Pure Heart Vision - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 3: “Pure Heart Vision”

Song Description:

“Pure Heart Vision” is the third track in the album, steering the listener into the realm of introspection and purity of heart. This song is a melodious exploration of the Biblical beatitude ‘Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.’ It is crafted to inspire a longing for spiritual clarity and a heart unencumbered by distractions and impurities.

The musical arrangement of “Pure Heart Vision” combines reflective melodies with a gentle yet compelling rhythm, creating a sound that is both contemplative and inspiring. The instrumentation might feature a harmonious blend of soft string sections and acoustic guitar, complemented by subtle keyboard nuances, all working together to create a tapestry that evokes purity and serenity.

The vocals are delivered with a sense of earnestness and sincerity, guiding the listener through a lyrical journey of seeking a pure heart. The song’s lyrics delve into the transformative power of purity, drawing from both Old and New Testament scriptures to convey the message that a pure heart is a vessel for seeing and experiencing God more fully.

This track is an invitation to self-reflection and spiritual cleansing. It encourages the listener to look inward, to seek the beauty of a life lived in purity, and to embrace the vision of God that comes from a heart made clean. “Pure Heart Vision” is a pivotal song in the album, bridging the personal act of surrender with the pursuit of divine holiness and deeper spiritual insight.

This description is intended to provide listeners with a deeper understanding of the song’s purpose, encouraging them to engage with its spiritual message. If you have any further requests for track descriptions or other aspects of the album, please feel free to ask.


Devotion for Track 3: “Pure Heart Vision”

Key Scripture:

Matthew 5:8    “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.”


The pursuit of purity in heart is a central theme in the teachings of Jesus. A pure heart is not just about moral integrity, but also about the sincerity and single-minded devotion towards God. It’s about having an undivided heart that seeks to please God in all things. This purity of heart opens our eyes to see God more clearly in our lives and in the world around us.

Digging Deeper:

Psalm 51:10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

  • This prayer from David after his repentance shows the deep desire for inner renewal and purity. It’s a recognition that purity of heart is a work of God within us.

2 Timothy 2:22: “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”

  • Purity of heart is pursued not in isolation but in community with others who seek God’s face. It involves a conscious effort to flee from sin and cling to virtues.

1 John 3:2-3: “Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.”

  • The ultimate hope of purity is to see Christ and be transformed into His likeness. This scripture connects the purification process with the hope of Christ’s return.


  • Meditative Prayer: Spend time reflecting on Psalm 51:10, asking God to create a pure heart within you.
  • Accountability and Fellowship: Engage in fellowship with other believers who are committed to pursuing a pure heart, sharing struggles and victories.
  • Scriptural Immersion: Regularly read and meditate on scriptures that focus on purity, allowing God’s Word to transform your heart and mind.


Consider what impurities might be present in your heart – be it attitudes, desires, or habits. Commit to a practice of confessing these to God and seeking His cleansing. Also, engage in conversations with fellow believers about how to maintain a pure heart in a complex world.

This devotion is intended to inspire a deeper exploration and commitment to cultivating a pure heart, a key aspect of deepening one’s relationship with God and understanding His ways.


Pure Heart Vision

Verse 1

In the mirror of Your word, I see,
Reflections of the heart You desire in me.
Purify my thoughts, set my spirit free,
In the clarity of Your holiness, let me be.


Pure heart vision, in Your light, I see,
Blessed are the pure, for they will see Thee.
Create in me a heart that’s true,
In Your purity, my life renew.

Verse 2

Wash away the stains of worldly guise,
In Your sacred gaze, no shadow lies.
A heart unblemished, Your spirit sighs,
In the purity of Your love, my soul ties.


Pure heart vision, in Your light, I see,
Blessed are the pure, for they will see Thee.
Create in me a heart that’s true,
In Your purity, my life renew.


In the stillness of Your love, I find my worth,
Purity’s vision, a new heaven, a new earth.
Through Your eyes, let me see what’s true,
A heart like Yours, in everything I pursue.


Pure heart vision, in Your light, I see,
Blessed are the pure, for they will see Thee.
Create in me a heart that’s true,
In Your purity, my life renew.


In the quiet of Your presence, I come to know,
Pure heart vision, in Your grace, I grow.
In Your holiness, my heart aglow,
Guided by Your purity, Your love I show.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: C major (bright and hopeful)
  • Time Signature: 6/8 (flowing rhythm, depicting spiritual aspiration)
  • Tempo: 90 bpm (uplifting and forward-moving)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Pure Heart Vision” illustrates a journey of seeking and finding spiritual purity and clarity, using the forest and its transformation from misty to clear as a metaphor. The imagery is designed to resonate with the themes of inner cleansing, connection with nature, and spiritual awakening presented in the song. If you need storyboards for additional tracks or any adjustments, please let me know.


  • Scene: Early morning in a serene forest, with light mist hanging in the air.
  • Visuals: Gentle rays of sunlight pierce through the trees, creating a magical, ethereal atmosphere.
  • Action: A solitary figure is seen walking slowly through the forest, their eyes searching, reflecting a sense of longing and introspection.

Verse 1:

  • Scene: The figure wanders deeper into the forest, touching the trees and plants, connecting with nature.
  • Visuals: Close-ups of the natural surroundings – dew on leaves, a spiderweb glistening in the light, a bird singing.
  • Action: The figure pauses occasionally, closing their eyes and taking deep breaths, as if to cleanse and purify their thoughts.


  • Scene: A clearing in the forest where light streams down in beams, illuminating the area.
  • Visuals: The figure stands in the light, arms outstretched, face turned upwards, basking in the sunlight.
  • Action: A look of peace and clarity comes over the figure’s face, symbolizing the purity of heart and vision.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: The figure resumes walking, now with a sense of purpose and calm.
  • Visuals: Scenes of the forest coming to life with morning activity, representing the awakening of the soul.
  • Action: The figure starts interacting more with the environment – touching the bark of trees, feeling the texture of moss, symbolizing a deeper connection with creation.


    • Scene: Return to the illuminated clearing, now with small wildlife joining the figure (like deer or rabbits).
    • Visuals: The figure seated on the ground, surrounded by the animals, in harmony with nature.
    • Action: A gentle, contented smile plays on the figure’s lips, a sign of inner peace and purity.


      • Scene: A gradual transition from the forest to a hilltop with a wide view of the landscape below.
      • Visuals: A panoramic view of the forest, valleys, and a river in the distance, bathed in the golden light of the morning.
      • Action: The figure looks out at the view, their expression one of awe and gratitude.


      • Scene: The figure descending the hill, returning to the forest, now completely at peace.
      • Visuals: The forest is brighter now, with the mist cleared, symbolizing clarity and enlightenment.
      • Action: The figure walks with a confident, yet humble stride, a symbol of their journey towards a pure heart and clear vision.