Throne of Surrender - Coming Soon

by Darren Winfield

Track 2: “Throne of Surrender”

Song Description:

“Throne of Surrender” is the second track of the album, taking listeners deeper into their spiritual journey with a powerful theme of surrendering to God’s will. This song is a heartfelt expression of laying down personal ambitions, fears, and control, to embrace the path God has laid out. The music is composed to mirror the act of surrendering – starting with a sense of introspection and culminating in a powerful release of trust and faith.

The instrumentation blends soulful melodies with stirring harmonies, creating a tapestry of sound that is both moving and uplifting. The arrangement may include a mix of acoustic and orchestral elements, providing a rich, emotive backdrop to the lyrics. The vocals are strong yet vulnerable, reflecting the human struggle of relinquishing control and the peace that comes with complete trust in God.

Lyrically, “Throne of Surrender” draws from the powerful imagery of surrendering one’s ‘throne’ – the seat of personal control – to God. It references biblical concepts of submission and trust, resonating deeply with listeners who are on a journey of deepening their faith and reliance on God. The chorus is a poignant, memorable declaration of surrendering to God’s sovereignty in every aspect of life.

This song is more than a musical piece; it’s a call to action, inviting listeners to consider areas of their lives that need to be surrendered to God. It sets a tone of humility and submission for the rest of the album, encouraging a deeper, more trusting relationship with the Divine.

This description aims to give the listener a profound sense of the song’s intent and emotional journey, enriching their experience and understanding of its place within the album. If you need further modifications or descriptions for additional tracks, please let me know.


Devotion for Track 2: “Throne of Surrender”

Key Scripture:

Luke 22:42.  “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.”


Surrender is often seen as a sign of weakness in our world, but in the Kingdom of God, it is a position of strength and trust. Jesus Himself, in the garden of Gethsemane, provided the ultimate example of surrender. Facing immense pain and suffering, He chose to submit to the Father’s will, showing that true surrender is an act of profound love and trust in God’s plan.

Digging Deeper:

  • Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…”
    • Trusting God means relying on His understanding and wisdom rather than our own. Surrendering to God involves letting go of our plans and leaning into His guidance.
  • Romans 12:1: “…present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God…”
    • True worship involves offering ourselves fully to God, surrendering every part of our being to His service and glory.
  • James 4:7: “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
    • Surrender to God is also a powerful weapon against temptation and evil. In submission, there is divine strength and protection.


  • Daily Surrender: Start each day with a prayer of surrender, offering your plans, hopes, and struggles to God.
  • Reflective Journaling: Regularly journal your thoughts and feelings about surrender. Reflect on areas of your life where you struggle to let go and invite God into those spaces.
  • Community Accountability: Share your journey of surrender with a trusted friend or mentor. Encourage one another in walking this path of faith.


Identify one area of your life where you find it difficult to surrender control. Commit to praying specifically about this, asking God for the grace to trust and surrender fully. Reflect on any changes or insights that arise from this focused prayer.

This devotion is crafted to deepen the understanding and practice of surrender in the believer’s life, challenging them to consider the transformative power of fully submitting to God’s will.


Throne of Surrender

Verse 1

Here before Your throne, I lay my crown,
In Your holy presence, all walls come down.
Every dream and fear, to You, I bow,
On the throne of surrender, my vows I avow.


Lord, take Your place, reign in my heart,
Throne of surrender, where You impart.
Your will, not mine, let Your kingdom start,
In my yielded soul, Your love impart.

Verse 2

In the quiet surrender, Your grace I find,
Your plans, not mine, in my life entwined.
In humble adoration, my will resigned,
On the throne of my heart, Your love defined.


Lord, take Your place, reign in my heart,
Throne of surrender, where You impart.
Your will, not mine, let Your kingdom start,
In my yielded soul, Your love impart.


In surrender, I find freedom, in letting go, I gain,
In the throne room of my Savior, in loss, there’s much to gain.
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, in my life, Your refrain,
On the throne of surrender, in Your love, I remain.


Lord, take Your place, reign in my heart,
Throne of surrender, where You impart.
Your will, not mine, let Your kingdom start,
In my yielded soul, Your love impart.


Here on bended knee, Your sovereignty I embrace,
Throne of surrender, filled with Your grace.
In my life, Lord, take Your rightful place,
In the throne of surrender, I find Your embrace.

Lead Sheet

Coming Soon

  • Key: A minor (captures a sense of introspection and depth)
  • Time Signature: 3/4 (waltz-like, symbolizing surrender and release)
  • Tempo: 70 bpm (moderately slow, emphasizing thoughtfulness)

Storyboard descriptions for music video

This storyboard for “Throne of Surrender” visualizes the spiritual journey of letting go and trusting in God’s will, using the desert-to-oasis transition as a metaphor for spiritual renewal. The imagery is designed to resonate with the themes of surrender and transformation presented in the song. If you need storyboards for additional tracks or any adjustments, please let me know.


  • Scene: Dusk, in a vast desert landscape, under a sky transitioning from sunset to twilight.
  • Visuals: Panoramic shots of the desert, emphasizing its vastness and solitude.
  • Action: A lone figure is seen walking, their shadow elongating in the fading light, symbolizing the journey towards surrender.

Verse 1:

  • Scene: The figure walks through the desert, their expressions mixed with struggle and contemplation.
  • Visuals: Close-ups of the figure’s face, interspersed with the harsh desert environment – sand, dry plants, distant mountains.
  • Action: As the verse progresses, the figure starts to discard items they are carrying (symbolic of letting go of burdens and control).


  • Scene: The figure reaches the top of a dune and looks up to the sky, now starlit.
  • Visuals: The vastness of the night sky, with stars beginning to shine brightly, symbolizing divine presence.
  • Action: The figure kneels, hands open towards the sky, in a posture of surrender and openness.

Verse 2:

  • Scene: Night in the desert, with the figure continuing their journey, now with a more peaceful demeanor.
  • Visuals: Moonlight casting a gentle glow, illuminating the path forward.
  • Action: The figure stops occasionally to look around, taking in the beauty and stillness of the night.


    • Scene: Return to the dune top, with the figure now lying on the sand, gazing at the stars.
    • Visuals: A time-lapse of the stars moving across the sky, depicting the passing of time and internal transformation.
    • Action: The figure’s facial expressions show a growing sense of peace and acceptance.


      • Scene: A gradual transition from night to dawn, symbolizing new understanding and enlightenment.
      • Visuals: The desert is shown in the soft light of dawn, revealing its beauty and tranquility.
      • Action: The figure stands and begins to walk again, this time with a sense of purpose and renewal.


      • Scene: The figure reaches a lush oasis as the sun rises, symbolizing the refreshment and new life found in surrender.
      • Visuals: The oasis, vibrant with greenery and water, stands in stark contrast to the earlier desert.
      • Action: The figure drinks from the water and looks towards the rising sun, a smile of contentment and gratitude on their face.