Stepping in Faith - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 8: “Stepping in Faith”

Song Description:

“Stepping in Faith,” the eighth track on the album, is a powerful anthem about the courage and trust required to walk in faith, especially when the path ahead is uncertain. This song is a tribute to the act of stepping out beyond the familiar and comfortable, guided by a deep trust in God’s promises and direction.

The musical composition of “Stepping in Faith” is designed to be both uplifting and reassuring, embodying the strength and confidence that comes from faith. The arrangement might blend dynamic rhythms with inspiring melodies, potentially incorporating a mix of acoustic and electronic elements to create a sense of momentum and forward movement. This symbolizes the journey of faith — one that moves us beyond our boundaries and into new realms of trust and reliance on God.

Vocally, the song aims to convey a sense of resolve and determination, reflecting the spirit of someone who is making the bold choice to step out in faith. The lyrics draw on Biblical themes of faith and trust, such as the stories of Abraham, Moses, and Peter stepping out of the boat. They speak to the heart of the believer, encouraging a personal response to God’s call, even when it requires leaving one’s comfort zone.

“Stepping in Faith” is more than just a song; it’s a call to action for believers to embrace the uncertainties of life with faith and confidence in God. It encourages listeners to take their own steps of faith, trusting that God will lead them and be with them every step of the way. This track is a crucial part of the album, emphasizing faith in action and the transformative power of trusting God in all aspects of life.

This description aims to provide listeners with a vivid understanding of the song’s intent and the emotional and spiritual journey it represents. If you need further descriptions for the remaining tracks or any other assistance, please let me know.


Devotion for Track 8: “Stepping in Faith”

Key Scripture:

2 Corinthians 5:7.   “For we live by faith, not by sight.”


Living by faith is one of the core principles of the Christian journey. It involves trust in God’s promises and guidance, even when the path is not clear or the outcome is uncertain. Stepping in faith means moving beyond our comfort zones, relying on God’s character and His word rather than our limited understanding or visible circumstances.

Digging Deeper:

  • Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
    • This verse defines faith as a confident assurance in God’s promises, a trust that goes beyond physical evidence and sight.
  • James 2:26: “As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”
    • True faith is active and alive, demonstrated through our actions and decisions. It’s not just a mental assent but a lived experience.
  • Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
    • Trusting in God involves a surrender of our own understanding and a commitment to follow His lead, believing that He will guide us rightly.


  • Reflective Prayer: Spend time in prayer reflecting on areas of your life where you need to step out in faith. Ask God for courage and guidance.
  • Journaling Faith Steps: Journal about times you’ve stepped out in faith and seen God’s faithfulness. Reflect on these experiences to build your faith in current situations.
  • Community Encouragement: Share stories of faith with your church or small group. Encourage each other to take steps of faith in your respective journeys.


Identify a specific area in your life where God is calling you to step out in faith. It could be a decision, a change, or an act of obedience. Commit to taking this step, despite any fears or uncertainties, and trust God for the outcome. Reflect on this experience and its impact on your faith.

This devotion is crafted to inspire and challenge believers to actively live out their faith, trusting in God’s guidance and providence in all areas of life.


Stepping in Faith

Verse 1

In the valley of doubt, I hear Your call,
A whisper of faith, in the midst of it all.
With every step, in Your grace I fall,
Trusting Your word, on You, I call.


Stepping in faith, with eyes on You,
In the unknown, Your promises are true.
With every leap, Your love breaks through,
In You, Lord, my strength I renew.

Verse 2

Beyond the horizon, where fears may tread,
In Your guiding hand, I am lovingly led.
With a heart of courage, by Your Spirit fed,
On the path of faith, by Your word I’m stead.


Stepping in faith, with eyes on You,
In the unknown, Your promises are true.
With every leap, Your love breaks through,
In You, Lord, my strength I renew.


In the shadows of uncertainty, Your light shines bright,
Guiding my steps, from day to night.
In Your footsteps, I find my fight,
Stepping in faith, walking by sight.


Stepping in faith, with eyes on You,
In the unknown, Your promises are true.
With every leap, Your love breaks through,
In You, Lord, my strength I renew.


Forward I move, in Your love so vast,
In Your sure promises, my anchor’s cast.
Stepping in faith, free from the past,
In Your eternal hope, my lot is cast.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: A major (bold and bright)
  • Time Signature: 2/4 (marching rhythm, symbolizing forward movement and determination)
  • Tempo: 100 bpm (lively, depicting action and confidence)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Stepping in Faith” depicts a visual journey of embracing faith, with each scene and action designed to resonate with the song’s theme of moving beyond fear and uncertainty, trusting in God’s guidance. If you need storyboards for additional tracks or any changes, please let me know.


  • Scene: Early morning, a vast landscape shrouded in mist, symbolizing the unknown.
  • Visuals: The first rays of light breaking through the fog, illuminating a narrow path.
  • Action: A figure stands at the start of the path, looking ahead with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Verse 1:

  • Scene: The figure begins to walk along the path, hesitant at first.
  • Visuals: Close-ups of their feet taking cautious steps, hands brushing against wildflowers along the path.
  • Action: Gradually, the figure’s strides become more confident as they navigate through the mist.


  • Scene: The landscape opens up to reveal a stunning vista, symbolizing the broader perspective gained through faith.
  • Visuals: The figure stops to take in the view, a look of awe and wonder on their face.
  • Action: Arms outstretched, the figure embraces the moment, symbolizing surrender to the journey of faith.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: The journey continues, with the path leading to various terrains – rocky grounds, lush meadows, steep inclines.
  • Visuals: The changing scenery reflects the ups and downs of a life lived in faith.
  • Action: The figure navigates each new challenge with growing determination and trust.


    • Scene: A river crossing, where the figure must step on stones to cross – a metaphor for faith in action.
    • Visuals: Each step is careful but deliberate, showing both the risk and trust involved.
    • Action: Reaching the other side, the figure looks back, acknowledging the distance traveled.


      • Scene: A sequence of different individuals, each stepping out in faith in their contexts – a busy street, a quiet room, a mountaintop.
      • Visuals: These vignettes show the universal application of faith in diverse life situations.
      • Action: Each person displays a moment of decision, followed by an action of faith.


      • Scene: The figure reaches a hilltop, the early morning sun fully risen now.
      • Visuals: A panoramic view of the path traveled, bathed in golden light.
      • Action: The figure looks towards the horizon, a peaceful and satisfied smile on their face, symbolizing the fulfillment found in stepping out in faith.