The Still, Small Voice - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 6: “The Still, Small Voice”

Song Description:

“The Still, Small Voice” is the sixth track, delicately woven to encourage listeners to seek and recognize God’s voice in the quiet, subtle moments of life. This song is an invitation to cultivate a deep sense of attentiveness and discernment, necessary for hearing the gentle guidance of the Divine amidst life’s noise and distractions.

The composition features a serene and gentle arrangement, designed to mimic the quiet and unassuming nature of a whisper. The music may incorporate soft, flowing melodies, perhaps with the use of acoustic guitar, light piano keys, and soothing strings, to create a reflective and calming atmosphere. The intention is to draw the listener into a state of peaceful contemplation, away from the chaos of the external world.

Vocally, the song conveys a sense of intimacy and closeness, mirroring the personal and private nature of God’s communication with us. The lyrics are inspired by the Biblical narrative of Elijah encountering God not in the earthquake, wind, or fire, but in a still, small voice. They emphasize the importance of being still, listening carefully, and finding strength and guidance in God’s soft-spoken words.

“The Still, Small Voice” serves as a gentle reminder of the power of God’s quiet guidance in our lives. It encourages listeners to seek moments of solitude and silence, fostering a deeper spiritual awareness and connection with God. This track is a pivotal point in the album, shifting the focus from God’s external manifestations to His intimate whispers in our hearts and minds.

This description is designed to provide listeners with a meaningful understanding of the song’s intent and emotional journey, enriching their experience and connection with its spiritual message. If you need further descriptions for the remaining tracks or have other requests, please let me know.


Devotion for Track 6: “The Still, Small Voice”

Key Scripture:

1 Kings 19:12.  “After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.”


In our fast-paced, loud world, the concept of a ‘still, small voice’ seems almost foreign. Yet, the Bible shows us that God often speaks in whispers, not in the thunderous events. Elijah’s encounter with God teaches us that while God can indeed speak through dramatic events, He often chooses the quiet, gentle whisper to communicate His will, His love, and His guidance.

Digging Deeper:

  • Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God…”
    • This verse is an invitation to quiet our hearts and minds, to step away from the noise and busyness of life, and to find rest and knowledge in the presence of God.
  • John 10:27: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
    • Jesus’ words remind us that recognizing His voice is integral to our relationship with Him. It’s a voice that guides, protects, and nurtures.
  • James 1:19: “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry…”
    • This practical advice underscores the value of listening — a skill essential for hearing God’s still, small voice amidst the clamor of our lives.


  • Quiet Time: Intentionally set aside regular times for silence and solitude. Use these moments to read scripture, pray, and listen for God’s guidance.
  • Journaling: Keep a journal of your thoughts, prayers, and any insights you feel you receive from God. Reflect on how these insights impact your life.
  • Mindful Listening: Practice listening in your daily interactions. Being a good listener to others can enhance your ability to hear God’s voice.


Identify the ‘noises’ in your life that may be drowning out God’s still, small voice. Commit to reducing these distractions, even if it means making significant changes in your daily routine or habits. Seek to cultivate an environment and a heart where you can more readily hear God’s gentle whispers.

This devotion is crafted to encourage a deeper practice of listening for God’s subtle guidance in our lives, recognizing that His voice often comes in quiet, unexpected ways.


The Still, Small Voice

Verse 1

In the rush of the wind, in the roar of the sea,
Your voice, O Lord, gently calls to me.
Amidst the clamor, in the bustling noise,
I seek the peace of Your still, small voice.


The still, small voice, in the quiet I find,
Your words of wisdom, gentle and kind.
In the hush of Your presence, my soul rejoices,
Listening for You, the still, small voice.

Verse 2

In the whispers of leaves, in the rain’s soft touch,
In the quiet, Your voice means so much.
In the moments of silence, I make my choice,
To hear You, Lord, in the still, small voice.


The still, small voice, in the quiet I find,
Your words of wisdom, gentle and kind.
In the hush of Your presence, my soul rejoices,
Listening for You, the still, small voice.


Beyond the thunder, past the world’s cry,
In the sacred silence, under Your sky.
There, in the calm, where my thoughts poise,
I hear You speak, the still, small voice.


The still, small voice, in the quiet I find,
Your words of wisdom, gentle and kind.
In the hush of Your presence, my soul rejoices,
Listening for You, the still, small voice.


In the stillness of dawn, in the peace of the night,
In Your loving whisper, I find Your light.
Guiding me gently, with the softest noise,
The voice of my Shepherd, the still, small voice.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: B flat major (soothing and gentle)
  • Time Signature: 3/4 (lilting, to represent attentiveness and delicacy)
  • Tempo: 68 bpm (moderately slow, emphasizing careful listening)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “The Still, Small Voice” illustrates a journey of seeking and finding quietness where one can hear God’s gentle guidance. The imagery is designed to resonate with the song’s theme of listening for God’s voice in the stillness and subtlety of life. If you need storyboards for additional tracks or any changes, please let me know.


  • Scene: Twilight in a tranquil, secluded forest.
  • Visuals: The fading light casts soft shadows among the trees, creating a peaceful and contemplative atmosphere.
  • Action: A solitary figure is seen walking slowly, their movements deliberate and thoughtful, symbolizing the search for quietness and receptivity.

Verse 1:

  • Scene: The figure sits under a large, ancient tree, looking introspective.
  • Visuals: Close-ups of the natural surroundings – leaves rustling gently, a small brook nearby, wildlife in their evening routines.
  • Action: The figure appears to be listening attentively to the sounds of the forest, a metaphor for tuning into God’s voice.


  • Scene: A clearing where the figure now stands, looking up at the emerging stars.
  • Visuals: The night sky slowly reveals itself, with stars twinkling, symbolizing the divine whispers.
  • Action: The figure extends their hands outward, palms up, in a gesture of openness and receptivity.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: The figure resumes walking, deeper into the forest.
  • Visuals: Moonbeams filter through the trees, creating patterns of light and shadow.
  • Action: The figure stops occasionally, closes their eyes, and takes deep breaths, further symbolizing the act of listening intently.


    • Scene: Return to the clearing, now illuminated by moonlight.
    • Visuals: The camera pans upwards, capturing the vastness of the night sky, reinforcing the chorus’s theme of divine presence.
    • Action: The figure’s expression is one of peace and understanding, reflecting a moment of spiritual connection.


      • Scene: The figure finds a small, secluded pond reflecting the moon and stars.
      • Visuals: The reflection in the water creates a sense of depth and introspection.
      • Action: The figure kneels by the pond, looking into the water, then upwards, symbolizing the internal and external search for God’s voice.


      • Scene: Pre-dawn light begins to illuminate the forest.
      • Visuals: The first light of dawn brings a new clarity, symbolizing newfound insight and peace.
      • Action: The figure walks out of the forest, a look of contentment and resolve on their face, ready to carry the still, small voice with them into the world.