually becoming brighter.

      First Chorus:

      • Visual: Transition to a serene park in the city, symbolizing a place of purity and peace.
      • Lyrics Sync: “Eyes of purity, in Your grace we find, A vision clear, from the holy, divine.” The protagonist is seen closing their eyes and then opening them, viewing the world with a sense of clarity and purpose.
      • Setting Elements: The park is filled with natural beauty, contrasting with the busyness of the city.

      Verse 2:

      • Visual: The protagonist interacts with various city scenes, now with a more discerning and purposeful gaze.
      • Lyrics Sync: “Every image, every scene, Filter through Your love, make it clean.” Scenes of the protagonist choosing to look away from distractions and seeking meaningful interactions.
      • Setting Transition: The day progresses, emphasizing the protagonist’s intentional choices in what they see and focus on.

        Second Chorus:

        • Visual: Back in the park, the protagonist is joined by a small group, sharing a moment of connection and purity.
        • Lyrics Sync: “Eyes of purity, guide our way, In the choices we make, each and every day.”
        • Setting Elements: The group’s interactions are genuine and wholesome, contrasting with the superficiality often found in the city.

          Final Chorus:

          • Visual: The group now moves back into the city, but with a different perspective. Their interactions with the environment and people around them are thoughtful and intentional.
          • Lyrics Sync: “Eyes of purity, a prayer we raise, In a world of blur, be our clear gaze.”
          • Setting Elements: The city, now seen through ‘eyes of purity,’ appears different – more hopeful and meaningful.

          Verse 3: A New Creation

          • Visuals: Scenes showing the individuals now living with a sense of purpose and purity. Their actions reflect their inner transformation — helping others, living with integrity, practicing spiritual disciplines.
          • Lyrics: “As a sacrifice, let our lives be laid,”
          • Action: Their journey is marked by a quiet but powerful strength and a profound connection to the divine.

          Outro Scene:

          • Visual: The protagonist is now alone again, looking over the city from a high vantage point as the day turns to evening.
          • Lyrics Sync: “As we walk through this life’s array, In eyes of purity, Your light displays.”
          • Final Shot: The protagonist’s face is contemplative yet peaceful, closing their eyes and then opening them again, symbolizing a renewed vision and perspective.
          • Audio: The song fades out, blending with the sounds of the evening city.